
Before approaching icon design there are some guidelines and principles that are worth studying. If you want to create effective icon designs, then you should take a holistic approach to issues such as: audience, size, simplicity, lighting, perspective, and style. This article gives you a good starting place for creating icons that work well together and fit seamlessly within your designs.

1. Approach Icon Design Holistically
1. 整体设计图标

Icons fit within graphic systems. Whether they are designed for desktop applications or websites, an icon is one of many graphic elements that need to work together harmoniously. Carry this logic across icon sets as well. Icons can be appreciated for their esthetic solutions individually, but they don't function alone. Evaluate your icon designs relative to the graphic system you're using them in. Make sure that each icon differs from surrounding icons, while still working together as a whole.

In the article Designing an iconic language over at Turbo Milk the author Yegor Gilyov states, "If you need to draw several icons, you need to think over images for the whole set of icons before proceeding with illustrating activities." This is one of two major points made in this article on icon design. He goes on to explain how failing to plan how the whole set of icons will work together from the beginning will ensure a huge waste of time, as redesign will be inevitable.
        TurboMilk 上的Yegor Gilyov 在他《设计一种标志语言》中说道:“如果需要画一些图标,在绘制前就要构思好整套图标的风格。”这篇文章阐述了图标设计两个关键,这是其中之一。接着他说,如果起初没有定好整套图标的风格,之后不可避免的再设计一定会浪费您许多时间。

2. Consider Your Audience
2. 考虑您的用户

You will have different considerations if you're designing an intranet for a small company, rather than for a product that may be sold internationally. When creating icons cultural considerations are important. Symbols may differ for common elements you may use for your designs.

Turbo Milk has another great article; this one is called 10 Mistakes in Icon Design. In it, they point out some clear examples of where many icon designs go wrong. They discuss national and social characteristics in point seven of the article. "It is always necessary to take into account the conditions in which your icon is going to be used. An important aspect here is national characteristics. Cultural traditions, surroundings and gestures can differ radically from country to country." They go on to give an example of how mailboxes differ greatly between countries. Apple uses the same example in its Human Interface Guidelines.
        So, designing an international icon based on one country's rural mailbox design is a bad idea. Really specific example of what not to do. They point out how Apple's Mail icon is more recognizable as stamps have more cultural universality.

3. Design for the Size the Icon will be Used At
3. 为尺寸量身设计

If you go vector and make your icon in Illustrator, there is an inherent temptation to scale the design, and try to use it at any size. This doesn't work with icons. What looks good at 512px looks like a blurry smear at 16px. Icons should have a base design that is used as a starting point, but each output size needs to have its own optimized design.

Icon design is not a one design equals scalable solution medium though. This is one reason that Photoshop is just as good a solution as other programs. For designers that make icons in Illustrator they are still going to clean them up in Photoshop, or jump through some hoops to get their icons to look good at small sizes when being output directly from Illustrator. So, don't buy into the myth that icon design is a purely Vector based medium. We are outputting pixels here after all.

There are also vector tools in Photoshop and masks that you can take advantage of that equal the scalable playing field between the programs. If you're equally versed with Illustrator and Photoshop you may find a workflow that goes well between the two programs. Consider using Smart Objects. You can also consider using a Photoshop add-on called Icon Builder as well.
        Photoshop中的矢量工具和遮罩,能实现其他矢量软件具有的缩放功能。如果您同时精通Illustrator和Photoshop,就会发现它们前后配合默契。 您还可以考虑使用一些智能化的软件,或者使用Photoshop的插件Icon Builder来设计图标。

The approach taken for small icons and large icon design is immensely different. Firewheel has a good article that covers the scaling subject called Icon Design: Bitmap vs Vector. Also, review this article on Icon Design Sizing over at Mezzoblue. It covers some inherent issues with designing icons for small sizes.

4. Keep Icons Simple and Iconic
4. 保持图标的简洁和象征性

With operating systems now having icons that scale to large sizes (512px by 512px is gigantic for an icon) the temptation grows to get illustrative with your icon designs. While a level of realism can add interest to an icon design, it should not supersede its ability to function simply and effectively.

Smashing Magazine has a great summary of the Apple Human Interface guidelines on Icon Design. The section on Realism in Aqua makes some good points about the limitations of realism in icon design and points out when symbolism is necessary. This section discusses the issues at odds between realism and simplicity in icon design.
        Try not to overcomplicate icon designs. Be wary of placing too many items into an icon design, or overly illustrating an icon. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the common symbol for RSS icons. View the example below from Smashing Magazine. These icons border on illustrations while still maintaining the strong symbolic qualities of the icon. Overly illustrating and dressing up icons results in lower recognition though, especially at small sizes. So, be careful with putting to much into an icon design.
        请不要将图标过度复杂化。注意不要将过多的元素放到一个图标内,也不要过度修饰一个图标。我敢肯定大家都对RSS图标都象征什么很熟悉。看看下面Smashing Magazine 中的一个例子,这些图标偏向写实风格的同时,还保留着明显的象征性。过度的修饰图标反而使它难以识别,尤其是在很小的时候,所以请大家注意不要在一个图标内放入过多元素了。

There are times when the aesthetic interest of the icon may be worth loosing some of its iconic impact; it's always a judgement call, and needs will vary with each design. Compare one of the icon sets below to a simpler RSS icon design, like the one here on PSDTUTS. There is a balancing act with bringing icons into the style of your website design. You want to add interest, and compliment the design, but not loose the iconic impact of the icon.

The icons below look really cool. It requires a judgement though as to whether the loss of some of the quick recognition of the symbol is worth the added design around the symbol. At a large size it works just fine, as they function similar to illustrations. At smaller sizes though, a less dressed solution may be preferable.

5. Cast Consistent Lighting, Reflections, and Shadows
5. 采用一致的灯光、反射和阴影

It's important that the realism you add to your designs all function coherently. If you utilize a light source coming from one direction then stick with it. Or else you risk loosing the integrated design of your icons. Also, consider the light source of the design your icons will be placed in. If the light source of the icons is at odds with the website or application design your using them in then the design will appear amateurish.

In the Windows Vista User Experience Guide there is a section on icon lighting and shading. The guidebook gives really specific rules for the Vista Icon set. This gives more exacting standards for icon designers and insures a unified icon system. Following is a specific rule to see an example, "Use shadows to lift objects visually from the background, and to make 3D objects appear grounded, rather than awkwardly floating in space." There are many more rules in this guide.
        《Windows Vista 用户体验指南》中有一段写的是图标的光影,它给Vista图标下了明确的定义。图标设计师需要遵守严格的设计标准,从而确保了整套图标的统一。从下边的例子,您可以看到其中的一条:“通过阴影使3D图标能够立在起来,而不是傻傻的飘在屏幕上。”指南中还有更多这样的标准。

6. Utilize a Limited Perspective
6. 使用一致的透视角度

The range of perspective within your icon design set should work together. If you have icons being looked at from straight ahead then stick with that. If you place one at a specific angle, then make sure all the icons function that way. Imagine a camera being placed from a specific vantage point and looking at all the objects from the same perspective. This helps to maintain consistency in your icon designs.

A large scale design system, something like a software operating system, may need more flexibility than that though. Apple covers Icon Perspective in its Human Interface Guidelines. They have a more flexible use of perspective. "The various perspectives are achieved by changing the position of an imaginary camera capturing the icon." The image below shows the difference in perspective between an Application Icon (Top) and a Toolbar Icon (Bottom).

7. Create Consistent Icon Set Styles
7. 建立一致的图标风格

Lighting and Perspective certainly contribute to the style of an icon. Though, there are many other factors that can contribute to the style as well. If you're trying to fit your icon into a grunge style website design, you'll likely be adding texture to the style of the icon's design.

Icon sets have unique features that make them stand out. In the Echo Icon Guidelines the set is describes as, "Echo is currently a new set of icons proposed for inclusion in Fedora. Designed with a dynamic perspective, Echo icons aim to appear more realistic while still maintaining a clean and simple design by utilizing high contrast and spots of vibrant colors." Another way that this set stands out is through the consistent use of outlines. See the image below for an example.

Get Started with Icon Design

Designing icons for websites is a good way to get started with icon design. Often, there are only a few icons needed for a site design. Start simple with a small website design project where you are required to design only a handful of icons, or less. This is a good way to gain some experience with icon design.

Start the icon design process with research. Consider the common symbolic metaphor used to describe the icon your looking to make. Sketch as much as necessary to lock down the concept. Compliment the style of the icon designs with the website design you'll be using them on. Consider the color, perspective, and graphic look of the site.

Hicks design has a quick SlideShare presentation on Icon Design. One section of the presentation covers his design process. It gives some great visual examples. Below is an example of the sketching step.


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