Inspired by this talk by Jean-Philippe Côté I saw at Web Unleashed in Toronto last month, I thought I should dust off the old midi cable.

上个月我在多伦多的Web Unleashed上看到的让-菲利普·科特( Jean-PhilippeCôté)的演讲启发了我,我认为我应该清除旧的Midi电缆。


MIDI is a protocol that various music and lighting devices use to talk to each other. Believe it or not v1.0 of the spec from 1983 is still the one in use, remaining largely unchanged. In a world where we don't know if we're using JavaScript, ECMAScript7, ES2016 or ES.Next, this is... interesting development. Or lack of. Looks like it just works. It's all about sending messages between devices. I admit the content of the messages in not the frieldliest, but it seems to be doing the job.

MIDI是各种音乐和照明设备用来互相交谈的协议。 信不信由你自1983年以来的规范v1.0仍在使用中,基本上保持不变。 在一个我们不知道是否使用JavaScript,ECMAScript7,ES2016或ES的世界中,接下来,这是一个有趣的发展。 还是缺乏。 看起来就可以了。 这都是关于在设备之间发送消息。 我承认消息的内容不是最友好的,但似乎可以完成工作。

And now - there's WebMIDI! Supported in Chrome and Opera proper (no flags) and via a polyfill everywhere else.

现在-有WebMIDI! 在Chrome和Opera专有版本(无标志)中以及通过其他所有位置的polyfill支持。

So let's see how to use it...



离地(Off the ground)

You need:


  • Device with MIDI out, any old keyboard or pad of some sorts
  • MIDI to USB cable (under $10 on Amazon), unless your device speaks midi over USB or your computer has a MIDI (send me photo!)

navigator.requestMIDIAccess() is where it all starts. It returns a promise, which resolves with MIDIAccess object that has a map of MIDI inputs (you can have more than one)

navigator.requestMIDIAccess()是所有内容的起点。 它返回一个MIDIAccess ,并使用MIDIAccess对象进行解析, MIDIAccess对象具有MIDI输入映射(您可以有多个)

Here's how I get the first (and only, in my case) input suffering through modern APIs with their promises and their iterators and buh-humbah-grumble-grubmle:


midi =>
FIRST = midi.inputs.values().next().value

Now if you inspect FIRST you'll see it has a curious property - onmidimessage.

现在,如果您检查FIRST ,就会发现它具有奇特的属性onmidimessage

As you can expect, you signup for those events and start exploring them.


听... (Listen...)

msg => console.log(

The data seems to be the most promising piece of the msg event object.


Here's what happens when I play C as soft as I can:


[144, 48, 33]
[128, 48, 64]

The two events seem to be "start" (144) and "stop" (128), the note is 48 and 33 is the velocity. 64... no idea and too lazy to look up specs.

这两个事件似乎是“开始”(144)和“停止”(128),音符是48,速度是33。 64 ...不知道,而且懒得查找规格。

Isn't that the beauty of web programming? I dunno what I'm doing (did not RTFM) but I can already build stuff just by trying things out and happily hacking.

这不是Web编程的美吗? 我不知道自己在做什么(不是RTFM),但是我已经可以通过尝试并愉快地进行黑客攻击来构建东西。

Then I play the same C as loud as I can:


[144, 48, 122]
[128, 48, 64]

yup, 144 is start, 48 is C and 122 is the velocity (how hard I hit)


Playing soft and loud D seems to coincide with the hypothesis.


[144, 50, 70]
[128, 50, 64]
[144, 50, 120]
[128, 50, 64]


Thanks for watching and reading, now let's hack on some music stuff!


快速更新-尝试过电子鼓,像魅力一样 (Quick update - tried with electronic drums, works like a charm)

navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then(midi => I = midi.inputs);
I.values().next().value.onmidimessage = msg => console.log(

Here's a slow closing of the hi-hat:


[185, 4, 4]
[185, 4, 8]
[185, 4, 12]
[185, 4, 16]
[185, 4, 21]
[185, 4, 26]
[185, 4, 30]
[185, 4, 35]
[185, 4, 42]
[185, 4, 49]
[185, 4, 55]
[185, 4, 59]
[185, 4, 63]
[185, 4, 68]
[185, 4, 73]
[185, 4, 79]
[185, 4, 83]
[185, 4, 90]

Closed hi-hat hit


[185, 4, 90]
[153, 22, 89]
[137, 22, 64]

And slightly open


[185, 4, 81]
[153, 26, 65]
[137, 26, 64]

Snare proper:


[153, 38, 98]
[137, 38, 64]

Snare rim:


[153, 37, 35]
[137, 37, 64]

Rim shot (both skin/mesh and rim)


[153, 40, 127]
[137, 40, 64]

另一个快速更新:控制表面消失的香蕉 (Another quick update: control surface gone bananas)

A control surface is a big mouse replacement when you work with music software and there are a lot of channels (tracks, e.g. guitar, bass, lead vocals, backing vocals...). So instead of reaching with the mouse to various virtual knobs why not work with real knobs and even twist more than one at a time. And guess what - control surfaces also use MIDI.

当您使用音乐软件并且有很多通道(音轨,例如吉他,贝斯,主唱,背景音乐...)时,控制面板是鼠标的替代品。 因此,与其用鼠标触及各种虚拟旋钮,不如不使用真实旋钮甚至一次扭曲多个旋钮。 猜猜是什么-控制界面也使用MIDI。

So after logging a few MIDI messaged to the console, it was obvious that messages starting with 144 (like note ON for keyboards) are for touch controls. The second bit is which touch control (there are about a hundred on this device) and then a value between 0 (off), 127 (on) and sometimes values in between to mean blinking.

因此,在记录了一些发送到控制台的MIDI消息后,很明显,以144开头的消息(例如键盘的音符为ON)是用于触摸控件的。 第二位是哪个触摸控制(此设备上大约有一百个),然后是介于0(关闭),127(开启)之间的值,有时介于两者之间的值表示闪烁。

As for the faders, this control surface has 9 with numbers 224 to 232 and values 0 to 127.


So all that's left is to write two random functions to control random knobs and faders with a setTimeout and make the thing dance and blink and go crazy.


Unlike the previous examples where I used MIDI input, this here is the midi output. In other words the browser sends a MIDI message to the device and the device reacts. For some reason I couldn't make this output work with the keyboard, but here it totally worked.

与之前使用MIDI输入的示例不同,这里是midi输出。 换句话说,浏览器向设备发送MIDI消息,然后设备做出React。 由于某种原因,我无法使此输出与键盘一起工作,但是在这里它完全可以工作。

navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then(midi => O = midi.outputs);
// thanks stackoverflow
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
// random touch (on/off lights)
function rando144() {
return [144, getRandomInt(0, 100), getRandomInt(120, 127)];
var a = setInterval(() => O.values().next().value.send(rando144()), 100)
// random fader
function rando() {
var channel = getRandomInt(224, 232);
var value = getRandomInt(0, 127);
return [channel, 0, value];
var b = setInterval(() => O.values().next().value.send(rando()), 200)

And the video result:



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