

[root@lemontree1945 ~]# yum -y install sendmail


[root@lemontree1945 ~]# yum -y install mailx

二、修改配置文件 (把参数中对应的 邮箱设置成自己的邮箱)

[root@lemontree1945 ~]# vim /etc/mail.rc

set from=lemontree1945@163.com
        set smtp=smtps://smtp.163.com:465
        set smtp-auth-user=lemontree1945
        set smtp-auth-password=lemontree1945
        set smtp-auth=login


    set smtp-auth-password:  该选项的设置需要,登录163邮箱,在设置中开放smtp和pop3

           设置的时候,会设置一个授权密码。  set smtp-auth-password=授权密码

    set smtp :这个选项的设置,一般smtp使用的是25端口,465端口是加密端口,



[root@lemontree1945 ~]# systemctl restart sendmail

[root@lemontree1945 ~]# systemctl enable sendmail


[root@lemontree1945 ~]# echo hello | mail -s "TEST" 731978638@qq.com
       [root@lemontree1945 ~]# Missing "nss-config-dir" variable.
      "/root/dead.letter" 11/302

. . . message not sent.



[root@lemontree1945 ~]# vim /etc/mail.rc

set from=lemontree1945@163.com
    set smtp=smtps://smtp.163.com:465
    set smtp-auth-user=lemontree1945
    set smtp-auth-password=lemontree1945
    set smtp-auth=login
    set ssl-verify=ignore

set nss-config-dir=/etc/pki/nssdb


[root@lemontree1945 ~]# systemctl restart sendmail

[root@lemontree1945 ~]# echo hello | mail -s "TEST" 731978638@qq.com

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