select count(stuno) from student--2、查询stucou表中选课的人次
select count(*)as 选课人数 from stucou--3、查询stucou表中学生所选课程数量
select count(distinct couno) from stucou --4、查询stucou表中选了001课程的人数
select count(*) from stucou where couno='001'--5、查询stucou表中第2志愿(willorder)选了001课程的人数
select count(*) from stucou where willorder='2' and couno='001'--6、统计student2010表中籍贯与你相同(同一县、区或市)的学生人数
select count(*) from student2010 where  jtdz like '%汕头%'--7、统计student2010表中与你同姓的学生人数
select * from student2010 where xm like '陈%'--8、查询qypt08class表班级最多的人数
select max(rs) from qypt08class--9、查询qypt08class表护理学院的班级最少人数
select min(rs) from qypt08class---------分组统计(group by子句使用)----------------------1、统计student2010表中男、女生人数
select xb, count(xb) from student2010 group by xb--2、统计stucou表中各门课程的选修人数
select * from stucou
select couno, count(*) from stucou group by couno--3、统计stucou表中每个学生选修的课程数量
select * from stucou
select stuno,count(*) from stucou group by stuno--4、统计student2010表中每个院系的学生人数
select * from student2010
select xymc,count(*) from student2010 group by xymc
select * from student2010
select bjmc,xymc,count(*) as 人数 from student2010 group by bjmc,xymc order by 人数 desc
select mz,count(*) from student2010 group by mz order by count(*)--7、在student2010表分专业统计男、女生人数,按专业名称排序
select zymc,xb,count(*) as 人数 from student2010 group by zymc,xb order by 人数 desc-------------------对分组统计的结果进一步筛选(having子句使用)--------------------------------1、查询qypt08class表中各院系的人数,只显示人数多于400的记录
select * from qypt08class
select yx,sum(rs) from qypt08class group by yx having sum(rs)>400
select * from stucou
select couno,count(*) from stucou group by couno having count(*)<30
select * from student2010
select xymc,zymc,bjmc,count(*) from student2010 group by xymc,zymc,bjmc having count(*)>20
select * from qypt08student where bjmc in (select bjmc from qypt08student where xm='陈小梅') and xb='男'--2、在qypt08student表中查询和“黄巧”在同一院系的所有女同学的信息。
select * from qypt08student where yx=(select yx from qypt08student where xm='黄巧' ) and xb='女'--3、在qypt08student表中查询和“黄巧”在同一院系的所有陈姓女同学的信息。
select * from qypt08student where yx=(select yx from qypt08student where xm='黄巧' ) and xb='女' and xm like '陈%'
select * from course where willnum in (select max(willnum) from course)--5、查询course表中最少人选修的课程信息(willnum最小)
select * from course where willnum=(select min(willnum) from course)--6、查询course表中选修人数大于平均选修数的课程信息
select * from course
select  from course

select * from qypt08student where bjmc in (select bjmc from qypt08student where xm='陈小梅') and xb='男'--2、在qypt08student表中查询和“黄巧”在同一院系的所有女同学的信息。
select * from qypt08student where yx=(select yx from qypt08student where xm='黄巧' ) and xb='女'--3、在qypt08student表中查询和“黄巧”在同一院系的所有陈姓女同学的信息。
select * from qypt08student where yx=(select yx from qypt08student where xm='黄巧' ) and xb='女' and xm like '陈%'
select * from course where willnum in (select max(willnum) from course)--5、查询course表中最少人选修的课程信息(willnum最小)
select * from course where willnum=(select min(willnum) from course)--6、查询course表中选修人数大于平均选修数的课程信息
select * from course
select  from course

select * from qypt08student where bjmc in (select bjmc from qypt08student where xm='陈小梅') and xb='男'--2、在qypt08student表中查询和“黄巧”在同一院系的所有女同学的信息。select * from qypt08student where yx=(select yx from qypt08student where xm='黄巧' ) and xb='女'
--3、在qypt08student表中查询和“黄巧”在同一院系的所有陈姓女同学的信息。select * from qypt08student where yx=(select yx from qypt08student where xm='黄巧' ) and xb='女' and xm like '陈%'
select * from course where willnum in (select max(willnum) from course)--5、查询course表中最少人选修的课程信息(willnum最小)select * from course where willnum=(select min(willnum) from course)--6、查询course表中选修人数大于平均选修数的课程信息
select avg(willnum) from course
select * from course where willnum > (select avg(willnum) from course )--7、查询course表中选修人数少于平均选修数的课程信息
select * from course where willnum < (select avg(willnum) from course )--8、查询所有有选修课的学生信息
select * from student
select * from course
select distinct stuno from stucou
select * from student where stuno in (select distinct stuno from stucou)
select * from student where stuno not in  (select distinct stuno from stucou)--10、查询没有人选修的课程信息
select * from course where willnum ='0'--11、查找选修了课程号为002的课程的学生信息
select stuno from stucou where couno ='002'
select * from student where stuno in (select stuno from stucou where couno ='002')
--12、查找20000001班没有选修课程号为004的课程的学生信息select * from class where classno ='20000001'
select * from course where couno not ='004'--13、查找选修了“智能建筑”课程的学生信息--14、查询成绩表中大于平均分的学生信息--15、查询已经选修了课程的学生信息--视图练习

select * from qypt08student where xh like '%1'
select * from qypt08student where xh like '%01'
select * from qypt08student where xm like '张%'
select * from qypt08student where xm like '张_'
select * from qypt08student where xm like '张_' and xb like '女'
select * from student where pwd like '7%7'
select * from qypt08student where xm like '张%' and xm not like '张_'
select * from qypt08student where xm like '张%' and xm not like '张_' and xb like '男'
select * from qypt08student where xm like '[张,李,刘]%'
select * from student2010 where sfzh like '%[0-9]'



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