
什么是收入模型? (What is a Revenue Model?)

A Revenue Model is the method or a business strategy which clearly shows how the business is planning to make money, in other terms how the business plans to generate income from its products or services.


The 5 very popular and time-proven Revenue Models are:


1.免费增值 (1. Freemium)

The term Freemium consists of 2 words: Free and Premium. Freemium is usually a business revenue model where a company offers some kind of free product or services to its site visitors, members, or even to its clients. These free products or services would be time-limited or may consist of few features. The visitor, member, or a client  can use the free product and can purchase its more advanced version which has no such limits (or may have a subscriber-based time limit — usually a recurring monthly payment or an annual payment, or only one time payment).

术语免费增值包含2个字:免费和高级。 免费增值通常是一种商业收入模式,公司向站点访问者,成员甚至客户提供某种免费的产品或服务。 这些免费的产品或服务将受到时间限制,或者可能包含少量功能。 访客,会员或客户可以使用免费产品,并可以购买没有此限制的更高级版本(或可能具有基于订阅者的时间限制-通常是按月定期付款或按年付款,或者只有一次付款)。

2.基于订阅的收入模型 (2. Subscription based Revenue Model)

The subscription business revenue model is used by the company to allow access to its product or services after the customer pays a subscription fee. Examples are newspapers, magazines, and periodicals; even some websites now use this business model to generate revenue.

公司使用订阅业务收入模型来允许在客户支付订阅费用后访问其产品或服务。 例如报纸,杂志和期刊。 甚至有些网站现在都使用这种商业模式来产生收入。

3.联盟营销收入模型 (3. Affiliate Marketing Revenue Model)

In internet marketing, the affiliate can also be called publisher or even an associate. The affiliate is the entity, an individual or perhaps a website, which generates revenue usually in commission form from selling products or services owned other another entity or generating leads (referrals) so that the main owner can convert the leads into possible sales.

在互联网营销中,关联公司也可以称为发布者,甚至可以称为关联公司。 关联公司是实体,个人或网站,通常通过销售其他另一个实体拥有的产品或服务以佣金形式产生收入,或者产生潜在客户(推荐),以便主要所有者可以将潜在客户转化为可能的销售收入。

The revenue earned through affiliate marketing is usually in form of money, but it can also be in forms of rewards, gifts, or any kind of benefit to the affiliate. The affiliate marketing model can be used by the product or service owner and create a network of affiliates. The model can likewise be used by an individual marketer to generate leads to, or to sell products of another owner.

通过会员营销获得的收入通常以金钱的形式出现,但也可以以奖励,礼物或对会员的任何形式的收益的形式出现。 联盟营销模型可由产品或服务所有者使用,并创建联盟网络。 该模型同样可以由单个营销人员用来生成潜在客户或销售其他所有者的产品。

4.广告资助的收入模式 (4. Ad-funded Revenue Model)

Online advertising and marketing is often a type of promoting and advertising products and services to attract web surfers using attractive text-based or image-based commercial messages. The commonly seen advertisements in search engines and other types of websites are examples of this revenue model. The text-based and image-based messages can be mixed together to form more attractive messages. Examples are: contextual advertisements, banner advertising, Social network advertising, Rich Media Ads, classified advertising, and e-mail marketing.

在线广告和营销通常是使用有吸引力的基于文本或基于图像的商业消息来促销和广告产品和服务以吸引网络冲浪者的一种类型。 搜索引擎和其他类型的网站中常见的广告就是这种收入模式的示例。 基于文本的消息和基于图像的消息可以混合在一起以形成更具吸引力的消息。 例如:上下文广告,横幅广告,社交网络广告,Rich Media广告,分类广告和电子邮件营销。

5.潜在客户产生 (5. Lead Generation)

Lead generation indicates creation or generation of potential buyers by creating awareness about the products and services so that the potential customers can visit the product pages for either requesting information about the product or service, or to purchase it immediately or may be at a later date. Leads generation can be used to produce sales, for creating e-mail lists, to do a certain survey, to gather information, or something similar which is valuable for the company. Lead generation is a very important revenue model in internet marketing by which the revenue can be created consistently.

潜在客户的产生通过建立对产品和服务的认识来表示潜在买家的创建或生成,以便潜在客户可以访问产品页面以请求有关产品或服务的信息,或者立即购买或稍后购买。 潜在客户生成可以用于产生销售,创建电子邮件列表,进行特定调查,收集信息或对公司有价值的类似活动。 潜在客户产生是互联网营销中非常重要的收入模型,通过它可以持续创建收入。

始终为您的业务使用收入模型 (Always use a revenue model for your business)

There are other such revenue models which are used to create online income for individuals and organizations. Each may have its own pros and cons, but any way, without a revenue model or revenue planning, it would be very hard to generate income sources, especially on the internet.

还有其他此类收入模型可用于为个人和组织创建在线收入。 每个人都有自己的优缺点,但是无论如何,如果没有收入模型或收入计划,将很难产生收入来源,尤其是在互联网上。

On the other hand, a successful revenue model can be used to create multiple income sources by repeatedly using it in different niches, or even for selling different products and services in a single niche market segment.


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