go-filecoin 源码已经在2019年2月15日3:00(+8:00)发布了,可以使用github上已经编译好的0.0.1版本,还可以自己编译。



  1. 系统:我这里使用的是ubuntu 18.03.1 64位版本
  2. go语言环境(Go >= v1.11.2)
  3. Rush环境(Rust >= v1.31.0 and cargo)
  4. pkg-config工具(pkg-config)
  5. 国际互联网接入服务(部分代码会从golang.org拉取,需要科学上网工具)


export http_proxy=<>
export https_proxy=<>export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:/root/go/bin
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=/root/go


wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gzcurl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | shapt install -y pkg-config cargo
apt install -y jq libclang-dev clangecho $GOPATH
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/filecoin-project
git clone https://github.com/filecoin-project/go-filecoin.git ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/filecoin-project/go-filecoin
cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/filecoin-project/go-filecoin
FILECOIN_USE_PRECOMPILED_RUST_PROOFS=true go run ./build/*.go deps# First, build the binary
go run ./build/*.go build# Install go-filecoin to ${GOPATH}/bin (necessary for tests)
go run ./build/*.go install# Then, run the tests.
go run ./build/*.go test# Build and test can be combined!
go run ./build/*.go best


编译好之后,就可以运行这个命令了 go-filecoin


go run ./build/*.go deps时遇到一些问题,网络状况不是很好,连接经常中断,可以自己分步运行这些指令,在代码./build/main.go的115行~150行

go get -u github.com/whyrusleeping/gx
go get -u github.com/whyrusleeping/gx-go
gx install
gx-go rewrite
go get -u github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter
gometalinter --install
go get -u github.com/stretchr/testify
go get -u github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema
go get -u github.com/ipfs/iptb
go get -u github.com/docker/docker/api/types
go get -u github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container
go get -u github.com/docker/docker/client
go get -u github.com/docker/docker/pkg/stdcopy
go get -u github.com/ipsn/go-secp256k1
go get -u github.com/json-iterator/go
go get -u github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus
go get -u github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp
go get -u github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report
go get -u github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/difflib


curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
apt install -y jq libclang-dev clang

不能改变顺序,这里涉及到依赖的版本问题,apt install 时会安装Rust,但是不是我们想要的版本,先安装rust,在apt,可以避免版本依赖问题。


wget https://github.com/filecoin-project/go-filecoin/releases/download/0.0.1/filecoin-Linux.tar.gz
tar -zxvf filecoin-Linux.tar.gz
cp filecoin/go-filecoin /usr/local/bin/


由于filecoin还处于开发阶段,默认运行命令go-filecoin bootstrap ls 什么都没有,想要手动添加启动连接节点等设置。

rm -rf ~/.filecoin
go-filecoin init --devnet-user --genesisfile=http://user.kittyhawk.wtf:8020/genesis.car
go-filecoin daemon

注意这里go-filecoin daemon和ipfs daemon一样,会占用一个会话,这样可以做出服务启动:
vim /lib/systemd/system/filecoin.service
cp ${GOPATH}/bin/go-filecoin /usr/local/bin/go-filecoin

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/go-filecoin daemon

service filecoin start

这时候我们运行go-filecoin swarm peers已经可以看到已经链接上的其他对等节点。


go-filecoin config heartbeat.nickname "billimba"
go-filecoin config heartbeat.beatTarget "/dns4/stats-infra.kittyhawk.wtf/tcp/8080/ipfs/QmUWmZnpZb6xFryNDeNU7KcJ1Af5oHy7fB9npU67sseEjR"

进入 https://stats.kittyhawk.wtf/ 查看我自己。

运行go-filecoin daemon后会去同步区块,这时cpu是100%的,应该在验证块吧,在网页上看到自己的Block Height是30,等了很久没有上涨,于是我放了一个晚上,第二天已经同步上了,Block Height已经很别人一样了,同步到最新的区块了。


root@imba:~# go-filecoin
USAGEgo-filecoin - A decentralized storage networkgo-filecoin [--cmdapiaddr=<cmdapiaddr>] [--repodir=<repodir>] [--encoding=<encoding> | --enc] [--help] [-h]SUBCOMMANDSSTART RUNNING FILECOINgo-filecoin init                   - Initialize a filecoin repogo-filecoin config <key> [<value>] - Get and set filecoin config valuesgo-filecoin daemon                 - Start a long-running daemon processgo-filecoin wallet                 - Manage your filecoin walletsgo-filecoin address                - Interact with addressesSTORE AND RETRIEVE DATAgo-filecoin client                 - Make deals, store data, retrieve datago-filecoin retrieval-client       - Manage retrieval client operationsMINEgo-filecoin miner                  - Manage a single miner actorgo-filecoin mining                 - Manage all mining operations for a nodeVIEW DATA STRUCTURESgo-filecoin chain                  - Inspect the filecoin blockchaingo-filecoin dag                    - Interact with IPLD DAG objectsgo-filecoin show                   - Get human-readable representations of filecoin objectsNETWORK COMMANDSgo-filecoin bootstrap              - Interact with bootstrap addressesgo-filecoin id                     - Show info about the network peersgo-filecoin ping <peer ID>...      - Send echo request packets to p2p network membersgo-filecoin swarm                  - Interact with the swarmACTOR COMMANDSgo-filecoin actor                  - Interact with actors. Actors are built-in smart contracts.go-filecoin paych                  - Payment channel operationsMESSAGE COMMANDSgo-filecoin message                - Manage messagesgo-filecoin mpool                  - Manage the message poolTOOL COMMANDSgo-filecoin log                    - Interact with the daemon event log output.go-filecoin version                - Show go-filecoin version information


命令 go-filecoin bootstrap ls

root@imba:~# go-filecoin bootstrap
USAGEgo-filecoin bootstrap - Interact with bootstrap addressesgo-filecoin bootstrapSUBCOMMANDSgo-filecoin bootstrap ls - Use 'go-filecoin bootstrap --help' for more information about this command.root@imba:~# go-filecoin bootstrap ls
&{[/dns4/user.kittyhawk.wtf/tcp/9000/ipfs/Qmd6xrWYHsxivfakYRy6MszTpuAiEoFbgE1LWw4EvwBpp4 /dns4/user.kittyhawk.wtf/tcp/9001/ipfs/QmXq6XEYeEmUzBFuuKbVEGgxEpVD4xbSkG2Rhek6zkFMp4 /dns4/user.kittyhawk.wtf/tcp/9002/ipfs/QmXhxqTKzBKHA5FcMuiKZv8YaMPwpbKGXHRVZcFB2DX9XY /dns4/user.kittyhawk.wtf/tcp/9003/ipfs/QmZGDLdQLUTi7uYTNavKwCd7SBc5KMfxzWxAyvqRQvwuiV /dns4/user.kittyhawk.wtf/tcp/9004/ipfs/QmZRnwmCjyNHgeNDiyT8mXRtGhP6uSzgHtrozc42crmVbg]}


命令 go-filecoin id

root@imba:~# go-filecoin id
{"Addresses": ["/ip4/","/ip4/"],"ID": "QmZFBFbfsGUfULZszVfdDVKE3xdsqCDeGyiuvYkPLkNCAH"


命令 go-filecoin ping

root@imba:~# go-filecoin ping
ipfs: Reading from /dev/stdin; send Ctrl-d to stop.
PING <peer.ID Qm*nqBGeB>
Pong received: time=403.07 ms
Pong received: time=391.73 ms
Pong received: time=379.68 ms
root@imba:~# go-filecoin ping QmW4Z8p7FCspLV1FeTRW6uCNApUXqkm8xYYw4yuBnqBGeB
PING <peer.ID Qm*nqBGeB>
Pong received: time=410.90 ms
Pong received: time=397.93 ms
Pong received: time=402.41 ms


命令 go-filecoin swarm

root@imba:~# go-filecoin swarm
USAGEgo-filecoin swarm - Interact with the swarmgo-filecoin swarm'go-filecoin swarm' is a tool to manipulate the libp2p swarm. The swarm is thecomponent that opens, listens for, and maintains connections to otherlibp2p peers on the internet.SUBCOMMANDSgo-filecoin swarm connect <address>... - Open connection to a given address.go-filecoin swarm findpeer <peerID>... - Find the multiaddresses associated with a Peer ID.go-filecoin swarm peers                - List peers with open connections.Use 'go-filecoin swarm --help' for more information about this command.

go-filecoin swarm peers 查看自己连上的连接。
go-filecoin swarm findpeer <peerID> 使用Peer ID寻找address。
go-filecoin swarm connect <address> 去连接一个地址。


root@imba:~# go-filecoin wallet
USAGEgo-filecoin wallet - Manage your filecoin walletsgo-filecoin walletSUBCOMMANDSgo-filecoin wallet addrs                 - Interact with addressesgo-filecoin wallet balance <address>     - go-filecoin wallet export <addresses>... - go-filecoin wallet import <walletFile>   - Use 'go-filecoin wallet --help' for more information about this command.
root@imba:~# go-filecoin wallet addrs
USAGEgo-filecoin wallet addrs - Interact with addressesgo-filecoin wallet addrsSUBCOMMANDSgo-filecoin wallet addrs lookup <address> - go-filecoin wallet addrs ls               - go-filecoin wallet addrs new              - Use 'go-filecoin wallet addrs --help' for more information about this command.

go-filecoin wallet addrs ls 显示自己的地址列表。
go-filecoin wallet addrs new 新建一个地址。
//TODO 未知 go-filecoin wallet addrs lookup

go-filecoin wallet balance <address> 查询余额。
go-filecoin wallet export <addresses> 导出密钥对。
go-filecoin wallet import <walletFile> 导入密钥对文件。


root@imba:~# go-filecoin chain
USAGEgo-filecoin chain - Inspect the filecoin blockchaingo-filecoin chainSUBCOMMANDSgo-filecoin chain head - Get heaviest tipset CIDsgo-filecoin chain ls   - List blocks in the blockchainUse 'go-filecoin chain --help' for more information about this command.

go-filecoin chain ls 查看所有块
go-filecoin chain head 查看块头


root@imba:~# go-filecoin dag
USAGEgo-filecoin dag - Interact with IPLD DAG objects.go-filecoin dagSUBCOMMANDSgo-filecoin dag get <ref> - Get a DAG node by its CIDUse 'go-filecoin dag --help' for more information about this command.


root@imba:~# go-filecoin show
USAGEgo-filecoin show - Get human-readable representations of filecoin objectsgo-filecoin showSUBCOMMANDSgo-filecoin show block <ref> - Show a filecoin block by its CIDUse 'go-filecoin show --help' for more information about this command.root@imba:~# go-filecoin show block zDPWYqFD7zTH4Ato2vpcVXjKpuHSAZujSLQRBQfZXe5GWsD9thZx
Block Details
Miner:  fcqnmc3x995uxvh2xjjl3h4d8nt3c0w50lgu4f7ts
Weight: 3190.000
Height: 30
Nonce:  0
root@imba:~# go-filecoin show block zDPWYqFCutuHwRZhGXzji9L4eHeoFxxNCxCruGjWje36aAvbK2XV
Block Details
Miner:  fcqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyptunp
Weight: 0.000
Height: 0
Nonce:  0
root@imba:~# go-filecoin show block zDPWYqFD1R4povAi2A9DZHXVvXc4Cku1NsLEawFCN5yVGjiwnjY8
Block Details
Miner:  fcqnmc3x995uxvh2xjjl3h4d8nt3c0w50lgu4f7ts
Weight: 0.000
Height: 1
Nonce:  0

go-filecoin show block <ref> 结合go-filecoin chain使用


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