




heappush(heap,item) 往堆中插入一条新的值
heappop(heap) 从堆中弹出最小值
heapreplace(heap,item) 从堆中弹出最小值,并往堆中插入item
heappushpop(heap,item) Python3中的heappushpop更高级
heapify(x) 以线性时间将一个列表转化为堆
merge(*iterables,key=None,reverse=False) 合并对个堆,然后输出
nlargest(n,iterable,key=None) 返回可枚举对象中的n个最大值并返回一个结果集list
nsmallest(n,iterable,key=None) 返回可枚举对象中的n个最小值并返回一个结果集list


#coding=utf-8import heapq
import randomdef test():li = list(random.sample(range(100),6))print (li)n = len(li)#nlargestprint ("nlargest:",heapq.nlargest(n, li))#nsmallestprint ("nsmallest:", heapq.nsmallest(n, li)) #heapifyprint('original list is', li) heapq.heapify(li) print('heapify  list is', li)  # heappush & heappop  heapq.heappush(li, 105)  print('pushed heap is', li)  heapq.heappop(li)  print('popped heap is', li)  # heappushpop & heapreplace  heapq.heappushpop(li, 130)    # heappush -> heappop  print('heappushpop', li)  heapq.heapreplace(li, 2)    # heappop -> heappush  print('heapreplace', li) 

  >>> [15, 2, 50, 34, 37, 55]
  >>> nlargest: [55, 50, 37, 34, 15, 2]
  >>> nsmallest: [2, 15, 34, 37, 50, 55]
  >>> original list is [15, 2, 50, 34, 37, 55]
  >>> heapify  list is [2, 15, 50, 34, 37, 55]
  >>> pushed heap is [2, 15, 50, 34, 37, 55, 105]
  >>> popped heap is [15, 34, 50, 105, 37, 55]
  >>> heappushpop [34, 37, 50, 105, 130, 55]
  >>> heapreplace [2, 37, 50, 105, 130, 55]




#coding=utf-8import heapqdef heapsort(iterable):heap = []for i in iterable:heapq.heappush(heap, i)return [heapq.heappop(heap) for j in range(len(heap))]if __name__ == "__main__":li = [30,40,60,10,20,50]print(heapsort(li))

  >>>> [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]


li = [30,40,60,10,20,50]
n = len(li)
print ("nlargest:",heapq.nlargest(n, li))
print ("nsmallest:", heapq.nsmallest(n, li))

  >>> nlargest: [60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10]
  >>> nsmallest: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]


def heapsort(list):heapq.heapify(list)heap = []while(list):heap.append(heapq.heappop(list))li[:] = heapprint (li)if __name__ == "__main__":li = [30,40,60,10,20,50]heapsort(li)

  >>> [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]



pq = []                         # list of entries arranged in a heap
entry_finder = {}               # mapping of tasks to entries
REMOVED = '<removed-task>'      # placeholder for a removed task
counter = itertools.count()     # unique sequence countdef add_task(task, priority=0):'Add a new task or update the priority of an existing task'if task in entry_finder:remove_task(task)count = next(counter)entry = [priority, count, task]entry_finder[task] = entryheappush(pq, entry)def remove_task(task):'Mark an existing task as REMOVED.  Raise KeyError if not found.'entry = entry_finder.pop(task)entry[-1] = REMOVEDdef pop_task():'Remove and return the lowest priority task. Raise KeyError if empty.'while pq:priority, count, task = heappop(pq)if task is not REMOVED:del entry_finder[task]return taskraise KeyError('pop from an empty priority queue')




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