https(全称:Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer),是以安全为目标的 http 通道,简单讲是 http 的安全版。即 http 下加入 SSL 层,https 的安全基础是 SSL,因此加密的详细内容就需要 SSL。
LAMP 新增对 Let’s Encrypt 的支持,自动签发免费的证书,并添加自动任务到 crond,定期运行自动更新证书。
安装完 LAMP 后,lamp 命令就可以使用了,用法如下。

Usage: lamp [ add | del | list ]
add     Create new Apache Virtual Host
del     Delete Apache Virtual Host
list    List all of Apache Virtual Host


下面为使用 lamp 命令增加 SSL 证书支持的详细使用教程。

注意:在新增虚拟主机之前,请务必确保域名已经解析到该服务器(VPS)的 IP 上,否则 Let’s Encrypt 验证无法通过。

lamp add


Please enter server names(example: 此处输入网站域名
Please enter website root directory(default:/data/www/网站域名): 此处输入网站根目录路径,默认回车即可
Please enter Administrator Email address: 此处输入管理员邮箱地址
Administrator Email address: 此处显示上一步输入的邮箱地址
Do you want to create a database and mysql user with same name? [y/n]: 此处输入 y 或 n,表示创建或不创建数据库(输入 y)
Virtual host [网站域名] has been created
Website root directory is: /data/www/网站域名
Database [数据库名] and mysql user [数据库用户名] has been created // 数据库及同名用户创建成功
Reloading the apache config file...
Syntax OK
Reload success
Do you want to add a SSL certificate? [y/n]: 此处输入 y 或 n,表示添加或不添加证书(输入 y)
1: Use your own SSL Certificate and Key
2: Use Let's Encrypt to create SSL Certificate and Key
Please enter 1 or 2: 此处输入 1 或 2,表示使用自己的证书,或使用 Let's Encrypt 签发免费证书(输入 2)
You have already chosen Let's Encrypt
It will be processed automatically
Installing certbot command...
此处开始下载安装 certbot 命令
Starting create Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate...
此处开始安装 certbot 运行所需的依赖库等
Creating virtual environment...
Installing Python packages...
Installation succeeded.
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator webroot, Installer None
Obtaining a new certificate
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for 网站域名
Using the webroot path /data/www/网站域名 for all unmatched domains.
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
IMPORTANT NOTES:- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:/etc/letsencrypt/live/网站域名/fullchain.pemYour key file has been saved at:/etc/letsencrypt/live/网站域名/privkey.pemYour cert will expire on 2018-02-02. To obtain a new or tweakedversion of this certificate in the future, simply run certbotagain. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run"certbot renew"- Your account credentials have been saved in your Certbotconfiguration directory at /etc/letsencrypt. You should make asecure backup of this folder now. This configuration directory willalso contain certificates and private keys obtained by Certbot somaking regular backups of this folder is ideal.- If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt: to EFF:          's encrypt crontab renew rule is not exist, create it!
Create Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate successfully
Reloading the apache config file...
Syntax OK
Reload success
All done


结束后,查看 crond 任务,命令如下:

crontab -l


0 3 */7 * * /bin/certbot renew --disable-hook-validation --renew-hook "/etc/init.d/httpd restart"

Let’s Encrypt 签发的证书和私钥路径:









  1. 如何申请免费证书(HTTPS)

    如果你的网站域名下, 需要https的证书访问, 需要申请, 可以采用自签名证书, 也可以到FreeSSL首页 - FreeSSL.cn一个提供免费HTTPS证书申请的网站来申请. 首先: 你需要注册 ...

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  4. acme.sh从 letsencrypt 生成SSL免费证书并自动更新证书 实现了 acme 协议, 可以从 letsencrypt 生成免费的证书 ACME 协议: Automatic Certificate Management Environment 自 ...

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  7. cloudflare免费证书_新Cloudflare:免费CDN+免费SSL证书轻松搞定https

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  8. 免费的HTTPS(白嫖阿里云SSL证书)

    带着问题看内容 如何配置 HTTPS? 免费的HTTPS? 介绍 之前本来是用的 certbot,不知道为啥突然出问题了. 然后之前也了解过阿里云上也有免费的 SSL 证书,自己的域名也 是阿里云管理 ...

  9. 八大免费SSL证书-给你的网站免费添加Https安全加密

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