I would like to set the ttl for a collection once, what is the idiomatic way of achieving this when building a java application that uses mongoDB? Do ppl simply apply settings like these in the shell? Or in the application code is it normal to check if a collection is already in the DB, if it is not then create it with the desired options?



I never do index building in my application code anymore.

I confess that I used to. Everytime my application started up I would ensure all my indexes, until suddenly one day a beginner developer got hold of my code and accidently deleted a character within one of my index sequences.

Consequently the entire cluster froze and went down due to processing, in the foreground, this index building. Fortunately I had a number of delayed and non-index building slaves to repair from but still, I lost about 12 hours all in all and in turn 12 hours of business.

I would recommend you don't do your index building in the application code but instead carfully within your mongo console. That goes for any operation like this, even TTL indexing.

mongodb ttl java,在mongoDB集合上设置ttl-是在应用程序中还是在shell中?相关推荐

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