
According to


Internet World Stats, there are 3,611,375,813 Internet users around the world as of June 30, 2016. Because of this, online customer reviews have become a vital component of businesses and are considered by many as a form of “social proof” where people take the word of others as proof that a particular product or service is valuable and worth getting.Internet World Stats ,截至2016年6月30日,全球共有3,611,375,813名Internet用户。因此,在线客户评论已成为企业的重要组成部分,并被许多人视为人们“接受”的“社会证明”形式。用别人的话来证明特定的产品或服务是有价值的,值得获得。

When a potential customer conducts online research about a product or service from a business with many great reviews, it makes it much easier for them to not only trust the company but also purchase those goods because of the social proof shared online.


On the contrary, businesses with a shortage of great reviews don’t get the benefit of the doubt from potential customers. Worse yet, having zero reviews is just as detrimental as having negative reviews.

相反,缺乏好评的企业无法从潜在客户那里获得怀疑的好处。 更糟糕的是,零评论与负面评论一样有害。

With this in mind, it’s crucial that Experts Exchange members do their best to get their existing customers to share their reviews online as a form of social proof for potential customers.

考虑到这一点,至关重要的是,Expert Exchange成员应尽最大努力让现有客户在线共享其评论,以此作为对潜在客户的社交证明。

Try Asking - It Never Hurts


If you’re new to getting reviews, it may seem a bit awkward to ask customers to assess your business and share their opinions online about the products or services purchased. But don’t let that stop you. Like the old adage goes, “ask and you shall receive.”

如果您是初次获得评论,要求客户评估您的业务并在线在线分享他们对所购买产品或服务的意见可能有点尴尬。 但是不要让那阻止你。 就像古老的格言一样,“问问,您会得到的。”

So instead of feeling hesitant, you need to just simply ask your customers to leave a review. In parallel, you must also train your staff to make it a point to ask customers for a review as part of their regular routine. Doing so will go a long way and you’ll find that customers are more likely to actually review your business than if you were to leave it solely up to them.

因此,您不必犹豫,而只需要让客户留下评论即可。 同时,您还必须培训您的员工,使其成为要求客户进行例行检查的重点。 这样做将有很长的路要走,并且您会发现,与您完全由客户自己决定时,客户更有可能实际审查您的业务。

Follow These Simple Tips for Getting Started


If you’re new to this and are not sure where to begin, we can help you get a running start.


Follow these helpful tips to simplify the customer review process and get the glowing reviews you’ve always wanted.


1. Show Them How to Help You


No one wants to spend time searching for ways to leave your business a review, especially when they don’t have to. Therefore, you should make it extremely easy to leave reviews for your business by streamlining the entire process.

没有人愿意花时间寻找使您的企业获得审查的方法,尤其是在不必要时。 因此,通过简化整个流程,您应该非常轻松地为您的业务留下评论。

To do so, you can add a URL on your webpage that links to popular review sites so that customers will only need about a minute to complete a simple review. Or vice versa, you can add a link to your business profile on popular sites to get reviews – we recommend doing both!

为此,您可以在网页上添加一个URL,该URL链接到受欢迎的评论网站,这样客户只需大约一分钟即可完成简单的评论。 反之亦然,您可以在热门网站上添加指向您的业务资料的链接以获取评论-我们建议您同时进行!

Here are some popular online review sites to choose from:


  • Amazon亚马孙
  • Consumer Reports消费者报告
  • Better Business Bureau商业改善局
  • Yelp喊叫
  • Angie’s List安吉的名单
  • Trip Advisor旅行顾问
  • Glassdoor玻璃门
  • Merchant Circle商圈

2. Use Social Media to Your Advantage


Using social media platforms is a no brainer when it comes to getting social proof for your business. Whether you’re a small, or large company, every business must use social media as part of their marketing strategy to not only promote their business but also to get customer reviews. Start with these sites and you’ll get social proof in no time at all:

在为您的企业获取社交证明时,使用社交媒体平台毫无疑问。 无论您是小型公司还是大型公司,每个企业都必须使用社交媒体作为其营销策略的一部分,以不仅促进其业务发展,而且还必须获得客户的好评。 从这些网站开始,您将立即获得社会证明:

  • Facebook脸书
  • Twitter推特
  • LinkedIn领英
  • PinterestPinterest的
  • YouTube的YouTube
  • InstagramInstagram的
  • Vine藤蔓
  • TumblrTumblr

3. Get More Reviews by Using Surveys


Believe it or not, surveys are still used by millions of businesses and it’s still an effective way to see how your business is doing. And although you can still conduct surveys via phone, we prefer using other online methods for ease and convenience.

信不信由你,调查仍然被数百万家企业使用,它仍然是了解您的业务状况的有效方法。 而且,尽管您仍然可以通过电话进行调查,但为了方便和方便,我们更喜欢使用其他在线方法。

Calling customers at inconvenient times hoping that they’ll complete your survey is a thing of the past. Nowadays, it’s much easier to send out online surveys so customers can complete them at their leisure. Here are some of the more popular survey sites to choose from:

在不方便的时间打电话给客户,希望他们能够完成您的调查已经成为过去。 如今,发送在线调查更加容易,客户可以在闲暇时完成调查。 以下是一些较受欢迎的调查站点可供选择:

  • Survey Monkey调查猴子
  • ZoomerangZoomerang
  • Free Online Surveys免费在线调查
  • Zoho佐霍

We recommend keeping your surveys short and simple. Ask customers how they feel about their latest experience with your business. Make sure to include a section for them to rate your company based on a star scale from 1-5, or have them rate your company as “Poor, Fair, Good, or Excellent.”

我们建议您的调查简短而简单。 向客户询问他们对您最近的业务体验的感觉。 确保包括一个部分,让他们根据1-5的星标对您的公司进行评分,或者让他们将您的公司评为“差,中,好或优秀”。

4. Don't Ignore Online Business Directories


Online business directories is another great place to start when looking to build your online presence. Once your business is setup with these directories, you can check the reviews periodically, and of course, respond to them in a timely manner:

寻求建立在线形象时,在线业务目录是另一个不错的起点。 使用这些目录设置您的企业后,您可以定期检查评论,当然,请及时回复它们:

  • Google My BusinessGoogle我的商家
  • Whitepages白页
  • YellowPages黄页
  • Local Listing本地上市

5. Give Incentives - Not Bribes


If you’ve tried everything listed above and you’re still not getting the amount of reviews that you want, then it’s time to start thinking about rewarding your customers for their opinions.


To incentivize customers for their reviews, you can entice them with the following:


  • Give discounts on products or services offered提供所提供产品或服务的折扣
  • Provide samples of goods for their testimonials提供商品样品作为证明
  • Hold a contest - customers who leave a review is automatically entered into the contest举行比赛-留下评论的客户会自动进入比赛



Incentives are meant to reward your customers for taking the time to complete a review of your business and it should NOT be construed as a bribe. 奖励旨在奖励您的客户,因为他们花时间完成对您的业务的审查,不应将其视为贿赂。



Make sure that the website(s) that you’re offering customers incentives on ALLOW for this type of activity since some sites restrict this effort – read their rules, terms & conditions first before providing any incentives to customers for their reviews!确保某些网站限制您为此类活动提供客户激励的网站,因为某些网站限制了这种努力–在向客户提供任何激励以进行评论之前,请先阅读其规则,条款和条件!

Remember These Tips When Responding


When the reviews come pouring in, there are certain things to keep in mind when responding.


First, Experts Exchange members must LISTEN to what your customers are saying – that’s the only way to improve on the products and services being offered.

首先,Expert Exchange成员必须听听您的客户的话-这是改善所提供产品和服务的唯一方法。

Next, take ownership of the reviews, regardless if it’s ruthless and scathing. Ensure that you’re addressing the problem at hand. Don’t steer off course or avoid the concerns because you don’t want to deal with it. Do your best to be honest, helpful, professional, and polite.

接下来,获得评论的所有权,无论评论是否残酷无礼。 确保您正在解决当前的问题。 不要绕开路线或避免担心,因为您不想处理它。 尽力做到诚实,乐于助人,专业和礼貌。

Remember that responding to good reviews helps to reinforce positive customer experiences while replying to bad reviews helps to resolve customer concerns.


Keep your responses short, sweet, and simple. More importantly, humanize your responses so that it’s not generic and robotic. By doing so, it shows that your business is doing its best to get to know customers on a more personal level by engaging with them.

让您的回答简短,甜美和简单。 更重要的是,将您的响应人性化,以使其不泛泛而机器人化。 通过这样做,它表明您的企业正在尽最大努力通过与客户互动来更个性化地了解客户。

Last but not least, always says “thank you.” This action alone shows customers that you care about their feedback, honesty, and that you’re doing your best to address their concerns.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,总是说“谢谢”。 仅此一项操作就向客户表明您在乎他们的反馈,诚实,并且正在尽最大努力解决他们的担忧。

In today’s world, gaining customer reviews makes a big difference to a company’s top and bottom-line. Previously, companies had to give out samples of products and/or services in order for potential customers to determine if the goods were worth purchasing.

在当今世界,获得客户的评价对公司的营收和利润至关重要。 以前,公司必须提供产品和/或服务的样本,以便潜在客户确定商品是否值得购买。

Nowadays, everyone with Internet access simply go online to look at reviews to determine if the business is trustworthy and that the goods being sold are of high-quality.


The better the reviews are, the more likely potential customers will purchase those products and/or services, hence why the proof of the pudding is actually in the reviews now and not the eating.


Following the tips above will go a long way in building customer rapport and Experts Exchange members also get a great reputation as a people-centric company. Only then will you get those glowing reviews you’ve always wanted!

遵循上述提示将在建立客户关系方面大有帮助,并且Experts Exchange成员也以人为本的公司享有很高的声誉。 只有这样,您才能获得您一直想要的发光评论!

*We love it when our customers say awesome things about us, especially on social media and review sites. We would like to say thank you for all your support!

*当客户对我们说出很棒的话时,我们会喜欢它,尤其是在社交媒体和评论网站上。 我们要感谢您的支持!

As a token of appreciation, we welcome Experts Exchange members to join our Advocates Program to reward you for your honesty and loyalty.

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/28721/The-Proof-is-in-the-Reviews-Not-the-Pudding.html



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