下载 lxr-0.3.1






# The location of your perl5 binary
# LXR will be installed here

make install


cat > /var/www/lxr/http/.htaccess << EOF
<Files ~ (search|source|ident|diff)$>
SetHandler cgi-script

cat >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf << EOF
Alias /lxr /var/www/lxr
<Directory /var/www/lxr>Options AllAllowOverride    All

cat > /var/www/lxr/http/lxr.conf  <<EOF
# Configuration file.# Define typed variable "v", read valueset from file.
variable: v, Version, [/var/www/lxr/source/versions], [/var/www/lxr/source/defversion]# Define typed variable "a".  First value is default.
variable: a, Architecture, (i386, alpha, m68k, mips, ppc, sparc, sparc64)# Define the base url for the LXR files.
baseurl: http://localhost/lxr/http/# These are the templates for the HTML heading, directory listing and
# footer, respectively.
htmlhead: /var/www/lxr/http/template-head
htmltail: /var/www/lxr/http/template-tail
htmldir:  /var/www/lxr/http/template-dir# The source is here.
sourceroot: /var/www/lxr/source/$v/
srcrootname:$v# "#include <foo.h>" is mapped to this directory (in the LXR source
# tree)
incprefix: /include# The database files go here.
dbdir: /var/www/lxr/My-Db/$v/# Glimpse can be found here.
glimpsebin: /usr/local/bin/glimpse# The power of regexps.  This is pretty Linux-specific, but quite
# useful.  Tinker with it and see what it does.  (How's that for
# documentation?)
map: /include/asm[^\/]*/ /include/asm-$a/
map: /arch/[^\/]+/ /arch/$a/EOF


写了个脚本 lxr-add-source.sh 如下:

#Need root....
u_id=`id -u`
r_id=`id -u root`
if [ $u_id -ne $r_id ]then echo "Need root..." ;  exit 1
fi#Only accept one tarfile:
if [ $# -ne 1 ]then echo "USage: $0   File.tar.gz[bz2]" ; exit 1
fi#Get the FileName:
echo "$1" | grep -q ".tar.bz2"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] then FileName=`basename "$1" .tar.bz2`
elseecho "$1" | grep -q ".tar.gz"if [ $? -eq 0 ]then FileName=`basename "$1" .tar.gz`elseecho "USage: $0   File.tar.gz[bz2]" ; exit 1fi
fi#The base variable:
Dbdir_base="$Base_lxr/My-Db"#Untar the source:
echo '###Untar the source......'
tar -C "$Source_base" -x -f "$1"#Generate the identifier database:
echo '###Generating the identifier database......'
mkdir -pv "$Dbdir_base/$FileName"
cd "$Dbdir_base/$FileName"
$Base_lxr/bin/genxref "$Source_base/$FileName"
/usr/local/bin/glimpseindex -H . "$Source_base/$FileName"
#Chmod o=r:
chmod o=r -v "$Dbdir_base/$FileName/fileidx"
chmod g=rx,o=rx -v "$Source_base/$FileName"
chmod g=rx,o=rx -v `find "$Source_base/$FileName" -type d`
chmod g=r,o=r -v `find "$Source_base/$FileName" -type f`#Add a item to versions.
echo '###Adding a item to versions......'
echo "$FileName" >> "$Base_lxr/source/versions"
if [ ! -e "$Base_lxr/source/defversion" ]
then    cp -v versions defversion
echo ok! 


lxr-add-source.sh  foo.tar.gz 



service apache2 restart



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