MIT6.S081 2021

  • 环境配置
  • Xv6 and Unix utilities
    • vscode格式化头文件排序问题
    • 以地址空间的视角看待变量
    • 其他
    • 代码参考
  • system calls
    • trace
    • Sysinfo
  • page tables
    • Speed up system calls
    • Print a page table
    • Detecting which pages have been accessed
  • traps
    • RISC-V assembly
    • Backtrace
    • Alarm
  • Copy-on-Write
  • Multithreading
  • networking
  • locks
  • file system
  • mmap

6.S081 lab地址


access code: 6s081


下载Ubuntu镜像华为镜像站, 在software&update中修改软件源(我选的是阿里源)。
更新软件:apt-get update & apt-get upgrade
创建root用户 : sudo passwd root
安装open-vm-tools-desktop 支持宿主机 虚拟机之间复制粘贴

sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server


Port 22
PermitRootLogin yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication yes


gedit pub # 复制粘贴宿主机公钥
mkdir ~/.ssh # 其中~为你想用公钥登录的用户目录,我直接在root用户下创建
cat pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo service sshd restart

安装Remote-ssh插件-》点击左下角图标-》Connect to Host-》Configure SSH Hosts

Host 6.081HostName Port 22User root

而后直接Connect to Host登录即可


sudo apt-get install git build-essential gdb-multiarch qemu-system-misc gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu

vscode crtl + p快捷键被占用,修改crtl + p快捷方式

  1. 在另一个终端中输入 killall qemu-system-arm(网上的方法,我试着不行,使用ps -A | grep qemu找到进程id,而后kill -9 pid杀死进程)
  2. 在 qemu 中 输入ctrl+a 抬起后,再输入’x’。

Xv6 and Unix utilities



#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
// 变成了
#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
// 使得stat.h中uint未声明
struct stat {int dev;     // File system's disk deviceuint ino;    // Inode numbershort type;  // Type of fileshort nlink; // Number of links to fileuint64 size; // Size of file in bytes

解决:将Clang_format_sort Include改成false


int number
res = read(read_fd, &number, 4);
// 等价于
char number[4]
res = read(read_fd, number, 4);




warning:suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value

while(res = func()){}
// 改成
while((res = func())){}


a label can only be part of a statement and a declaration is not a statement

case T_FILE: int a;break;
// 改成
case T_FILE:{int a;break;


gets(char *buf, int max)
{int i, cc;char c;for(i=0; i+1 < max; ){cc = read(0, &c, 1);if(cc < 1)break;buf[i++] = c;if(c == '\n' || c == '\r')break;}buf[i] = '\0';return buf;


$ sh <
$ $ $ $ $ $ ./a/b // 自己测试的输出grep: cannot open ./a/b ./c/b   // 自己测试的输出grep: cannot open ./c/b./b    // 自己测试的输出grep: cannot open ./b


int my_gets(char* buf, int max) {  //读取字符串,读到文件末尾时返回-1int i, cc;char c;int res = 0;for (i = 0; i + 1 < max;) {cc = read(0, &c, 1);if (cc < 1) {res = -1;break;}if (c == '\n') break;buf[i++] = c;}buf[i] = '\0';return res;




Implement the UNIX program sleep for xv6; your sleep should pause for a user-specified number of ticks. A tick is a notion of time defined by the xv6 kernel, namely the time between two interrupts from the timer chip. Your solution should be in the file user/sleep.c.

#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
#include "user/user.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {if (argc != 2) {  // 参数格式不对fprintf(2, "Usage: sleep ticks\n");exit(1);}int ticks = atoi(argv[1]);  // 将字符串转换成整数int res = sleep(ticks);if (res == -1) {exit(-1);}exit(0);


Write a program that uses UNIX system calls to ‘‘ping-pong’’ a byte between two processes over a pair of pipes, one for each direction. The parent should send a byte to the child; the child should print “: received ping”, where is its process ID, write the byte on the pipe to the parent, and exit; the parent should read the byte from the child, print “: received pong”, and exit. Your solution should be in the file user/pingpong.c.

#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
#include "user/user.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {int p[2];char msg = 'a';char buf;pipe(p);if (fork() == 0) {read(p[0], &buf, 1);  // 读取字符int pid = getpid();fprintf(2, "%d: received ping\n", pid);write(p[1], &buf, 1);  // 向管道写入相同字符close(p[0]);           // 关闭读端close(p[1]);           // 关闭写端exit(0);} else {write(p[1], &msg, 1);  // 向管道写入字符read(p[0], &buf, 1);   // 读取字符int pid = getpid();fprintf(2, "%d: received pong\n", pid);close(p[0]);  // 关闭读端close(p[1]);  // 关闭写端}exit(0);


Write a concurrent version of prime sieve using pipes. This idea is due to Doug McIlroy, inventor of Unix pipes. The picture halfway down this page and the surrounding text explain how to do it. Your solution should be in the file user/primes.c.

#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
#include "user/user.h"void func(int read_fd, int write_fd) {close(write_fd);int first_number;int other_number;// 读取第一个数字,作为素数int res = read(read_fd, &first_number, 4);if (res == 0) {  // 管道关闭,立即退出进程close(read_fd);exit(-1);} else {int p[2];pipe(p);if (fork() == 0) {  // 创建子进程func(p[0], p[1]);} else {close(p[0]);while (1) {// 读取其他数字,若不被第一个数字整除,则传给子进程res = read(read_fd, &other_number, 4);// 管道关闭,输出第一个数字后等待子进程退出,下列语句的顺序很重要if (res == 0) {fprintf(2, "prime %d\n", first_number);close(p[1]);wait((int *)0);exit(0);} else {if (other_number % first_number != 0) {write(p[1], &other_number, 4);}}}}}
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {int p[2];pipe(p);if (fork() == 0) {func(p[0], p[1]);} else {close(p[0]);for (int i = 2; i <= 35; i++) {  // 将数字传给子进程write(p[1], &i, 4);}close(p[1]);wait((int *)0);}exit(0);


Write a simple version of the UNIX find program: find all the files in a directory tree with a specific name. Your solution should be in the file user/find.c.

#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
#include "user/user.h"
#include "kernel/fs.h"char *fmtname(char *path) {static char buf[DIRSIZ + 1];char *p;// Find first character after last slash.for (p = path + strlen(path); p >= path && *p != '/'; p--);p++;uint name_len = strlen(p);// Return blank-padded name.if (name_len >= DIRSIZ) return p;memmove(buf, p, strlen(p));buf[name_len] = 0;  // 末尾加上'\0'return buf;
}void find(char *path, char *target_filename) {// printf("test1: %s %s\n", path, target_filename);char buf[512], *p;int fd;struct dirent de;struct stat st;if ((fd = open(path, 0)) < 0) {fprintf(2, "find: cannot open %s\n", path);return;}if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {fprintf(2, "find: cannot stat %s\n", path);close(fd);return;}switch (st.type) {case T_FILE: {char *filename = fmtname(path);// printf("test2: %s\n", filename);if (strcmp(filename, target_filename) == 0) {printf("%s\n", path);}break;}case T_DIR:if (strlen(path) + 1 + DIRSIZ + 1 > sizeof buf) {printf("find: path too long\n");break;}strcpy(buf, path);p = buf + strlen(buf);*p++ = '/';while (read(fd, &de, sizeof(de)) == sizeof(de)) {if (de.inum == 0) continue;memmove(p,, DIRSIZ);p[DIRSIZ] = 0;if (stat(buf, &st) < 0) {printf("find: cannot stat %s\n", buf);continue;}// 判断是否为.或..if (strcmp(, ".") != 0 && strcmp(, "..") != 0) {find(buf, target_filename);}}break;}close(fd);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {if (argc < 3) {fprintf(2, "Usage: find path target_filename\n");exit(1);}find(argv[1], argv[2]);exit(0);


Write a simple version of the UNIX xargs program: read lines from the standard input and run a command for each line, supplying the line as arguments to the command. Your solution should be in the file user/xargs.c.

#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
#include "user/user.h"#define MAX_EXTRA_ARG_LEN 100
int my_gets(char* buf, int max) {  //读取字符串,读到文件末尾时返回-1int i, cc;char c;int res = 0;for (i = 0; i + 1 < max;) {cc = read(0, &c, 1);if (cc < 1) {res = -1;break;}if (c == '\n') break;buf[i++] = c;}buf[i] = '\0';return res;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {char extra_args[MAX_EXTRA_ARG_LEN];while (1) {int res = my_gets(extra_args, MAX_EXTRA_ARG_LEN);// 双重判断,避免\n\n的情况if (extra_args[0] == '\0' && res == -1) {break;}if (fork() == 0) {// 此时argv[0]为xargs,需将参数整体往前移动一位for (int i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) {argv[i] = argv[i + 1];}argv[argc - 1] = extra_args;  // 设置额外参数exec(argv[0], argv);exit(0);} else {wait((int*)0);}}exit(0);

system calls


In this assignment you will add a system call tracing feature that may help you when debugging later labs. You’ll create a new trace system call that will control tracing. It should take one argument, an integer “mask”, whose bits specify which system calls to trace. For example, to trace the fork system call, a program calls trace(1 << SYS_fork), where SYS_fork is a syscall number from kernel/syscall.h. You have to modify the xv6 kernel to print out a line when each system call is about to return, if the system call’s number is set in the mask. The line should contain the process id, the name of the system call and the return value; you don’t need to print the system call arguments. The trace system call should enable tracing for the process that calls it and any children that it subsequently forks, but should not affect other processes.


trace(atoi(argv[1]))->.global trace->syscall->sys_trace->syscall


#include "kernel/param.h"
#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "kernel/stat.h"
#include "user/user.h"int
main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int i;char *nargv[MAXARG];if(argc < 3 || (argv[1][0] < '0' || argv[1][0] > '9')){fprintf(2, "Usage: %s mask command\n", argv[0]);exit(1);}if (trace(atoi(argv[1])) < 0) {fprintf(2, "%s: trace failed\n", argv[0]);exit(1);}for(i = 2; i < argc && i < MAXARG; i++){nargv[i-2] = argv[i];}exec(nargv[0], nargv);exit(0);
int trace(int);


#define SYS_trace 22usys.pl插入函数入口点
.global trace
trace:li a7, SYS_trace # 将系统调用号存入a7中ecall # 陷入内核,跳转到syscall函数ret


extern uint64 sys_trace(void);   // sys_trace函数在别处定义
static uint64 (*syscalls[])(void) = {[SYS_fork] sys_fork,   [SYS_exit] sys_exit,     [SYS_wait] sys_wait,[SYS_pipe] sys_pipe,   [SYS_read] sys_read,     [SYS_kill] sys_kill,[SYS_exec] sys_exec,   [SYS_fstat] sys_fstat,   [SYS_chdir] sys_chdir,[SYS_dup] sys_dup,     [SYS_getpid] sys_getpid, [SYS_sbrk] sys_sbrk,[SYS_sleep] sys_sleep, [SYS_uptime] sys_uptime, [SYS_open] sys_open,[SYS_write] sys_write, [SYS_mknod] sys_mknod,   [SYS_unlink] sys_unlink,[SYS_link] sys_link,   [SYS_mkdir] sys_mkdir,   [SYS_close] sys_close,[SYS_trace] sys_trace,
};  //  增加一条[SYS_trace] sys_trace
static char *sys_call_names[] = {[SYS_fork] "fork",   [SYS_exit] "exit",     [SYS_wait] "wait",[SYS_pipe] "pipe",   [SYS_read] "read",     [SYS_kill] "kill",[SYS_exec] "exec",   [SYS_fstat] "fstat",   [SYS_chdir] "chdir",[SYS_dup] "dup",     [SYS_getpid] "getpid", [SYS_sbrk] "sbrk",[SYS_sleep] "sleep", [SYS_uptime] "uptime", [SYS_open] "open",[SYS_write] "write", [SYS_mknod] "mknod",   [SYS_unlink] "unlink",[SYS_link] "link",   [SYS_mkdir] "mkdir",   [SYS_close] "close",[SYS_trace] "trace",
};  // 系统调用对应的名字void syscall(void) {int num;struct proc *p = myproc();num = p->trapframe->a7;if (num > 0 && num < NELEM(syscalls) && syscalls[num]) {p->trapframe->a0 = syscalls[num]();   // 执行sys_trace()int test_bit = p->trace_mask & (1 << num);if (test_bit) {printf("%d: syscall %s -> %d\n", p->pid, sys_call_names[num],p->trapframe->a0);}} else {printf("%d %s: unknown sys call %d\n", p->pid, p->name, num);p->trapframe->a0 = -1;}


static uint64 argraw(int n) {    // 将系统调用参数存于各个寄存器struct proc *p = myproc();switch (n) {case 0:return p->trapframe->a0;case 1:return p->trapframe->a1;case 2:return p->trapframe->a2;case 3:return p->trapframe->a3;case 4:return p->trapframe->a4;case 5:return p->trapframe->a5;}panic("argraw");return -1;
}int argint(int n, int *ip) {*ip = argraw(n);return 0;
}uint64 sys_trace(void) {int mask;if (argint(0, &mask) < 0) return -1;   // 获取参数myproc()->trace_mask = mask; // 设置trace_maskreturn 0;


struct proc {struct spinlock lock;// p->lock must be held when using these:enum procstate state;  // Process statevoid *chan;            // If non-zero, sleeping on chanint killed;            // If non-zero, have been killedint xstate;            // Exit status to be returned to parent's waitint pid;               // Process ID// wait_lock must be held when using this:struct proc *parent;  // Parent process// these are private to the process, so p->lock need not be held.uint64 kstack;                // Virtual address of kernel stackuint64 sz;                    // Size of process memory (bytes)pagetable_t pagetable;        // User page tablestruct trapframe *trapframe;  // data page for trampoline.Sstruct context context;       // swtch() here to run processstruct file *ofile[NOFILE];   // Open filesstruct inode *cwd;            // Current directorychar name[16];                // Process name (debugging)int trace_mask;               // add trace mask
};static struct proc *allocproc(void) {struct proc *p;for (p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) {acquire(&p->lock);if (p->state == UNUSED) {goto found;} else {release(&p->lock);}}return 0;found:p->pid = allocpid();p->state = USED;p->trace_mask = 0;   // init trace_mask// Allocate a trapframe page.if ((p->trapframe = (struct trapframe *)kalloc()) == 0) {freeproc(p);release(&p->lock);return 0;}// An empty user page table.p->pagetable = proc_pagetable(p);if (p->pagetable == 0) {freeproc(p);release(&p->lock);return 0;}// Set up new context to start executing at forkret,// which returns to user space.memset(&p->context, 0, sizeof(p->context));p->context.ra = (uint64)forkret;p->context.sp = p->kstack + PGSIZE;return p;


// Create a new process, copying the parent.
// Sets up child kernel stack to return as if from fork() system call.
int fork(void) {int i, pid;struct proc *np;struct proc *p = myproc();// Allocate process.if ((np = allocproc()) == 0) {return -1;}// Copy user memory from parent to child.if (uvmcopy(p->pagetable, np->pagetable, p->sz) < 0) {freeproc(np);release(&np->lock);return -1;}np->sz = p->sz;//  copy the trace mask from the parent to the child>trace_mask = p->trace_mask;// copy saved user registers.*(np->trapframe) = *(p->trapframe);// Cause fork to return 0 in the>trapframe->a0 = 0;// increment reference counts on open file descriptors.for (i = 0; i < NOFILE; i++)if (p->ofile[i]) np->ofile[i] = filedup(p->ofile[i]);np->cwd = idup(p->cwd);safestrcpy(np->name, p->name, sizeof(p->name));pid = np->pid;release(&np->lock);acquire(&wait_lock);np->parent = p;release(&wait_lock);acquire(&np->lock);np->state = RUNNABLE;release(&np->lock);return pid;


void syscall(void) {int num;struct proc *p = myproc();num = p->trapframe->a7;if (num > 0 && num < NELEM(syscalls) && syscalls[num]) {p->trapframe->a0 = syscalls[num]();        // a0存储返回值int test_bit = p->trace_mask & (1 << num);  // 取出系统调用号相应位if (test_bit) {     // 如果不为0则输出系统调用相关信息printf("%d: syscall %s -> %d\n", p->pid, sys_call_names[num],p->trapframe->a0);}} else {printf("%d %s: unknown sys call %d\n", p->pid, p->name, num);p->trapframe->a0 = -1;}

在测试trace时,总是出现超时的情况,显示MISSING ALL TESTS PASSED

   def run_qemu(self, *monitors, **kw):"""Run a QEMU-based test.  monitors should functions that willbe called with this Runner instance once QEMU and GDB arestarted.  Typically, they should register callbacks that throwTerminateTest when stop events occur.  The target_baseargument gives the make target to run.  The make_args argumentshould be a list of additional arguments to pass to make.  Thetimeout argument bounds how long to run before returning."""def run_qemu_kw(target_base="qemu", make_args=[], timeout=100):return target_base, make_args, timeouttarget_base, make_args, timeout = run_qemu_kw(**kw)


In this assignment you will add a system call, sysinfo, that collects information about the running system. The system call takes one argument: a pointer to a struct sysinfo (see kernel/sysinfo.h). The kernel should fill out the fields of this struct: the freemem field should be set to the number of bytes of free memory, and the nproc field should be set to the number of processes whose state is not UNUSED. We provide a test program sysinfotest; you pass this assignment if it prints “sysinfotest: OK”.


// 在用户空间调用sysinfo
void sinfo(struct sysinfo *info) {if (sysinfo(info) < 0) {printf("FAIL: sysinfo failed");exit(1);}
struct sysinfo;
int sysinfo(struct sysinfo*);


#define SYS_sysinfo 23usys.pl插入函数入口点
.global sysinfo
sysinfo:li a7, SYS_sysinfoecallret


// syscall.c
extern uint64 sys_sysinfo(void);    // 实际的系统调用函数,在sysproc.c中定义static uint64 (*syscalls[])(void) = {[SYS_fork] sys_fork,   [SYS_exit] sys_exit,     [SYS_wait] sys_wait,[SYS_pipe] sys_pipe,   [SYS_read] sys_read,     [SYS_kill] sys_kill,[SYS_exec] sys_exec,   [SYS_fstat] sys_fstat,   [SYS_chdir] sys_chdir,[SYS_dup] sys_dup,     [SYS_getpid] sys_getpid, [SYS_sbrk] sys_sbrk,[SYS_sleep] sys_sleep, [SYS_uptime] sys_uptime, [SYS_open] sys_open,[SYS_write] sys_write, [SYS_mknod] sys_mknod,   [SYS_unlink] sys_unlink,[SYS_link] sys_link,   [SYS_mkdir] sys_mkdir,   [SYS_close] sys_close,[SYS_trace] sys_trace, [SYS_sysinfo] sys_sysinfo,
};static char *sys_call_names[] = {[SYS_fork] "fork",   [SYS_exit] "exit",     [SYS_wait] "wait",[SYS_pipe] "pipe",   [SYS_read] "read",     [SYS_kill] "kill",[SYS_exec] "exec",   [SYS_fstat] "fstat",   [SYS_chdir] "chdir",[SYS_dup] "dup",     [SYS_getpid] "getpid", [SYS_sbrk] "sbrk",[SYS_sleep] "sleep", [SYS_uptime] "uptime", [SYS_open] "open",[SYS_write] "write", [SYS_mknod] "mknod",   [SYS_unlink] "unlink",[SYS_link] "link",   [SYS_mkdir] "mkdir",   [SYS_close] "close",[SYS_trace] "trace", [SYS_sysinfo] "sysinfo",


// sysproc.c
#include "sysinfo.h" // 导入struct sysinfo结构体定义uint64 sys_sysinfo(void) {uint64 up_sysinfo;  // user pointer to struct sysinfo// 与trace调用中的argint类似,指针变量同样存储一个整数,只不过这个整数为另一个变量的地址if (argaddr(0, &up_sysinfo) < 0) return -1;   struct sysinfo info;info.freemem = free_memory_amount();       // 计算空余内存info.nproc = live_process_number();       // 计算使用中的进程数struct proc *p = myproc();if (copyout(p->pagetable, up_sysinfo, (char *)&info, sizeof(info)) < 0)return -1;return 0;


uint64 free_memory_amount(){struct run *r;uint64 cnt = 0;acquire(&kmem.lock);r = kmem.freelist;while (r){cnt++;r = r->next;}release(&kmem.lock);return cnt * PGSIZE;
}uint64 live_process_number() {uint64 cnt = 0;struct proc *p;for (p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) {acquire(&p->lock);if (p->state != UNUSED) {cnt++;}release(&p->lock);}return cnt;
// 为了使用这两个函数,将其函数声明放在defs.h中
// kalloc.c
void* kalloc(void);
void kfree(void*);
void kinit(void);
uint64 free_memory_amount();// proc.c
int cpuid(void);
void exit(int);
int fork(void);
int growproc(int);
void proc_mapstacks(pagetable_t);
pagetable_t proc_pagetable(struct proc*);
void proc_freepagetable(pagetable_t, uint64);
int kill(int);
struct cpu* mycpu(void);
struct cpu* getmycpu(void);
struct proc* myproc();
void procinit(void);
void scheduler(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
void sched(void);
void sleep(void*, struct spinlock*);
void userinit(void);
int wait(uint64);
void wakeup(void*);
void yield(void);
int either_copyout(int user_dst, uint64 dst, void* src, uint64 len);
int either_copyin(void* dst, int user_src, uint64 src, uint64 len);
void procdump(void);
uint64 live_process_number();


#define PGROUNDDOWN(a) (((a)) & ~(PGSIZE-1))// Copy from kernel to user.
// Copy len bytes from src to virtual address dstva in a given page table.
// Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
copyout(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 dstva, char *src, uint64 len)
{uint64 n, va0, pa0;while(len > 0){va0 = PGROUNDDOWN(dstva);            // 获得逻辑页号pa0 = walkaddr(pagetable, va0);       // 逻辑页号转换成物理页号if(pa0 == 0)return -1;n = PGSIZE - (dstva - va0);if(n > len)n = len;// pa0 物理页号 + dstva - va0 页内偏移地址  = 物理地址 memmove((void *)(pa0 + (dstva - va0)), src, n);    len -= n;src += n;dstva = va0 + PGSIZE;}return 0;


page tables

在做实验之前推荐阅读《深入理解linux内核》第一章,隔了很长时间重新写这个实验,之前看的xv6 book和代码全忘光了,但也懒得再看一遍了。
阅读xv6 book,最主要就是搞懂书中几张图的含义



第三张图为内核地址空间与物理内存的映射关系,可以对照这张图阅读memlayout.h vm.c的代码

大致阅读kern/vm.c代码,对walk mappages进行简要分析(页表的建立与查询)

// Return the address of the PTE in page table pagetable
// that corresponds to virtual address va.  If alloc!=0,
// create any required page-table pages.
// The risc-v Sv39 scheme has three levels of page-table
// pages. A page-table page contains 512 64-bit PTEs.
// A 64-bit virtual address is split into five fields:
//   39..63 -- must be zero.
//   30..38 -- 9 bits of level-2 index.
//   21..29 -- 9 bits of level-1 index.
//   12..20 -- 9 bits of level-0 index.
//    0..11 -- 12 bits of byte offset within the page.
pte_t *walk(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va, int alloc) {if (va >= MAXVA) panic("walk");for (int level = 2; level > 0; level--) {pte_t *pte = &pagetable[PX(level, va)];if (*pte & PTE_V) {pagetable = (pagetable_t)PTE2PA(*pte);} else {if (!alloc || (pagetable = (pde_t *)kalloc()) == 0) return 0;memset(pagetable, 0, PGSIZE);*pte = PA2PTE(pagetable) | PTE_V;}}return &pagetable[PX(0, va)];
pte_t *walk(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va, int alloc) {for (int level = 2; level > 0; level--) {pte_t *pte = &pagetable[PX(level, va)];  // 得到相应页表表项if (*pte & PTE_V) {pagetable = (pagetable_t)PTE2PA(*pte); // 将表项转换成物理页地址} }return &pagetable[PX(0, va)];       // 返回0级页表的表项指针
}// extract the three 9-bit page table indices from a virtual address.
#define PXMASK          0x1FF // 9 bits         // 页表索引掩码
#define PXSHIFT(level)  (PGSHIFT+(9*(level)))  // 页表索引的位置
#define PX(level, va) ((((uint64) (va)) >> PXSHIFT(level)) & PXMASK)  // 取出相应页表的索引并将其移动到低位// shift a physical address to the right place for a PTE.
#define PA2PTE(pa) ((((uint64)pa) >> 12) << 10)
#define PTE2PA(pte) (((pte) >> 10) << 12)   // 首先去除10位标志位,而后右移12位(页起始地址偏移量为0)// Create PTEs for virtual addresses starting at va that refer to
// physical addresses starting at pa. va and size might not
// be page-aligned. Returns 0 on success, -1 if walk() couldn't
// allocate a needed page-table page.
int mappages(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va, uint64 size, uint64 pa,int perm) {uint64 a, last;pte_t *pte;if (size == 0) panic("mappages: size");a = PGROUNDDOWN(va);last = PGROUNDDOWN(va + size - 1);for (;;) {if ((pte = walk(pagetable, a, 1)) == 0) return -1;if (*pte & PTE_V) panic("mappages: remap");*pte = PA2PTE(pa) | perm | PTE_V;if (a == last) break;a += PGSIZE;pa += PGSIZE;}return 0;
int mappages(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va, uint64 size, uint64 pa,int perm) {uint64 a, last;pte_t *pte;a = PGROUNDDOWN(va);    // 起始页last = PGROUNDDOWN(va + size - 1); // 结束页for (;;) { // 映射是以页的粒度pte = walk(pagetable, a, 1);       // 得到虚拟地址的页表表项指针*pte = PA2PTE(pa) | perm | PTE_V;  // 将该表项设为pa物理地址,建立映射关系,并设置标志位if (a == last) break;a += PGSIZE;pa += PGSIZE;}return 0;
#define PGROUNDDOWN(a) (((a)) & ~(PGSIZE-1)) // 将低12位置为0,即对页大小取整

正式进行实验,Speed up system calls 和 Print a page table是很久之前写的,不太记得了,如有遗漏的地方,望请告知!

Speed up system calls

When each process is created, map one read-only page at USYSCALL (a VA defined in memlayout.h). At the start of this page, store a struct usyscall (also defined in memlayout.h), and initialize it to store the PID of the current process. For this lab, ugetpid() has been provided on the userspace side and will automatically use the USYSCALL mapping. You will receive full credit for this part of the lab if the ugetpid test case passes when running pgtbltest.

{struct usyscall *u = (struct usyscall *)USYSCALL;return u->pid;
#define USYSCALL (TRAPFRAME - PGSIZE)// usyscall的实现对标trapframe,创建,注销的方法都与trapframe相似
struct proc {struct trapframe *trapframe;  // data page for trampoline.Sstruct usyscall* usyscall;  // 增加usyscall成员
// 比较对称的四个函数allocproc proc_pagetable freeproc proc_freepagetable
// Look in the process table for an UNUSED proc.
// If found, initialize state required to run in the kernel,
// and return with p->lock held.
// If there are no free procs, or a memory allocation fails, return 0.
static struct proc *allocproc(void) {struct proc *p;for (p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) {acquire(&p->lock);if (p->state == UNUSED) {goto found;} else {release(&p->lock);}}return 0;found:p->pid = allocpid();p->state = USED;// Allocate a trapframe page.if ((p->trapframe = (struct trapframe *)kalloc()) == 0) {freeproc(p);release(&p->lock);return 0;}// Allocate a usyscall page. if ((p->usyscall = (struct usyscall *)kalloc()) == 0) {freeproc(p);release(&p->lock);return 0;}// An empty user page table.p->pagetable = proc_pagetable(p);if (p->pagetable == 0) {freeproc(p);release(&p->lock);return 0;}// Set up new context to start executing at forkret,// which returns to user space.memset(&p->context, 0, sizeof(p->context));p->context.ra = (uint64)forkret;p->context.sp = p->kstack + PGSIZE;// init usyscall pagep->usyscall->pid = p->pid;return p;
}// Create a user page table for a given process,
// with no user memory, but with trampoline pages.
pagetable_t proc_pagetable(struct proc *p) {pagetable_t pagetable;// An empty page table.pagetable = uvmcreate();if (pagetable == 0) return 0;// map the trampoline code (for system call return)// at the highest user virtual address.// only the supervisor uses it, on the way// to/from user space, so not PTE_U.if (mappages(pagetable, TRAMPOLINE, PGSIZE, (uint64)trampoline,PTE_R | PTE_X) < 0) {uvmfree(pagetable, 0);return 0;}// map the trapframe just below TRAMPOLINE, for trampoline.S.if (mappages(pagetable, TRAPFRAME, PGSIZE, (uint64)(p->trapframe),PTE_R | PTE_W) < 0) {uvmunmap(pagetable, TRAMPOLINE, 1, 0);uvmfree(pagetable, 0);return 0;}// map one read-only page at USYSCALLif (mappages(pagetable, USYSCALL, PGSIZE, (uint64)(p->usyscall),PTE_R | PTE_U) < 0) {  // PTE_R | PTE_U 用户可以访问,可以读uvmunmap(pagetable, TRAMPOLINE, 1, 0);uvmunmap(pagetable, TRAPFRAME, 1, 0); // 取消之前的映射,这次映射未成功,不用取消uvmfree(pagetable, 0);return 0;}return pagetable;
}// free a proc structure and the data hanging from it,
// including user pages.
// p->lock must be held.
static void freeproc(struct proc *p) {if (p->trapframe) kfree((void *)p->trapframe);p->trapframe = 0;kfree((void *)p->usyscall);p->usyscall = 0;if (p->pagetable) proc_freepagetable(p->pagetable, p->sz);p->pagetable = 0;p->sz = 0;p->pid = 0;p->parent = 0;p->name[0] = 0;p->chan = 0;p->killed = 0;p->xstate = 0;p->state = UNUSED;
}// Free a process's page table, and free the
// physical memory it refers to.
void proc_freepagetable(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 sz) {uvmunmap(pagetable, TRAMPOLINE, 1, 0);uvmunmap(pagetable, TRAPFRAME, 1, 0);uvmunmap(pagetable, USYSCALL, 1, 0);uvmfree(pagetable, sz);

Print a page table

Define a function called vmprint(). It should take a pagetable_t argument, and print that pagetable in the format described below. Insert if(p->pid==1) vmprint(p->pagetable) in exec.c just before the return argc, to print the first process’s page table. You receive full credit for this part of the lab if you pass the pte printout test of make grade.

// defs.h
void vmprint(pagetable_t pagetable);
// vm.c
void vmprint_impl(pagetable_t pagetable, int level)
{// there are 2^9 = 512 PTEs in a page table.for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++){pte_t pte = pagetable[i];pagetable_t next_pagetable = (pagetable_t)PTE2PA(pte);if (pte & PTE_V) // 该页有效{for (int j = 2; j >= level; j--){printf(" ..");}printf("%d: pte %p pa %p\n", i, pte, next_pagetable); // %p pointer 以十六进制整数方式输出指针的值if ((pte & (PTE_R | PTE_W | PTE_X)) == 0) // 表示该表项指示的页存储着页表{vmprint_impl(next_pagetable, level - 1);}}}
void vmprint(pagetable_t pagetable)
{printf("page table %p\n", pagetable);vmprint_impl(pagetable, 2);
// print pid==1 info
if (p->pid == 1) vmprint(p->pagetable);
return argc;  // this ends up in a0, the first argument to main(argc, argv)

其中pte & (PTE_R | PTE_W | PTE_X)) == 0让我挺疑惑的,为什么读写执行标志位全为0下一项就是页表呢。

在lab2: 物理内存和页表中我找到了上表。


pte_t *walk(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va, int alloc)
{if (va >= MAXVA)panic("walk");for (int level = 2; level > 0; level--){pte_t *pte = &pagetable[PX(level, va)];if (*pte & PTE_V){pagetable = (pagetable_t)PTE2PA(*pte);}else{if (!alloc || (pagetable = (pde_t *)kalloc()) == 0)return 0;memset(pagetable, 0, PGSIZE);*pte = PA2PTE(pagetable) | PTE_V;}}return &pagetable[PX(0, va)];
}*pte = PA2PTE(pagetable) | PTE_V;
// 表示该表项只有PTE_V置位,这表示指向页表的表项的R W X标志位确实全为0

Detecting which pages have been accessed

Your job is to implement pgaccess(), a system call that reports which pages have been accessed. The system call takes three arguments. First, it takes the starting virtual address of the first user page to check. Second, it takes the number of pages to check. Finally, it takes a user address to a buffer to store the results into a bitmask (a datastructure that uses one bit per page and where the first page corresponds to the least significant bit). You will receive full credit for this part of the lab if the pgaccess test case passes when running pgtbltest.


// pgtbltest.c
if (pgaccess(buf, 32, &abits) < 0) // 调用pgaccess函数// user.h
int pgaccess(void *base, int len, void *mask); // 函数声明// syscall.h
#define SYS_pgaccess  30 // 定义调用号// usys.S
pgaccess:   // 函数入口li a7, SYS_pgaccessecallret// syscall.c
// 定义pgaccess内核函数原型
#ifdef LAB_PGTBL
extern uint64 sys_pgaccess(void);
#endifstatic uint64 (*syscalls[])(void) = {#ifdef LAB_PGTBL[SYS_pgaccess] sys_pgaccess,
{int num;struct proc *p = myproc();num = p->trapframe->a7;if(num > 0 && num < NELEM(syscalls) && syscalls[num]) {p->trapframe->a0 = syscalls[num]();} else {printf("%d %s: unknown sys call %d\n",p->pid, p->name, num);p->trapframe->a0 = -1;}
}// sysproc.c 函数实现
#ifdef LAB_PGTBL
int sys_pgaccess(void){return 0;




// riscv.h
#define PTE_A (1L << 6)
// sysproc.c
#ifdef LAB_PGTBL
#define MAX_PGACCESS_PAGE_NUMBER 64     // 最大查询页数
int sys_pgaccess(void)
{// lab pgtbl: your code here.uint64 base;int len;uint64 mask;// 获取参数if (argaddr(0, &base) < 0)return -1;if (argint(1, &len) < 0)return -1;if (argaddr(2, &mask) < 0)return -1;len = len > MAX_PGACCESS_PAGE_NUMBER ? MAX_PGACCESS_PAGE_NUMBER : len;uint64 tmp_buffer = 0; // 临时缓冲区pagetable_t pagetable = myproc()->pagetable;pte_t *pte;for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){pte = walk(pagetable, base + PGSIZE * i, 0);// 如果页表项存在且PTE_A标志位置位if (pte != 0 && (*pte & PTE_A) != 0)  {tmp_buffer |= (1 << i);*pte &= ~PTE_A;   // 清空标志位}}uint64 mask_size = (len - 1) / 8 + 1;  // 写入用户空间的字节数,向上取整if (copyout(pagetable, mask, (char *)&tmp_buffer, mask_size))return -1;return 0;
// defs.h
pte_t *walk(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va, int alloc);


kernel/sysproc.c:95:15: error: implicit declaration of function ‘walk’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]95 |         pte = walk(pagetable, base + PGSIZE * i, 0);|               ^~~~
kernel/sysproc.c:95:13: error: assignment to ‘pte_t *’ {aka ‘long unsigned int *’} from ‘int’ makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Werror=int-conversion]95 |         pte = walk(pagetable, base + PGSIZE * i, 0);


Timeout! (300.3s)
== Test   usertests: all tests == usertests: all tests: FAIL ...test bigfile: OKtest dirfile: OKtest iref: OKtest forktest: OKtest bigdir: qemu-system-riscv64: terminating on signal 15 from pid 3652612 (make)MISSING '^ALL TESTS PASSED$'


@test(0, "usertests")
def test_usertests():r.run_qemu(shell_script(['usertests']), timeout=1000)



  • 在xv6书中,异常控制流的原因分为系统调用,设备中断,异常(故障),并将其统称为陷阱。
  • xv6在内核中处理所有陷阱,不会移交给用户空间代码
  • 对于陷阱处理,分为三种情况,分别是用户空间陷阱,内核空间陷阱,定时器中断
  • 用户空间陷阱处理流程大致为uservec->usertrap->usertrapret->userret,简要看一下这四个函数,大部分代码是关于陷入前保存现场和内核处理后还原现场,有比较详尽的注释。
  • 内核空间陷阱处理流程大致为kernelvec->kerneltrap->kernelvec
  • trampoline page放置代码,trapframe page放置数据,这两页同时存在内核页表和进程页表中
  • 系统调用:ecall指令陷入内核,执行uservec->usertrap->syscall,补全了之前分析的系统调用路径。
  • 内核将物理地址直接映射成虚拟地址,故可以直接使用物理地址
  • Xv6对异常的响应相当简单:如果在用户空间中发生异常,内核直接杀死该进程。如果在内核发生了异常,则中止内核。
  • 如果将内核空间映射到进程页表,陷入内核空间就不需要切换页表,也可以直接使用用户空间指针,这也是现行操作系统采取的方式,但xv6为简化问题,使用单独的内核页表映射内核空间。参见内核页表学习记录


static uint64
argraw(int n)
{struct proc *p = myproc();switch (n) {case 0:return p->trapframe->a0;case 1:return p->trapframe->a1;case 2:return p->trapframe->a2;case 3:return p->trapframe->a3;case 4:return p->trapframe->a4;case 5:return p->trapframe->a5;}panic("argraw");return -1;

RISC-V assembly


在附录A RISC-V 指令列表查询指令详细信息

int g(int x) {0: 1141                    addi    sp,sp,-162: e422                    sd  s0,8(sp)4:  0800                    addi    s0,sp,16    // 保存寄存器的值return x+3;
}6: 250d                    addiw   a0,a0,3     // a0寄存器既存参数,又存返回值8: 6422                    ld  s0,8(sp)a:  0141                    addi    sp,sp,16    // 还原寄存器的值c:    8082                    ret000000000000000e <f>:int f(int x) {e:  1141                    addi    sp,sp,-1610:    e422                    sd  s0,8(sp)12: 0800                    addi    s0,sp,16return g(x);
}14:    250d                    addiw   a0,a0,3     // 编译器优化,进行了函数展开,即为x+316:    6422                    ld  s0,8(sp)18: 0141                    addi    sp,sp,161a: 8082                    ret000000000000001c <main>:void main(void) {1c:   1141                    addi    sp,sp,-161e:    e406                    sd  ra,8(sp)20: e022                    sd  s0,0(sp)22: 0800                    addi    s0,sp,16printf("%d %d\n", f(8)+1, 13);24:    4635                    li  a2,1326:    45b1                    li  a1,12       // 编译期间提前进行计算,8+3+128: 00000517            auipc   a0,0x0   2c:    7c050513            addi    a0,a0,1984 # 7e8 <malloc+0xea>   // 应该存储的是字符串"%d %d\n"的起始地址30: 00000097            auipc   ra,0x034:   610080e7            jalr    1552(ra) # 640 <printf>exit(0);38:    4501                    li  a0,03a: 00000097            auipc   ra,0x03e:   27e080e7            jalr    638(ra) # 2b8 <exit>


都进行了函数展开,在addiw a0,a0,3和li a1,12语句位置调用函数





Implement a backtrace() function in kernel/printf.c. Insert a call to this function in sys_sleep, and then run bttest, which calls sys_sleep. Your output should be as follows:
After bttest exit qemu. In your terminal: the addresses may be slightly different but if you run addr2line -e kernel/kernel (or riscv64-unknown-elf-addr2line -e kernel/kernel) and cut-and-paste the above addresses as follows:
$ addr2line -e kernel/kernel
You should see something like this:


// defs.h
void backtrace(void);
// riscv.h
static inline uint64
{uint64 x;asm volatile("mv %0, s0" : "=r" (x) );return x;
}// printf.c
void backtrace(void)
{printf("backtrace:\n");uint64 *current_frame_pointer = (uint64 *)r_fp();                         // 当前栈帧指针uint64 *top_pointer = (uint64 *)PGROUNDUP((uint64)current_frame_pointer); // 页尾部uint64 return_address;for (uint64 *fp = current_frame_pointer; fp < top_pointer; fp = (uint64 *)(*(fp - 2))){return_address = *(fp - 1); // 计算函数返回地址printf("%p\n", return_address);}

-1 -2是因为类型为uint64指针,一次加减8,相对于整数运算的-8 -16。


In this exercise you’ll add a feature to xv6 that periodically alerts a process as it uses CPU time. This might be useful for compute-bound processes that want to limit how much CPU time they chew up, or for processes that want to compute but also want to take some periodic action. More generally, you’ll be implementing a primitive form of user-level interrupt/fault handlers; you could use something similar to handle page faults in the application, for example. Your solution is correct if it passes alarmtest and usertests.

在这个部分我最主要错误的点是想在内核中执行用户空间的函数,而没有注意到epc(之前没认真看xv6 book),但让我奇怪的一点是handler作为一个函数指针竟然有时候是0(periodic()函数),奇怪,这个函数正好放在在0的位置吗?


Note that the address of the user’s alarm function might be 0 (e.g., in user/alarmtest.asm, periodic is at address 0).

// alarmtest.asm
0000000000000000 <periodic>:
}volatile static int count;void periodic()

依据系统调用路径编写sigalarm sigreturn系统调用

// 用户空间调用
void periodic()
{count = count + 1;printf("alarm!\n");sigreturn();      // sigreturn系统调用
}// tests whether the kernel calls
// the alarm handler even a single time.
void test0()
{int i;printf("test0 start\n");count = 0;sigalarm(2, periodic);  // sigalarm系统调用for (i = 0; i < 1000 * 500000; i++){if ((i % 1000000) == 0)write(2, ".", 1);if (count > 0)break;}sigalarm(0, 0);if (count > 0){printf("test0 passed\n");}else{printf("\ntest0 failed: the kernel never called the alarm handler\n");}
}// user.h 系统调用函数声明
int sigalarm(int ticks, void (*handler)());
int sigreturn(void);// 函数入口点
entry("sigreturn");// syscall.h 系统调用号
#define SYS_sigalarm  22
#define SYS_sigreturn  23// usys.S 最终生成的汇编代码
.global sigalarm
sigalarm:li a7, SYS_sigalarmecallret
.global sigreturn
sigreturn:li a7, SYS_sigreturnecallret// syscall.c 内核的系统调用处理函数
extern uint64 sys_sigalarm(void);
extern uint64 sys_return(void);
static uint64 (*syscalls[])(void) = {[SYS_sigalarm]   sys_sigalarm,
[SYS_sigreturn ]   sys_return,
{int num;struct proc *p = myproc();num = p->trapframe->a7;if(num > 0 && num < NELEM(syscalls) && syscalls[num]) {p->trapframe->a0 = syscalls[num]();} else {printf("%d %s: unknown sys call %d\n",p->pid, p->name, num);p->trapframe->a0 = -1;}
}// sysproc.c 系统调用对应的处理函数
uint64 sys_sigalarm(void)
{return 0;
uint64 sys_return(void)
{return 0;
}// Makefile 加入alarmtest对象


// proc.h
struct proc
{int alarm_call_exist;                   // 是否存在alarm调用int allow_trigger_alarm;                // 是否允许触发alarm调用,如果现在正在处理handler函数,不能再次触发int time_interval;                      // alarm间隔uint64 handler_fn;                      // alarm调用函数int elapsed_time;                       // 自上次调用起经历时间struct trapframe alarm_saved_trapframe; // alarm调用前的trapframe
};// proc.c
static struct proc *allocproc(void)
{found:p->alarm_call_exist = 0; // 设置成不需要触发alarmp->allow_trigger_alarm = 0;return p;
}// sysproc.c
uint64 sys_sigalarm(void)
{struct proc *p = myproc();int ticks;uint64 handler;if (argint(0, &ticks) < 0)  // 获取参数return -1;if (argaddr(1, &handler) < 0)return -1;if (ticks == 0)    // 取消alarm调用{p->alarm_call_exist = 0;return 0;}printf("tick %d handler %p\n", ticks, handler);p->alarm_call_exist = 1; // 将两个标志变量均设置为有效p->allow_trigger_alarm = 1;p->time_interval = ticks;p->handler_fn = handler;p->elapsed_time = 0; // 开启计时器return 0;
uint64 sys_return(void)
{struct proc *p = myproc();if (p->alarm_call_exist == 1) // 如果存在alarm调用{*p->trapframe = p->alarm_saved_trapframe; // 还原现场p->allow_trigger_alarm = 1;               // 允许触发alarm调用}return 0;
}// trap.c
void usertrap(void)
{// give up the CPU if this is a timer interrupt.if (which_dev == 2){if (p->alarm_call_exist == 1 && p->allow_trigger_alarm == 1){p->elapsed_time++;if (p->elapsed_time > p->time_interval) // 大于规定间隔时间{p->alarm_saved_trapframe = *p->trapframe; // 保存此时进程状态p->trapframe->epc = p->handler_fn;        // 返回地址设置为handler funtionp->allow_trigger_alarm = 0;               // handler function返回前不再触发p->elapsed_time = 0;                      // 重置计时器}}yield();}

注意在代码中alarm调用指的是时钟中断时触发执行handler function的过程,而不是sigalarm系统调用,sigalarm系统调用更像是一个开启alarm触发机制的函数。当然这只是为了便于表述,实际上alarm调用只是时间中断的一个机制而已,并不是系统调用。

在之前我使用struct trapframe指针的形式存储alarm_saved_trapframe成员,并在allocproc函数中申请空间

if ((p->alarm_saved_trapframe= (struct trapframe *)kalloc()) == 0){freeproc(p);release(&p->lock);return 0;}



参考博客:MIT 6.S081 Lab4: traps


MIT6.S081 2021 Copy-on-Write Fork for xv6


MIT6.S081 Multithreading


MIT6.S081 2021 networking


MIT6.S081 2021 locks

file system

MIT6.S081 2021 file system


MIT6.S081 2021 mmap

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    MIT6.S081 2021 Copy-on-Write Fork for xv6 简要介绍 debug 代码参考 简要介绍 There is a saying in computer systems ...

  2. Mit6.S081学习记录

    Mit6.S081学习记录 前言 一.课程简述 二.课程资源 1,课程主页 2,参考书 3,实验环境 三.学习过程 Mit6.S081-实验环境搭建 Mit6.S081-GDB使用 Mit6.S081 ...

  3. 操作系统MIT6.S081:P7->Interrupts

    本系列文章为MIT6.S081的学习笔记,包含了参考手册.课程.实验三部分的内容,前面的系列文章链接如下 操作系统MIT6.S081:[xv6参考手册第1章]->操作系统接口 操作系统MIT6. ...

  4. 操作系统MIT6.S081:[xv6参考手册第4章]->Trap与系统调用

    本系列文章为MIT6.S081的学习笔记,包含了参考手册.课程.实验三部分的内容,前面的系列文章链接如下 操作系统MIT6.S081:[xv6参考手册第1章]->操作系统接口 操作系统MIT6. ...

  5. 操作系统MIT6.S081:Lab4->Trap

    本系列文章为MIT6.S081的学习笔记,包含了参考手册.课程.实验三部分的内容,前面的系列文章链接如下 操作系统MIT6.S081:[xv6参考手册第1章]->操作系统接口 操作系统MIT6. ...

  6. MIT6.S081 Multithreading

    MIT6.S081 Multithreading xv6 book记录 Uthread Using threads Barrier xv6 book记录 阅读xv6 book之前,简要看一下<深 ...

  7. MIT6.S081简单总结

    在复盘MIT6.828的时候,偶然看到了一个将MIT6.S081的视频翻译成文字的gitbook: ...

  8. MIT6.S081操作系统实验——操作系统是如何在qemu虚拟机中启动的?

    前言 为了更好的理解基于RISC-V体系的Xv6操作系统是如何在qemu中启动的,我将详细地梳理从执行make qemu命令开始到Xv6的shell启动为止的具体流程. 执行make qemu后发生了 ...

  9. 【MIT6.S081/6.828】手把手教你搭建开发环境

    文章目录 1. 简介 2. 安装ubuntu20.04 3. 更换源 3.1 更换/etc/apt/sources.list文件里的源 3.2 备份源列表 3.3 打开sources.list文件修改 ...


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