
Given an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive integer.For example,
Given [1,2,0] return 3,
and [3,4,-1,1] return 2.Your algorithm should run in O(n) time and uses constant space.




    public int firstMissingPositive(int[] nums) {int size = nums.length;if(size == 0) return 1;Arrays.sort(nums);int positive = 1;for(int i = 0 ; i<size ; i++){if(nums[i]<positive) continue;if(nums[i]>positive) return positive;positive++;}return positive;}


要实现这种空间复杂度,一般需要有限数量的临时变量来记录遍历的有效范围,再利用原有题目中的数据结构来存储其余的临时变量。这些临时变量可以是排除出的量,也可以是有效量。在这里我用leftPointer记录有效数字的开始下标(即将无效数字转移到leftPointer左侧),利用maxPositive记录数组最大有效整数(换句话说,如果一个数组的大小为9,则该数组的最大first missing positive integer即为10,一旦数组中出现重复或是小于1或是大于9的数字,该数字即为无效数字)。当遇到的数字为有效数字时,则将该数字放到对应当前起始下标leftPointer其相应的位置上。

    public int firstMissingPositive2(int[] nums){int size = nums.length;int positive = 1;int leftPointer = 0;int maxPositive = size;while(leftPointer<size){if(nums[leftPointer] == positive){leftPointer++;positive++;}else if(nums[leftPointer] > maxPositive || nums[leftPointer] < positive || nums[leftPointer]==nums[leftPointer+nums[leftPointer]-positive]){leftPointer++;maxPositive--;}else{int temp = nums[leftPointer];nums[leftPointer] = nums[leftPointer+temp-positive];nums[leftPointer+temp-positive] = temp;}}return positive;}    


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