—How are you feeling now, Miss?—To tell the truth, much_______.A.badB.badlyC.worseD.worst

He says he likes reading, but we_____________ see him read.A. never B. often C. sometimes D always

The baby ____ cry ___ when he saw his mother come in.A. no; longer B. didn’t; any longer C. didn’t;

We enjoy the ______ streets. We don’t like the busy ones.A.quietB.busyC.scaryD.sad.

—Is there___________ tea in the cup?—Yes, there is____________. Would you like___________?A.some; an

The soft music sounds ________. We are all listening _________.A.beautiful; carefullyB.beautifully;

The soft music sounds ____. We are all listening ____.A. beautiful; carefully B. noisy; carefully C.

---There is a tall building on Taoze Road. Do you know?---I know it. It ________ has 10 floors.A.mos

The little girl is _______ shy. She can’t speak in front of many people.A.a kindB.a kind ofC.kinds o

Jim is tall but Tom is------taller.A.veryB.evenC.tooD.more

Pass me the glasses, Tony. I can_____ watch TV.A.hardlyB.reallyC.ratherD.clearly

It was raining hard.___________ he didn’t have an umbrella.A.UnfortunatelyB.LuckilyC.BecauseD.So

The old man lives ____ in the countryside, but he doesn’t feel_____ because he chats with his childr

--- Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy ?--- I’ll buy ___ of them , so I can give one

We have many differences, but we also have some things ____.A. in common B. in fact C. as for

The soft music sounds ________. We are all listening _________.A.beautiful; carefullyB.beautifully;

_________ cakes do you have and _______ milk do you drink every day?A. How many; how muchB. How much

Pass me the glasses, Tony. I can_____ watch TV.A.hardlyB.reallyC.ratherD.clearly

The baby ____ cry ___ when he saw his mother come in.A. no; longer B. didn’t; any longer C. didn’t;

Who draw ______ Jack?A.so well as B.as well asC.so better than D.as good as

It is ___ hark work for her that she isn’t able to do it ____.A.such, lonelyB.such a, aloneC.such, a

“Would you like ________ eggs?” “ No, thanks.”A. any B. some C. much

The little girl is _______ shy. She can’t speak in front of many people.A.a kindB.a kind ofC.kinds o

--What do you think of maths?--My favorite. It’s ______ for me to study of all the subjects in schoo

—Jim, have you done homework_________?---- Yes, I have _____ done it.A.already; yetB.yet; yetC.alrea

The old man lives ____ in the countryside, but he doesn’t feel_____ because he chats with his childr

---- Why do you like history?---- Because it’s ________ and interesting.A. boring B. difficult C. ea

The baby ____ cry ___ when he saw his mother come in.A. no; longer B. didn’t; any longer C. didn’t;

--- Which of the two English dictionaries will you buy ?--- I’ll buy ___ of them , so I can give one

The meat is ___ dear and eating____ meat is bad for your health .A.very much , many B.too many , man


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