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why change the course

the reason why i change the game theory is simple :
1. for studying english
2. the Yale course is more theoretical

game 1



Obviously,strategy A is always better than B !
We say that my strategy a strictly dominates my strategy b r(严格优势策咯) if my payoff from a is strictly greater than that from b regardless of what others do

It is crystal clear that:

lesson 1 : Do not play a strictly dominated strategy (被动态,表严格劣势策略)

the question is in what situation that we need to choose B ?
Unless all the people want to get a better score , but that is some wrong with this reasoning :
1. it bases on the magical reasoning aspect , my choice can affect others
2. even if everyone choose b ,I choose a is still better

so is does not exist a situation to choose B….

But in the same time ,it explains that

lesson 2 : rational choice in this case , can lead to outcome inefficient



but how about we change the payoff :

in the time , a is not the strictly dominates strategy
this kind of game is called a “Coordination problem”(协和谬论 )

So,the payoff is matter ,in other words :

you can’t get what you want unless you know what you want

think about another payoff:

in this way , for me ,it does not exist the strictly dominate strategy , but my opponent has strictly dominate strategy is a . On the basis of lesson 1 , he/she will choose a .
Therefore ,our best choice is a .

lesson 4 : put yourself in other’s shoes and try to figure out what they will do

lesson 5 : Yale students are evil …….


“Pick a number”
Without showing your neighbor what you are doing,put in the box below a whole number between 1 and a 100.We will calculate the average number chosen in the class .
The winner in this game is the person whose number is closest to two-thirds times the average in the class
The winner will win $5 minus the difference in pennies between her choice and that two-thirds of the average


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