Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 18898.1000 20h1预发布x86-x64 zh-cn drey


版本:Windows 10 Pro 18898.1000 20H1 PreRelease



CPU-1 gz

RAM-1-2 gb


Video-c DirectX 9.0

Display-1024 x 768



Torrent: Registered   [ 2019-05-24 11:57 ]
Status: √ checked
Completed: 327 times
Size: 3.65 GB
评分:   the average score: 4.7 

../Windows 10 Pro 18898.1000 20H1 PreRelease x86-x64 ZH-CN DREY

  • CPRA_X64FRE_ZH-CN_DREY.iso 2.13 GB (2294153216)
  • CPRA_X86FRE_ZH-CN_DREY.iso 1.51 GB (1625587712)

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