Oracle Schema Objects

Object Tables

object type

  • An Oracle object type is a user-defined type with a name, attributes, and methods.

Oracle 对象类型是具有名称、 属性、和方法的用户定义类型。

  • Object types make it possible to model real-world entities such as customers and purchase orders as objects in the database.


  • An object type defines a logical structure, but does not create storage.



CREATE TYPE department_typ AS OBJECT
   ( d_name     VARCHAR2(100),
     d_address VARCHAR2(200) );

object table

An object table is a special kind of table in which each row represents an object.



CREATE TABLE departments_obj_t OF department_typ;

INSERT INTO departments_obj_t

VALUES ('hr', '10 Main St, Sometown, CA');

  • The CREATE TABLE statement creates an object table named departments_obj_t of the object type department_typ.

CREATE TABLE 语句创建一个名为 departments_obj_t 的对象表,其对象类型为 department_typ 。

  • The attributes (columns) of this table are derived from the definition of the object type.

此表的属性 (列) 派生自该对象类型的定义

  • The INSERT statement inserts a row into this table.

使用INSERT 语句将行插入到此表。

Temporary Tables

temporary tables

  • Oracle Database temporary tables hold data that exists only for the duration of a transaction or session.

Oracle 数据库的 临时表,用于存放只存在于某个事务或会话期间的数据。

  • Data in a temporary table is private to the session, which means that each session can only see and modify its own data.


  • Temporary tables are useful in applications where a result set must be buffered.


    • For example, a scheduling application enables college students to create optional semester course schedules.
    • Each schedule is represented by a row in a temporary table. During the session, the schedule data is private.
    • When the student decides on a schedule, the application moves the row for the chosen schedule to a permanent table.
    • At the end of the session, the schedule data in the temporary data is automatically dropped.
    • 例如,一个计划应用程序使学生可以创建可选的学期课程计划。
    • 每个课程计划由临时表中的一行表示。
    • 在会话期间,课程计划数据是私有的。
    • 当某个学生确定了课程计划,应用程序会将其所选计划移入永久表。
    • 在会话结束时,临时表中的课程计划数据将被自动删除。

Temporary Table Creation


  • The CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement creates a temporary table.


  • The ON COMMIT clause specifies whether the table data is transaction-specific (default) or session-specific.

ON COMMIT 子句指定表中的数据是特定于事务 (默认值),还是特定于会话。

Unlike temporary tables in some other relational databases, when you create a temporary table in an Oracle database, you create a static table definition. The temporary table is a persistent object described in the data dictionary, but appears empty until your session inserts data into the table. You create a temporary table for the database itself, not for every PL/SQL stored procedure.

Because temporary tables are statically defined, you can create indexes for them with the CREATE INDEX statement. Indexes created on temporary tables are also temporary. The data in the index has the same session or transaction scope as the data in the temporary table. You can also create a view or trigger on a temporary table.

与其它一些关系数据库中的临时表不同,当你在 Oracle 数据库中创建一个临时表时,你只创建其静态表定义。


你是在为数据库本身创建一个临时表,而不是为每个 PL/SQL 存储过程。

因为临时表是静态定义的,您可以使用 CREATE INDEX 语句为其创建索引。


Segment Allocation in Temporary Tables


Like permanent tables, temporary tables are defined in the data dictionary. Temporary segments are allocated when data is first inserted. Until data is loaded in a session the table appears empty. Temporary segments are deallocated at the end of the transaction for transaction-specific temporary tables and at the end of the session for session-specific temporary tables.






External Tables

external table

An external table accesses data in external sources as if this data were in a table in the database. You can use SQL, PL/SQL, and Java to query the external data.

外部表访问外部数据源中的数据,如同此数据是在数据库中的表中一样。您可以使用 SQL 、 PL/SQL、和 Java 查询外部数据。

External tables are useful for querying flat files. For example, a SQL-based application may need to access records in a text file. The records are in the following form:

外部表可用于查询平面文件。例如,一个基于 SQL 的应用程序,可能需要访问一个文本文件中的记录。记录的形式如下:

102,Lex,De Haan,LDEHAAN,515.123.4569,13-JAN-01,AD_VP,17000,100,90

You could create an external table, copy the file to the location specified in the external table definition, and use SQL to query the records in the text file.

您可以创建一个外部表,把这个文件复制到外部表定义中指定的位置,并使用 SQL 查询该文本文件中的记录。

External tables are also valuable for performing ETL tasks common in data warehouse environments.

外部表对于在数据仓库环境中执行常见的 ETL任务也是很有价值的。

For example, external tables enable the pipelining of the data loading phase with the transformation phase, eliminating the need to stage data inside the database in preparation for further processing inside the database.


External Table Creation

External Table Creation

Internally, creating an external table means creating metadata in the data dictionary.


Unlike an ordinary table, an external table does not describe data stored in the database, nor does it describe how data is stored externally.


Rather, external table metadata describes how the external table layer must present data to the database.


A CREATE TABLE ... ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL statement has two parts.


The external table definition describes the column types.


This definition is like a view that enables SQL to query external data without loading it into the database.

这个定义像一个视图,使您可以使用 SQL 查询外部数据,而不用将其加载到数据库。

The second part of the statement maps the external data to the columns.


External tables are read-only unless created with CREATE TABLE AS SELECT with the ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver. 外部表是只读的,除非它是使用 CREATE TABLE AS SELECT 和ORACLE_DATAPUMP 访问驱动程序创建的。

Restrictions for external tables include no support for indexed columns, virtual columns, and column objects.

外部表有些限制,包括不支持索引列、 虚拟列、和列对象。

External Table Access Drivers

外部表访问 驱动程序

External Table Access Drivers

外部表访问 驱动程序

An access driver is an API that interprets the external data for the database.

访问驱动程序是一个 API,它为数据库解释外部数据。

The access driver runs inside the database, which uses the driver to read the data in the external table.


The access driver and the external table layer are responsible for performing the transformations required on the data in the data file so that it matches the external table definition.


xternal Tables外部数据是如何被访问的

ORACLE_LOADER (default) and ORACLE_DATAPUMP access drivers

Oracle provides the ORACLE_LOADER (default) and ORACLE_DATAPUMP access drivers for external tables.

Oracle 为外部表提供了 ORACLE_LOADER(缺省) 和ORACLE_DATAPUMP 访问驱动程序。

For both drivers, the external files are not Oracle data files.

对于这两个驱动程序来说,外部文件不是 Oracle 数据文件(,而只是普通操作系统文件)。


ORACLE_LOADER enables read-only access to external files using SQL*Loader.

ORACLE_LOADER 允许通过 SQL*Loader 对外部文件进行只读访问。

You cannot create, update, or append to an external file using the ORACLE_LOADER driver.

您不能使用 ORACLE_LOADER 驱动程序创建、 更新、或追加数据到外部文件

ORACLE_DATAPUMP access drivers

The ORACLE_DATAPUMP driver enables you to unload external data.

ORACLE_DATAPUMP 驱动程序使您能够 卸载外部数据。

This operation involves reading data from the database and inserting the data into an external table, represented by one or more external files.


After external files are created, the database cannot update or append data to them.


The driver also enables you to load external data, which involves reading an external table and loading its data into a database.



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