
generate an image from a stock pattern.

IM=VLPATTERN(NAME) returns an instance of the specified pattern. These stock patterns are useful for testing algoirthms.

All generated patterns are returned as an image of class DOUBLE. Both gray-scale and colour images have range in [0,1].

vl_impattern() without arguments shows a gallery of the stock patterns. The following patterns are supported:
vl_impattern() 支持以下模式:

  • A stock image::
    Any of ‘box’, ‘roofs1’, ‘roofs2’, ‘river1’, ‘river2’, ‘spotted’.
I = vl_impattern('roofs1') ; % 载入测试图像
figure,image(I) ; % 显示图片
  • Wedge::
    The image of a wedge.
  • Cone::
    The image of a cone.
  • SmoothChecker::
    A checkerboard with Gaussian filtering on top. Use the
    option-value pair ‘sigma’, SIGMA to specify the standard
    deviation of the smoothing and the pair ‘step’, STEP to specfity
    the checker size in pixels.
  • ThreeDotsSquare::
    A pattern with three small dots and two squares.
  • UniformNoise::
    Random i.i.d. noise.
  • Blobs:
    Gaussian blobs of various sizes and anisotropies.
  • Blobs1:
    Gaussian blobs of various orientations and anisotropies.
  • Blob:
    One Gaussian blob. Use the option-value pairs ‘sigma’,
    ‘orientation’, and ‘anisotropy’ to specify the respective
    parameters. ‘sigma’ is the scalar standard deviation of an
    isotropic blob (the image domain is the rectangle
    [-1,1]^2). ‘orientation’ is the clockwise rotation (as the Y
    axis points downards). ‘anisotropy’ (>= 1) is the ratio of the
    the largest over the smallest axis of the blob (the smallest
    axis length is set by ‘sigma’). Set ‘cut’ to TRUE to cut half
    half of the blob.

All pattern accept a SIZE parameter [WIDTH,HEIGHT]. For all but the stock images, the default size is [128,128].


image(C) displays matrix C as an image. Each element of C specifies the color of a rectilinear patch in the image. C can be a matrix of dimension MxN or MxNx3, and can contain double, uint8, or uint16 data.



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