xvideo downloader and player 介绍

xvideo downloader and player

With X-Video Player app, you can maduras enjoy high quality top video files on your device. And most other video format MP4, AVI and so on. music downloader And audio formats MOV, M4Vetc are supported. X-Video Player support plays all the video formats smoothly, supports hd, full hd and 4k videos.Besides, XPlayer can plays all the audio formats, enjoy the best music experience. With xPlayer you can adjust the hot video/audio effect such as set video displaying size and adjust the audio track, etc. when playing video/audio files with X Video Player.Main features of X Video :VIDEO PLAYER & AUDIO PLAYER◆ Play All Types of Format: Xplayer can play all types of video format and audio format on your android device without any trouble.◆ Multiple Subtitle: X-Video Player support multiple subtitle formats support◆ Smooth and Easy: X-Video Player can quick start and smooth and easy playback with video resume◆ X Video Player allow adjust the video/audio effect such as:+ Music player with equalizer and presets+ Video streaming support+ xplayer app support insert subtitle for videos+ X Video Player also support mp3 cutter for making the ringtone+ Mp3 player with equalizer+ Bass booster for extra bass+ Thumbnail of video and mp3 files.+ Multiple widgetsAnd a lot more…You have a lot of movies, and you looking for an app video xplayer but on the market there are many video player app. Try this X Video Player for your phone, the best xplayer for you.If you are looking for a xPlayer that plays .mp4 and other files for free, just download the X Video Player for Android. It will give you best experience. Free music xplayer, video xplayer for android, it is also a better music player to play MP3.X Video Player equalizer helps you to make your audio playing super cool. enjoy ultimate high quality top video. music player with mp3 cutter makes your favorite song to ringtone features.And now you can play any video, any audio with X-Video PlayerDownload XVideo Player app now and join the fun! More video will be coming soon!

来自应用汇: xvideo downloader and player http://www.appchina.com/app/xvideodownloaders.inc?from=spi-desc

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