Google, Bing, Yahoo – all the major search engines track your search history and build profiles on you, serving different results based on your search history. Try one of these alternative search engines if you’re tired of being tracked.

Google,Bing,Yahoo –所有主要搜索引擎都会跟踪您的搜索历史并在您身上建立个人资料,并根据您的搜索历史提供不同的结果。 如果您不愿被跟踪,请尝试使用这些替代搜索引擎之一。

Google now encrypts your search traffic when you’re logged in, but this only prevents third-parties from snooping on your search traffic – it doesn’t prevent Google from tracking you.


鸭鸭去 (DuckDuckGo)

DuckDuckGo is a popular search engine for the privacy-conscious. As its privacy page says, DuckDuckGo doesn’t log any personally identifiable information. DuckDuckGo doesn’t use cookies to identify you, and it discards user agents and IP addresses from its server logs. DuckDuckGo doesn’t event attempt to generate an anonymized identifier to tie searches together – DuckDuckGo has no way of knowing whether two searches even came from the same computer.

DuckDuckGo是一个非常注重隐私的流行搜索引擎。 如其隐私页面所述 ,DuckDuckGo不会记录任何个人身份信息。 DuckDuckGo不会使用cookie来识别您的身份,它会从其服务器日志中删除用户代理和IP地址。 DuckDuckGo不会尝试生成匿名标识符来将搜索绑定在一起– DuckDuckGo无法知道两个搜索是否甚至来自同一台计算机。

Editor’s Note: if you want a search engine that respects your privacy and is also great, DuckDuckGo is your choice. We listed out some other options on this page, but this is the one you want. It’s also clean, and has great search results.

编者注:如果您想要一个尊重您的隐私并且还不错的搜索引擎,DuckDuckGo是您的选择。 我们在此页上列出了其他一些选项,但这是您想要的。 它也很干净,并且搜索结果很好。

Its home page is simple and clean – even more so than Google’s.


Because DuckDuckGo knows nothing about you, it can’t serve different results to different users. You’ll get the same results as everyone else.

由于DuckDuckGo对您一无所知,因此无法为不同的用户提供不同的结果。 您将获得与其他所有人相同的结果。

DuckDuckGo’s page explains search engine tracking and DuckDuckGo’s approach in an entertaining way.


首页 (Startpage)

If you prefer Google’s search results and just want more privacy, try Ixquick’s Startpage. Startpage searches Google for you – when you submit a search, Startpage submits the search to Google and returns the results to you. All Google sees is a large amount of searches coming from Startpage’s servers – they can’t tie any searches to you or track your searches.

如果您更喜欢Google的搜索结果,并且只想获得更多的隐私,请尝试使用Ixquick的初始页。 Startpage为您搜索Google –提交搜索时,Startpage将搜索提交给Google并将结果返回给您。 Google看到的只是来自Startpage服务器的大量搜索-它们无法将任何搜索绑定到您或跟踪您的搜索。

Startpage discards all personally identifiable information. Like DuckDuckGo, Startpage doesn’t use cookies, it immediately discards IP addresses, and it doesn’t keep a record of searches performed.

开始页面会丢弃所有个人身份信息。 与DuckDuckGo一样,起始页不使用cookie,它立即丢弃IP地址,并且不保留执行的搜索记录。

If you’ve heard of Scroogle – a Google scraper that no longer exists – Startpage is a similar service.


Startpage also includes a proxy feature — you can open a page in Ixquick’s proxy directly from the search results. This is slower than normal browsing, but websites won’t be able to see your IP address. The proxy also disables JavaScript to protect your privacy.

起始页还包含代理功能-您可以直接从搜索结果中在Ixquick的代理中打开一个页面。 这比正常的浏览速度慢,但是网站无法看到您的IP地址。 代理还会禁用JavaScript以保护您的隐私。

伊克斯奎克 (Ixquick)

Ixquick is the main search engine from the company that runs Startpage. Unlike Startpage, Ixquick pulls results from a variety of sources instead of only Google – this can be a good or a bad thing, depending on how much you like Google’s search results.

Ixquick是运行Startpage的公司的主要搜索引擎。 与Startpage不同,Ixquick会从多种来源而不是仅从Google提取结果-这可能是好事,也可能是坏事,这取决于您对Google搜索结果的满意程度。

Ixquick and Startpage have essentially the same design. Ixquick includes the same privacy features Startpage does, including the Ixquick proxy links in the search results.

Ixquick和起始页的设计基本相同。 Ixquick包含了Startpage相同的隐私功能,包括搜索结果中的Ixquick代理链接。

布列科 (Blekko)

Blekko doesn’t go as far as DuckDuckGo and Ixquick, but it’s still a big improvement over Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Blekko does log personally identifiable information, but deletes it within 48 hours. In contrast, Google stores this information for 9 months – and then anonymizes it without actually deleting it.

Blekko的作用远不及DuckDuckGo和Ixquick,但与Google,Bing和Yahoo相比仍然是一个很大的进步。 Blekko会记录个人身份信息,但会在48小时内将其删除。 相比之下,Google会将这些信息存储9个月-然后将其匿名化,而无需实际删除。

You can disable the data collection entirely by enabling the SuperPrivacy setting. Blekko even lets you disable ads entirely.

您可以通过启用SuperPrivacy设置完全禁用数据收集。 Blekko甚至允许您完全禁用广告。

To surf anonymously everywhere — at the cost of slower browsing speed — try the Tor Browser Bundle.

要以较低的浏览速度为代价在任何地方匿名冲浪,请尝试使用Tor浏览器捆绑包 。



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