

should contain 、 should not contain 与should contain x times

should contain {list_b} 1.0 should not contain{list_b} 1

should contain x times {list_b} 21 2 说明:变量{list_b}包含对象1.0而不包含对象1,且对象21在变量${list_b}出现了两次。

should be empty 与 should not be empty

should be empty {list_c} should not be empty{list_a}


should be equal 与 should not be equal

should be equal {list_a[1]}{list_b[1]}

should not be equal {list_a}{list_b}


Should Be Equal As Numbers 与 Should not Be Equal As Numbers

Should Be Equal As Numbers {list_b[0]} 1.0000 Should not Be Equal As Numbers{list_b[0]} 1.1


Should Be Equal As Integers与Should not Be Equal As Integers

Should Be Equal As Integers {list_a[3]}{list_b[3]}

Should not Be Equal As Integers {list_a[4]}{list_b[4]}



Should Be Equal As Strings与Should not Be Equal As Strings

Should Be Equal As Strings {list_a[2]}{list_b[2]}

Should not Be Equal As Strings {list_a[0]}{list_b[0]}


Should Be True与Should not Be True

Should Be True {list_a[0]} < 10 Should not Be True{list_a[0]} < 1


Should start With与Should not start With

Should start With {string} peng Should not start With{string} h

说明:${string}=”pengliwen is in hangzhou“是以peng开头,而非以h开头;

Should End With与Should not End With

Should End With {string} hangzhou Should not End With{string} pengliwen

说明:${string}=”pengliwen is in hangzhou“是以hangzhou结尾,而非以pengliwen结尾;

should match与should not match

should match {name} p?? should not match{string} h?



Should Match Regexp与Should not Match Regexp

Should Match Regexp {name} ^\w{3}

Should not Match Regexp {name} ^\d{3}



dictionary should contain item

dictionary should contain key

dictionary should contain sub dictionary

dictionary should contain value

dictionary should not contain key

dictionary should not contain value

convert to dictionary

list should contain sub list

list should contain value

list should not contain value

convert to list

count values in list

get count

get length


row count is equal to x

row count is greater than x

row count is less than x


${listtest} set variable 1 a a b

:FOR {li} IN @{listtest} \ log{li}

\ run keyword if ${li}=='a' exit for loop

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