一种结构和纹理感知 Retinex 模型 (2020 TIP) (1 of 2)

STAR: A Structure and Texture Aware Retinex Model

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Fig. 1. An example to illustrate the applications of the proposed STAR model based on Retinex theory. (a) The input low-light and color-distorted image; (b) the estimated illumination component of (a); (c) the estimated reflectance component of (a); (d) the extracted structure and texture maps (half each) of (a); (e) the illumination enhanced low-light image of (a); (f) the color corrected image of (a).

Method: Structure and Texture Aware Retinex Model

Proposed Model

In this section, we propose a Structure and Texture Aware Retinex (STAR) model to simultaneously estimate the illumination I and the reflectance R of an observed image O. To make our STAR model as simple as possible, we adopt the TV -norm to regularize the illumination and reflectance components. The proposed STAR model is formulated as

where and are the two matrices defined in (9)【式(9)相关内容查看 一种结构和纹理感知 Retinex 模型 (2020 TIP) (1 of 2)】, indicating the structure map of the illumination and the texture map of the reflectance, respectively. The structure should be small enough to preserve the edges of objects in the scene, while large enough to suppress the details (as the inverse of Figure 2 (d,e)). On the other hand, the texture map should be small enough to reveal the details (as the inverse of Figure 2 (b,c)).


STAR 模型采用 TV   -norm 来规则化光照和反射率成分。所提出的星模型表述为公式(10)其中 and  为 (9) 中定义的两个矩阵,分别表示光照的结构图和反射率的纹理图。结构应该足够小,以保留场景中对象的边缘,同时足够大,以抑制细节。另一方面,纹理映射应该足够小,以展示细节

Optimization Algorithm

Since the objective function (10) is separable w.r.t. the two variables I and R, it can be solved via an alternative optimization algorithm. The two separated sub-problems are convex and alternatively solved. We initialize the matrix variables . Denote as the illumination and reflectance components at the k-th (k = 0, 1, 2, ..., K) iteration, respectively, and K is the maximum iteration number. By optimizing one variable at a time while fixing the other, we can alternatively update the two variables as follows:

由于目标函数 (10) 是可分离的 w.r.t. 两个变量 IR,它可以通过另一种优化算法求解。两个分离的子问题是凸的,且可交替解决。我们初始化矩阵变量  表示第 k 次迭代的光照分量和反射率分量 (k = 0,1,2,…, K) 迭代,K 为最大迭代次数。通过一次优化一个变量,同时修复另一个变量,本文选择如下方式更新这两个变量:

  • a) Update I while fifixing R.

With in the k-th iteration,  the optimization problem with respect to I becomes:

To solve the problem (11), we reformulate it into a vectorized format. To this end, with the vectorization operator vec(·), we denote vectors , , which are of length nm. Denote by G the Toeplitz matrix from the discrete gradient operator with forward difference, then we have . Denote by the matrices with lying on the main diagonals, respectively. Then, the problem (11) is transformed into a standard least squares regression problem

By differentiating problem (12) with respect to i, and setting  the derivative to 0, we have the following solution

We then reformulate the obtained into matrix format via  the inverse vectorization .

可分离迭代优化之:固定 R 的同时更新 I:

为了解决问题 (11),我们将其重新表述为向量化的格式。为此,我们用矢量化算子 vec(·) 表示向量  ,长度为 nm。用正差分离散梯度算子的 Toeplitz 矩阵表示,则 。用  分别表示 位于主对角线上的矩阵。然后将问题 (11) 转化为标准最小二乘回归问题,即公式 (12)。通过对问题 (12) 对 i 求导,并使导数为 0,得解(13)。

  • b) Update R while fifixing I.

After acquiring from the  solution (11), the optimization problem (10) with respect to R is similar to that of I:

Similarly, we reformulate the problem (14) into a vectorized format. Additionally, we denote . which are of length nm. We also have . Denote by the matrices with lying on the main diagonals, respectively. Then, the problem (14) is also transformed into a standard least squares problem

By differentiating the problem (15) with respect to r, and setting the derivative to 0, we have the following solution

We then reformulate the obtained  into the matrix format  via inverse vectorization .

可分离迭代优化之:固定 I 的同时更新 R:

该过程同 固定 R 的同时更新 I 相同,此处略。

  • The Iteration

The above alternative algorithm are repeated until the convergence condition is satisfied or the number of iterations exceeds a preset threshold. The convergence condition of the alternative optimization algorithm is: kIk+1 1IkkF /kIkkF ε or kRk+1 1 RkkF /kRkkF k ε is satisfied, or the maximum iteration number K is achieved. We set ε = 1002 and K = 20 in our experiments. Our STAR model (10) can be efficiently solved since there are only two variables in problem (10) and each sub-problem has closed-form solution.


重复上述替代算法,直到满足收敛条件或迭代次数超过预先设定的阈值。该替代优化算法的收敛条件为:    或  满足,或达到最大迭代次数 k。本文实验中设置 ε = 1002; K = 20。由于问题 (10) 中只有两个变量,而且每个子问题都有封闭形式的解,所以STAR 模型 (10) 可以有效地求解。

  • Convergence Analysis. 

The convergence of Algorithm 1 can be guaranteed since the overall objective function (10) is convex with a global optimal solution. In Figure 4, we plot the {average convergence curves of the errors of  on the 35 low-light images collected from [9], [17], [19], [24]. One can see that either of them is reduced to less than ε = 0.01 in 10 iterations.

收敛性分析。由于总体目标函数(10)是凸的,具有全局最优解,因此算法1的收敛性可以得到保证。在图4中,本文对 [9]、[17]、[19]、[24] 采集的 35 张微光图像绘制了  误差的{平均收敛曲线。可以看到,在 10 次迭代中,它们中的任何一个都减小到 ε = 0.01 以下。

Fig. 4: The average convergence curves of (blue line) and (orange line) of our STAR on the 35 images collected from [9], [17], [19], [24].

[9]    A joint intrinsicextrinsic prior model for Retinex.  (ICCV 2017).

[17]  A probabilistic method for image enhancement with simultaneous illumination and reflectance estimation. (TIP 2015).

[19]  A weighted variational model for simultaneous reflectance and illumination estimation.(CVPR 2016).

[24]  LIME: Low-light image enhancement via illumination map estimation. (TIP 2017).

Updating Structure and Texture Awareness

Until now, we have obtained the decomposition of O = I  R. To achieve better estimation on illumination and reflflectance, we update the structure and texture aware maps S and T , and then solve the renewed problem (10). The alternative updating of (S, T) and (I, R) are repeated for L iterations. We set L = 4 to balance the speed-accuracy trade-off of the proposed STAR model in our experiments. We summarize the updating procedures in Algorithm 2.

为了更好的估计光照和反射率,本文还更新了结构和纹理感知映射 S 和 T,然后解决更新的问题 (10)。(S, T) 和 (I, R) 的交替更新重复进行 L 次迭代。在实验中,设 L = 4 来平衡所提出的 STAR 模型的 速度-精度 平衡。总结了算法 2 中的更新过程。

  • Complexity Analysis.

Now we discuss the complexity analysis of the proposed Algorithms 1 and 2. Assume that the input image is of size n×m. In Algorithm 1, the costs for updating I and R are both O(nmK) due to the diagonalization operations, where K is the number of iterations in Algorithm 1. In Algorithm 2, the costs for updating S and T are also O(nmKL), where L is the number of updating in Algorithm 2. As such, the overall complexity of our STAR for Retinex decomposition is O(nmKL).

假设输入图像的大小为 n×m。在算法 1 中,由于对角化操作,更新 I 和 R 的代价均为 O(nmK),其中 K 为算法 1 的迭代次数。在算法 2 中,更新 S 和 T 的代价也是 O(nmKL),其中 L 是算法 2 中更新的次数。因此,STAR 的 Retinex分解 的总体复杂性是 O(nmKL)


Fig. 5: Comparisons of illumination and reflflectance components by different Retinex decomposition methods on the image “2” from the 35 low-light images collected from [9], [17], [19], [24].

Fig. 6: Comparisons of illumination and reflflectance components by different Retinex decomposition methods on the image “15” from the 35 low-light images collected from [9], [17], [19], [24].

Fig. 7: Comparison of illumination and reflflectance components by the proposed STAR model with ETV or EMLV weighting schemes. For better comparisons, we illustrate the components in the RGB channels instead of V channel.

Fig. 8: Ablation study of structure or texture map on the illumination and reflflectance decomposition performance of the proposed STAR model. For better comparisons, we illustrate the components in the RGB channels instead of V channel.

Fig. 9: Ablation study of the parameters (γs, γt) on the illumination and reflflectance decomposition performance of the proposed STAR model. For better comparisons, we illustrate the components in the RGB channels instead of V channel.

Fig. 10: Ablation study of updating iterations L on the illumination and reflflectance decomposition performance of the proposed STAR model. For better comparisons, we illustrate the components in the RGB channels instead of V channel.

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