1、建立一个基本类 Hyperdown

<?phpnamespace jplt\markdown;/*** Parser** @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 SegmentFault Team. (http://segmentfault.com)* @author Joyqi <joyqi@segmentfault.com>* @license BSD License*/
class Hyperdown
{/*** _whiteList** @var string*/public $_commonWhiteList = 'kbd|b|i|strong|em|sup|sub|br|code|del|a|hr|small';/*** html tags** @var string*/public $_blockHtmlTags = 'p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|address|form|fieldset|iframe|hr|legend|article|section|nav|aside|hgroup|header|footer|figcaption|svg|script|noscript';/*** _specialWhiteList** @var mixed* @access private*/public $_specialWhiteList = array('table' => 'table|tbody|thead|tfoot|tr|td|th');/*** _footnotes** @var array*/public $_footnotes;/*** @var bool*/public $_html = false;/*** @var bool*/public $_line = false;/*** @var array*/public $blockParsers = array(array('code', 10),array('shtml', 20),array('pre', 30),array('ahtml', 40),array('list', 50),array('math', 60),array('html', 70),array('footnote', 80),array('definition', 90),array('quote', 100),array('table', 110),array('sh', 120),array('mh', 130),array('hr', 140),array('default', 9999));/*** _blocks** @var array*/private $_blocks;/*** _current** @var string*/private $_current;/*** _pos** @var int*/private $_pos;/*** _definitions** @var array*/public $_definitions;/*** @var array*/private $_hooks = array();/*** @var array*/private $_holders;/*** @var string*/private $_uniqid;/*** @var int*/private $_id;/*** @var array*/private $_parsers = array();/*** makeHtml** @param mixed $text* @return string*/public function makeHtml($text){$this->_footnotes = array();$this->_definitions = array();$this->_holders = array();$this->_uniqid = md5(uniqid());$this->_id = 0;usort($this->blockParsers, function ($a, $b) {return $a[1] < $b[1] ? -1 : 1;});foreach ($this->blockParsers as $parser) {list ($name) = $parser;if (isset($parser[2])) {$this->_parsers[$name] = $parser[2];} else {$this->_parsers[$name] = array($this, 'parseBlock' . ucfirst($name));}}$text = $this->initText($text);$html = $this->parse($text);$html = $this->makeFootnotes($html);$html = $this->optimizeLines($html);return $this->call('makeHtml', $html);}/*** @param $html*/public function enableHtml($html = true){$this->_html = $html;}/*** @param bool $line*/public function enableLine($line = true){$this->_line = $line;}/*** @param $type* @param $callback*/public function hook($type, $callback){$this->_hooks[$type][] = $callback;}/*** @param $str* @return string*/public function makeHolder($str){$key = "\r" . $this->_uniqid . $this->_id . "\r";$this->_id++;$this->_holders[$key] = $str;return $key;}/*** @param $text* @return mixed*/private function initText($text){$text = str_replace(array("\t", "\r"), array('    ', ''), $text);return $text;}/*** @param $html* @return string*/private function makeFootnotes($html){if (count($this->_footnotes) > 0) {$html .= '<div class="footnotes"><hr><ol>';$index = 1;while ($val = array_shift($this->_footnotes)) {if (is_string($val)) {$val .= " <a href=\"#fnref-{$index}\" class=\"footnote-backref\">&#8617;</a>";} else {$val[count($val) - 1] .= " <a href=\"#fnref-{$index}\" class=\"footnote-backref\">&#8617;</a>";$val = count($val) > 1 ? $this->parse(implode("\n", $val)) : $this->parseInline($val[0]);}$html .= "<li id=\"fn-{$index}\">{$val}</li>";$index++;}$html .= '</ol></div>';}return $html;}/*** parse** @param string $text* @param bool $inline* @param int $offset* @return string*/private function parse($text, $inline = false, $offset = 0){$blocks = $this->parseBlock($text, $lines);$html = '';// inline mode for single normal blockif ($inline && count($blocks) == 1 && $blocks[0][0] == 'normal') {$blocks[0][3] = true;}foreach ($blocks as $block) {list ($type, $start, $end, $value) = $block;$extract = array_slice($lines, $start, $end - $start + 1);$method = 'parse' . ucfirst($type);$extract = $this->call('before' . ucfirst($method), $extract, $value);$result = $this->{$method}($extract, $value, $start + $offset, $end + $offset);$result = $this->call('after' . ucfirst($method), $result, $value);$html .= $result;}return $html;}/*** @param $text* @param $clearHolders* @return string*/private function releaseHolder($text, $clearHolders = true){$deep = 0;while (strpos($text, "\r") !== false && $deep < 10) {$text = str_replace(array_keys($this->_holders), array_values($this->_holders), $text);$deep++;}if ($clearHolders) {$this->_holders = array();}return $text;}/*** @param $start* @param int $end* @return string*/public function markLine($start, $end = -1){if ($this->_line) {$end = $end < 0 ? $start : $end;return '<span class="line" data-start="' . $start. '" data-end="' . $end . '" data-id="' . $this->_uniqid . '"></span>';}return '';}/*** @param array $lines* @param $start* @return string*/public function markLines(array $lines, $start){$i = -1;$self = $this;return $this->_line ? array_map(function ($line) use ($self, $start, &$i) {$i++;return $self->markLine($start + $i) . $line;}, $lines) : $lines;}/*** @param $html* @return string*/public function optimizeLines($html){$last = 0;return $this->_line ?preg_replace_callback("/class=\"line\" data\-start=\"([0-9]+)\" data\-end=\"([0-9]+)\" (data\-id=\"{$this->_uniqid}\")/",function ($matches) use (&$last) {if ($matches[1] != $last) {$replace = 'class="line" data-start="' . $last . '" data-start-original="' . $matches[1] . '" data-end="' . $matches[2] . '" ' . $matches[3];} else {$replace = $matches[0];}$last = $matches[2] + 1;return $replace;}, $html) : $html;}/*** @param $type* @param $value* @return mixed*/public function call($type, $value){if (empty($this->_hooks[$type])) {return $value;}$args = func_get_args();$args = array_slice($args, 1);foreach ($this->_hooks[$type] as $callback) {$value = call_user_func_array($callback, $args);$args[0] = $value;}return $value;}/*** parseInline** @param string $text* @param string $whiteList* @param bool $clearHolders* @param bool $enableAutoLink* @return string*/public function parseInline($text, $whiteList = '', $clearHolders = true, $enableAutoLink = true){$self = $this;$text = $this->call('beforeParseInline', $text);// code$text = preg_replace_callback("/(^|[^\\\])(`+)(.+?)\\2/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return $matches[1] . $self->makeHolder('<code>' . htmlspecialchars($matches[3]) . '</code>');},$text);// mathjax$text = preg_replace_callback("/(^|[^\\\])(\\$+)(.+?)\\2/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return $matches[1] . $self->makeHolder($matches[2] . htmlspecialchars($matches[3]) . $matches[2]);},$text);// escape$text = preg_replace_callback("/\\\(.)/u",function ($matches) use ($self) {$escaped = htmlspecialchars($matches[1]);$escaped = str_replace('$', '&dollar;', $escaped);return $self->makeHolder($escaped);},$text);// link$text = preg_replace_callback("/<(https?:\/\/.+)>/i",function ($matches) use ($self) {$url = $self->cleanUrl($matches[1]);$link = $self->call('parseLink', $matches[1]);return $self->makeHolder("<a href=\"{$url}\">{$link}</a>");},$text);// encode unsafe tags$text = preg_replace_callback("/<(\/?)([a-z0-9-]+)(\s+[^>]*)?>/i",function ($matches) use ($self, $whiteList) {if ($self->_html || false !== stripos('|' . $self->_commonWhiteList . '|' . $whiteList . '|', '|' . $matches[2] . '|')) {return $self->makeHolder($matches[0]);} else {return htmlspecialchars($matches[0]);}},$text);if ($this->_html) {$text = preg_replace_callback("/<!\-\-(.*?)\-\->/", function ($matches) use ($self) {return $self->makeHolder($matches[0]);}, $text);}$text = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $text);// footnote$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[\^((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]/",function ($matches) use ($self) {$id = array_search($matches[1], $self->_footnotes);if (false === $id) {$id = count($self->_footnotes) + 1;$self->_footnotes[$id] = $self->parseInline($matches[1], '', false);}return $self->makeHolder("<sup id=\"fnref-{$id}\"><a href=\"#fn-{$id}\" class=\"footnote-ref\">{$id}</a></sup>");},$text);// image$text = preg_replace_callback("/!\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)*?)\]\(((?:[^\)]|\\\\\)|\\\\\()+?)\)/",function ($matches) use ($self) {$escaped = htmlspecialchars($self->escapeBracket($matches[1]));$url = $self->escapeBracket($matches[2]);$url = $self->cleanUrl($url);return $self->makeHolder("<img src=\"{$url}\" alt=\"{$escaped}\" title=\"{$escaped}\">");},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/!\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)*?)\]\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]/",function ($matches) use ($self) {$escaped = htmlspecialchars($self->escapeBracket($matches[1]));$result = isset($self->_definitions[$matches[2]]) ?"<img src=\"{$self->_definitions[$matches[2]]}\" alt=\"{$escaped}\" title=\"{$escaped}\">": $escaped;return $self->makeHolder($result);},$text);// link$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]\(((?:[^\)]|\\\\\)|\\\\\()+?)\)/",function ($matches) use ($self) {$escaped = $self->parseInline($self->escapeBracket($matches[1]), '', false, false);$url = $self->escapeBracket($matches[2]);$url = $self->cleanUrl($url);return $self->makeHolder("<a href=\"{$url}\">{$escaped}</a>");},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]\[((?:[^\]]|\\\\\]|\\\\\[)+?)\]/",function ($matches) use ($self) {$escaped = $self->parseInline($self->escapeBracket($matches[1]), '', false);$result = isset($self->_definitions[$matches[2]]) ?"<a href=\"{$self->_definitions[$matches[2]]}\">{$escaped}</a>": $escaped;return $self->makeHolder($result);},$text);// strong and em and some fuck$text = $this->parseInlineCallback($text);$text = preg_replace("/<([_a-z0-9-\.\+]+@[^@]+\.[a-z]{2,})>/i","<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>",$text);// autolink urlif ($enableAutoLink) {$text = preg_replace_callback("/(^|[^\"])((https?):[\p{L}_0-9-\.\/%#!@\?\+=~\|\,&\(\)]+)($|[^\"])/iu",function ($matches) use ($self) {$link = $self->call('parseLink', $matches[2]);return "{$matches[1]}<a href=\"{$matches[2]}\">{$link}</a>{$matches[4]}";},$text);}$text = $this->call('afterParseInlineBeforeRelease', $text);$text = $this->releaseHolder($text, $clearHolders);$text = $this->call('afterParseInline', $text);return $text;}/*** @param $text* @return mixed*/public function parseInlineCallback($text){$self = $this;$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\*{3})(.+?)\\1/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return '<strong><em>' .$self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) .'</em></strong>';},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\*{2})(.+?)\\1/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return '<strong>' .$self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) .'</strong>';},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\*)(.+?)\\1/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return '<em>' .$self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) .'</em>';},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\s+|^)(_{3})(.+?)\\2(\s+|$)/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return $matches[1] . '<strong><em>' .$self->parseInlineCallback($matches[3]) .'</em></strong>' . $matches[4];},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\s+|^)(_{2})(.+?)\\2(\s+|$)/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return $matches[1] . '<strong>' .$self->parseInlineCallback($matches[3]) .'</strong>' . $matches[4];},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/(\s+|^)(_)(.+?)\\2(\s+|$)/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return $matches[1] . '<em>' .$self->parseInlineCallback($matches[3]) .'</em>' . $matches[4];},$text);$text = preg_replace_callback("/(~{2})(.+?)\\1/",function ($matches) use ($self) {return '<del>' .$self->parseInlineCallback($matches[2]) .'</del>';},$text);return $text;}/*** parseBlock** @param string $text* @param array $lines* @return array*/private function parseBlock($text, &$lines){$lines = explode("\n", $text);$this->_blocks = array();$this->_current = 'normal';$this->_pos = -1;$state = array('special' => implode("|", array_keys($this->_specialWhiteList)),'empty'   => 0,'html'    => false);// analyze by lineforeach ($lines as $key => $line) {$block = $this->getBlock();$args = array($block, $key, $line, &$state, $lines);if ($this->_current != 'normal') {$pass = call_user_func_array($this->_parsers[$this->_current], $args);if (!$pass) {continue;}}foreach ($this->_parsers as $name => $parser) {if ($name != $this->_current) {$pass = call_user_func_array($parser, $args);if (!$pass) {break;}}}}return $this->optimizeBlocks($this->_blocks, $lines);}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @return bool*/private function parseBlockList($block, $key, $line, &$state){if (preg_match("/^(\s*)((?:[0-9]+\.)|\-|\+|\*)\s+/i", $line, $matches)) {$space = strlen($matches[1]);$state['empty'] = 0;// openedif ($this->isBlock('list')) {$this->setBlock($key, $space);} else {$this->startBlock('list', $key, $space);}return false;} else if ($this->isBlock('list') && !preg_match("/^\s*\[((?:[^\]]|\\]|\\[)+?)\]:\s*(.+)$/", $line)) {if ($state['empty'] <= 1&& preg_match("/^(\s+)/", $line, $matches)&& strlen($matches[1]) > $block[3]) {$state['empty'] = 0;$this->setBlock($key);return false;} else if (preg_match("/^(\s*)$/", $line) && $state['empty'] == 0) {$state['empty']++;$this->setBlock($key);return false;}}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @return bool*/private function parseBlockCode($block, $key, $line){if (preg_match("/^(\s*)(~{3,}|`{3,})([^`~]*)$/i", $line, $matches)) {if ($this->isBlock('code')) {$isAfterList = $block[3][2];if ($isAfterList) {$this->combineBlock()->setBlock($key);} else {$this->setBlock($key)->endBlock();}} else {$isAfterList = false;if ($this->isBlock('list')) {$space = $block[3];$isAfterList = ($space > 0 && strlen($matches[1]) >= $space)|| strlen($matches[1]) > $space;}$this->startBlock('code', $key, array($matches[1], $matches[3], $isAfterList));}return false;} else if ($this->isBlock('code')) {$this->setBlock($key);return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @return bool*/private function parseBlockShtml($block, $key, $line, &$state){if ($this->_html) {if (preg_match("/^(\s*)!!!(\s*)$/", $line, $matches)) {if ($this->isBlock('shtml')) {$this->setBlock($key)->endBlock();} else {$this->startBlock('shtml', $key);}return false;} else if ($this->isBlock('shtml')) {$this->setBlock($key);return false;}}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @return bool*/private function parseBlockAhtml($block, $key, $line, &$state){if ($this->_html) {if (preg_match("/^\s*<({$this->_blockHtmlTags})(\s+[^>]*)?>/i", $line, $matches)) {if ($this->isBlock('ahtml')) {$this->setBlock($key);return false;} else if (empty($matches[2]) || $matches[2] != '/') {$this->startBlock('ahtml', $key);preg_match_all("/<({$this->_blockHtmlTags})(\s+[^>]*)?>/i", $line, $allMatches);$lastMatch = $allMatches[1][count($allMatches[0]) - 1];if (strpos($line, "</{$lastMatch}>") !== false) {$this->endBlock();} else {$state['html'] = $lastMatch;}return false;}} else if (!!$state['html'] && strpos($line, "</{$state['html']}>") !== false) {$this->setBlock($key)->endBlock();$state['html'] = false;return false;} else if ($this->isBlock('ahtml')) {$this->setBlock($key);return false;} else if (preg_match("/^\s*<!\-\-(.*?)\-\->\s*$/", $line, $matches)) {$this->startBlock('ahtml', $key)->endBlock();return false;}}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @return bool*/private function parseBlockMath($block, $key, $line){if (preg_match("/^(\s*)\\$\\$(\s*)$/", $line, $matches)) {if ($this->isBlock('math')) {$this->setBlock($key)->endBlock();} else {$this->startBlock('math', $key);}return false;} else if ($this->isBlock('math')) {$this->setBlock($key);return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @return bool*/private function parseBlockPre($block, $key, $line, &$state){if (preg_match("/^ {4}/", $line)) {if ($this->isBlock('pre')) {$this->setBlock($key);} else {$this->startBlock('pre', $key);}return false;} else if ($this->isBlock('pre') && preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line)) {$this->setBlock($key);return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @return bool*/private function parseBlockHtml($block, $key, $line, &$state){if (preg_match("/^\s*<({$state['special']})(\s+[^>]*)?>/i", $line, $matches)) {$tag = strtolower($matches[1]);if (!$this->isBlock('html', $tag) && !$this->isBlock('pre')) {$this->startBlock('html', $key, $tag);}return false;} else if (preg_match("/<\/({$state['special']})>\s*$/i", $line, $matches)) {$tag = strtolower($matches[1]);if ($this->isBlock('html', $tag)) {$this->setBlock($key)->endBlock();}return false;} else if ($this->isBlock('html')) {$this->setBlock($key);return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @return bool*/private function parseBlockFootnote($block, $key, $line){if (preg_match("/^\[\^((?:[^\]]|\\]|\\[)+?)\]:/", $line, $matches)) {$space = strlen($matches[0]) - 1;$this->startBlock('footnote', $key, array($space, $matches[1]));return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @return bool*/private function parseBlockDefinition($block, $key, $line){if (preg_match("/^\s*\[((?:[^\]]|\\]|\\[)+?)\]:\s*(.+)$/", $line, $matches)) {$this->_definitions[$matches[1]] = $this->cleanUrl($matches[2]);$this->startBlock('definition', $key)->endBlock();return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @return bool*/private function parseBlockQuote($block, $key, $line){if (preg_match("/^(\s*)>/", $line, $matches)) {if ($this->isBlock('list') && strlen($matches[1]) > 0) {$this->setBlock($key);} else if ($this->isBlock('quote')) {$this->setBlock($key);} else {$this->startBlock('quote', $key);}return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @param $lines* @return bool*/private function parseBlockTable($block, $key, $line, &$state, $lines){if (preg_match("/^((?:(?:(?:\||\+)(?:[ :]*\-+[ :]*)(?:\||\+))|(?:(?:[ :]*\-+[ :]*)(?:\||\+)(?:[ :]*\-+[ :]*))|(?:(?:[ :]*\-+[ :]*)(?:\||\+))|(?:(?:\||\+)(?:[ :]*\-+[ :]*)))+)$/", $line, $matches)) {if ($this->isBlock('table')) {$block[3][0][] = $block[3][2];$block[3][2]++;$this->setBlock($key, $block[3]);} else {$head = 0;if (empty($block) ||$block[0] != 'normal' ||preg_match("/^\s*$/", $lines[$block[2]])) {$this->startBlock('table', $key);} else {$head = 1;$this->backBlock(1, 'table');}if ($matches[1][0] == '|') {$matches[1] = substr($matches[1], 1);if ($matches[1][strlen($matches[1]) - 1] == '|') {$matches[1] = substr($matches[1], 0, -1);}}$rows = preg_split("/(\+|\|)/", $matches[1]);$aligns = array();foreach ($rows as $row) {$align = 'none';if (preg_match("/^\s*(:?)\-+(:?)\s*$/", $row, $matches)) {if (!empty($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[2])) {$align = 'center';} else if (!empty($matches[1])) {$align = 'left';} else if (!empty($matches[2])) {$align = 'right';}}$aligns[] = $align;}$this->setBlock($key, array(array($head), $aligns, $head + 1));}return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @return bool*/private function parseBlockSh($block, $key, $line){if (preg_match("/^(#+)(.*)$/", $line, $matches)) {$num = min(strlen($matches[1]), 6);$this->startBlock('sh', $key, $num)->endBlock();return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @param $lines* @return bool*/private function parseBlockMh($block, $key, $line, &$state, $lines){if (preg_match("/^\s*((=|-){2,})\s*$/", $line, $matches)&& ($block && $block[0] == "normal" && !preg_match("/^\s*$/", $lines[$block[2]]))) {    // check if last line isn't emptyif ($this->isBlock('normal')) {$this->backBlock(1, 'mh', $matches[1][0] == '=' ? 1 : 2)->setBlock($key)->endBlock();} else {$this->startBlock('normal', $key);}return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @return bool*/private function parseBlockHr($block, $key, $line){if (preg_match("/^[-\*]{3,}\s*$/", $line)) {$this->startBlock('hr', $key)->endBlock();return false;}return true;}/*** @param $block* @param $key* @param $line* @param $state* @return bool*/private function parseBlockDefault($block, $key, $line, &$state){if ($this->isBlock('footnote')) {preg_match("/^(\s*)/", $line, $matches);if (strlen($matches[1]) >= $block[3][0]) {$this->setBlock($key);} else {$this->startBlock('normal', $key);}} else if ($this->isBlock('table')) {if (false !== strpos($line, '|')) {$block[3][2]++;$this->setBlock($key, $block[3]);} else {$this->startBlock('normal', $key);}} else if ($this->isBlock('quote')) {if (!preg_match("/^(\s*)$/", $line)) { // empty line$this->setBlock($key);} else {$this->startBlock('normal', $key);}} else {if (empty($block) || $block[0] != 'normal') {$this->startBlock('normal', $key);} else {$this->setBlock($key);}}return true;}/*** @param array $blocks* @param array $lines* @return array*/private function optimizeBlocks(array $blocks, array $lines){$blocks = $this->call('beforeOptimizeBlocks', $blocks, $lines);$key = 0;while (isset($blocks[$key])) {$moved = false;$block = &$blocks[$key];$prevBlock = isset($blocks[$key - 1]) ? $blocks[$key - 1] : NULL;$nextBlock = isset($blocks[$key + 1]) ? $blocks[$key + 1] : NULL;list ($type, $from, $to) = $block;if ('pre' == $type) {$isEmpty = array_reduce($lines, function ($result, $line) {return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line) && $result;}, true);if ($isEmpty) {$block[0] = $type = 'normal';}}if ('normal' == $type) {// combine two blocks$types = array('list', 'quote');if ($from == $to && preg_match("/^\s*$/", $lines[$from])&& !empty($prevBlock) && !empty($nextBlock)) {if ($prevBlock[0] == $nextBlock[0] && in_array($prevBlock[0], $types)) {// combine 3 blocks$blocks[$key - 1] = array($prevBlock[0], $prevBlock[1], $nextBlock[2], NULL);array_splice($blocks, $key, 2);// do not move$moved = true;}}}if (!$moved) {$key++;}}return $this->call('afterOptimizeBlocks', $blocks, $lines);}/*** parseCode** @param array $lines* @param array $parts* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseCode(array $lines, array $parts, $start){list ($blank, $lang) = $parts;$lang = trim($lang);$count = strlen($blank);if (!preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-\+\#\:\.]+$/i", $lang)) {$lang = NULL;} else {$parts = explode(':', $lang);if (count($parts) > 1) {list ($lang, $rel) = $parts;$lang = trim($lang);$rel = trim($rel);}}$isEmpty = true;$lines = array_map(function ($line) use ($count, &$isEmpty) {$line = preg_replace("/^[ ]{{$count}}/", '', $line);if ($isEmpty && !preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line)) {$isEmpty = false;}return htmlspecialchars($line);}, array_slice($lines, 1, -1));$str = implode("\n", $this->markLines($lines, $start + 1));return $isEmpty ? '' :'<pre><code' . (!empty($lang) ? " class=\"{$lang}\"" : ''). (!empty($rel) ? " rel=\"{$rel}\"" : '') . '>'. $str . '</code></pre>';}/*** parsePre** @param array $lines* @param mixed $value* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parsePre(array $lines, $value, $start){foreach ($lines as &$line) {$line = htmlspecialchars(substr($line, 4));}$str = implode("\n", $this->markLines($lines, $start));return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $str) ? '' : '<pre><code>' . $str . '</code></pre>';}/*** parseAhtml** @param array $lines* @param mixed $value* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseAhtml(array $lines, $value, $start){return trim(implode("\n", $this->markLines($lines, $start)));}/*** parseShtml** @param array $lines* @param mixed $value* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseShtml(array $lines, $value, $start){return trim(implode("\n", $this->markLines(array_slice($lines, 1, -1), $start + 1)));}/*** parseMath** @param array $lines* @param mixed $value* @param int $start* @param int $end* @return string*/private function parseMath(array $lines, $value, $start, $end){return '<p>' . $this->markLine($start, $end) . htmlspecialchars(implode("\n", $lines)) . '</p>';}/*** parseSh** @param array $lines* @param int $num* @param int $start* @param int $end* @return string*/private function parseSh(array $lines, $num, $start, $end){$line = $this->markLine($start, $end) . $this->parseInline(trim($lines[0], '# '));return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line) ? '' : "<h{$num}>{$line}</h{$num}>";}/*** parseMh** @param array $lines* @param int $num* @param int $start* @param int $end* @return string*/private function parseMh(array $lines, $num, $start, $end){return $this->parseSh($lines, $num, $start, $end);}/*** parseQuote** @param array $lines* @param mixed $value* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseQuote(array $lines, $value, $start){foreach ($lines as &$line) {$line = preg_replace("/^\s*> ?/", '', $line);}$str = implode("\n", $lines);return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $str) ? '' : '<blockquote>' . $this->parse($str, true, $start) . '</blockquote>';}/*** parseList** @param array $lines* @param mixed $value* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseList(array $lines, $value, $start){$html = '';$minSpace = 99999;$secondMinSpace = 99999;$found = false;$secondFound = false;$rows = array();// count levelsforeach ($lines as $key => $line) {if (preg_match("/^(\s*)((?:[0-9]+\.?)|\-|\+|\*)(\s+)(.*)$/i", $line, $matches)) {$space = strlen($matches[1]);$type = false !== strpos('+-*', $matches[2]) ? 'ul' : 'ol';$minSpace = min($space, $minSpace);$found = true;if ($space > 0) {$secondMinSpace = min($space, $secondMinSpace);$secondFound = true;}$rows[] = array($space, $type, $line, $matches[4]);} else {$rows[] = $line;if (preg_match("/^(\s*)/", $line, $matches)) {$space = strlen($matches[1]);if ($space > 0) {$secondMinSpace = min($space, $secondMinSpace);$secondFound = true;}}}}$minSpace = $found ? $minSpace : 0;$secondMinSpace = $secondFound ? $secondMinSpace : $minSpace;$lastType = '';$leftLines = array();$leftStart = 0;foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {if (is_array($row)) {list ($space, $type, $line, $text) = $row;if ($space != $minSpace) {$leftLines[] = preg_replace("/^\s{" . $secondMinSpace . "}/", '', $line);} else {if (!empty($leftLines)) {$html .= "<li>" . $this->parse(implode("\n", $leftLines), true, $start + $leftStart) . "</li>";}if ($lastType != $type) {if (!empty($lastType)) {$html .= "</{$lastType}>";}$html .= "<{$type}>";}$leftStart = $key;$leftLines = array($text);$lastType = $type;}} else {$leftLines[] = preg_replace("/^\s{" . $secondMinSpace . "}/", '', $row);}}if (!empty($leftLines)) {$html .= "<li>" . $this->parse(implode("\n", $leftLines), true, $start + $leftStart) . "</li></{$lastType}>";}return $html;}/*** @param array $lines* @param array $value* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseTable(array $lines, array $value, $start){list ($ignores, $aligns) = $value;$head = count($ignores) > 0 && array_sum($ignores) > 0;$html = '<table>';$body = $head ? NULL : true;$output = false;foreach ($lines as $key => $line) {if (in_array($key, $ignores)) {if ($head && $output) {$head = false;$body = true;}continue;}$line = trim($line);$output = true;if ($line[0] == '|') {$line = substr($line, 1);if ($line[strlen($line) - 1] == '|') {$line = substr($line, 0, -1);}}$rows = array_map(function ($row) {if (preg_match("/^\s*$/", $row)) {return ' ';} else {return trim($row);}}, explode('|', $line));$columns = array();$last = -1;foreach ($rows as $row) {if (strlen($row) > 0) {$last++;$columns[$last] = array(isset($columns[$last]) ? $columns[$last][0] + 1 : 1, $row);} else if (isset($columns[$last])) {$columns[$last][0]++;} else {$columns[0] = array(1, $row);}}if ($head) {$html .= '<thead>';} else if ($body) {$html .= '<tbody>';}$html .= '<tr' . ($this->_line ? ' class="line" data-start="'. ($start + $key) . '" data-end="' . ($start + $key). '" data-id="' . $this->_uniqid . '"' : '') . 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'">' : '<hr>';}/*** parseNormal** @param array $lines* @param bool $inline* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseNormal(array $lines, $inline = false, $start){$from = $start;foreach ($lines as $key => &$line) {$line = $this->parseInline($line);if (!preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line)) {$end = $start + $key;$line = $this->markLine($from, $end) . $line;$from = $end + 1;}}$str = trim(implode("\n", $lines));$str = preg_replace("/(\n\s*){2,}/", "</p><p>", $str);$str = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br>", $str);return preg_match("/^\s*$/", $str) ? '' : ($inline ? $str : "<p>{$str}</p>");}/*** parseFootnote** @param array $lines* @param array $value* @return string*/private function parseFootnote(array $lines, array $value){list($space, $note) = $value;$index = array_search($note, $this->_footnotes);if (false !== $index) {$lines[0] = preg_replace("/^\[\^((?:[^\]]|\\]|\\[)+?)\]:/", '', $lines[0]);$this->_footnotes[$index] = $lines;}return '';}/*** parseDefine** @return string*/private function parseDefinition(){return '';}/*** parseHtml** @param array $lines* @param string $type* @param int $start* @return string*/private function parseHtml(array $lines, $type, $start){foreach ($lines as &$line) {$line = $this->parseInline($line,isset($this->_specialWhiteList[$type]) ? $this->_specialWhiteList[$type] : '');}return implode("\n", $this->markLines($lines, $start));}/*** @param $url* @return string*/public function cleanUrl($url){if (preg_match("/^\s*((http|https|ftp|mailto):[x80-xff_a-z0-9-\.\/%#!@\?\+=~\|\,&\(\)]+)/i", $url, $matches)) {return $matches[1];} else if (preg_match("/^\s*([x80-xff_a-z0-9-\.\/%#!@\?\+=~\|\,&]+)/i", $url, $matches)) {return $matches[1];} else {return '#';}}/*** @param $str* @return mixed*/public function escapeBracket($str){return str_replace(array('\[', '\]', '\(', '\)'), array('[', ']', '(', ')'), $str);}/*** startBlock** @param mixed $type* @param mixed $start* @param mixed $value* @return $this*/private function startBlock($type, $start, $value = NULL){$this->_pos++;$this->_current = $type;$this->_blocks[$this->_pos] = array($type, $start, $start, $value);return $this;}/*** endBlock** @return $this*/private function endBlock(){$this->_current = 'normal';return $this;}/*** isBlock** @param mixed $type* @param mixed $value* @return bool*/private function isBlock($type, $value = NULL){return $this->_current == $type&& (NULL === $value ? true : $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][3] == $value);}/*** getBlock** @return array*/private function getBlock(){return isset($this->_blocks[$this->_pos]) ? $this->_blocks[$this->_pos] : NULL;}/*** setBlock** @param mixed $to* @param mixed $value* @return $this*/private function setBlock($to = NULL, $value = NULL){if (NULL !== $to) {$this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2] = $to;}if (NULL !== $value) {$this->_blocks[$this->_pos][3] = $value;}return $this;}/*** backBlock** @param mixed $step* @param mixed $type* @param mixed $value* @return $this*/private function backBlock($step, $type, $value = NULL){if ($this->_pos < 0) {return $this->startBlock($type, 0, $value);}$last = $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2];$this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2] = $last - $step;if ($this->_blocks[$this->_pos][1] <= $this->_blocks[$this->_pos][2]) {$this->_pos++;}$this->_current = $type;$this->_blocks[$this->_pos] = array($type, $last - $step + 1, $last, $value);return $this;}/*** @return $this*/private function combineBlock(){if ($this->_pos < 1) {return $this;}$prev = $this->_blocks[$this->_pos - 1];$current = $this->_blocks[$this->_pos];$prev[2] = $current[2];$this->_blocks[$this->_pos - 1] = $prev;$this->_current = $prev[0];unset($this->_blocks[$this->_pos]);$this->_pos--;return $this;}


namespace jplt\markdown;class Markdown extends Hyperdown
{public static function text($text){static $parser;if (empty($parser)) {$parser = new HyperDown();}$html = $parser->makeHtml($text);$index = [];$html = preg_replace_callback("/<h(\d+)>(.*?)<\/h\\1>/i", function ($item) use (&$index) {$index[$item[1]] = isset($index[$item[1]]) ? $index[$item[1]] + 1 : 1;$item[2] = strip_tags($item[2]);return "<h{$item[1]} id=\"{$item[2]}-{$index[$item[1]]}\">{$item[2]}</h{$item[1]}>";}, $html);return $html;}}


<?phpnamespace app\index\controller;use app\common\controller\Frontend;
use jplt\Service;
use jplt\markdown\Markdown;use think\Config;
use think\Exception;
class Index extends Frontend
{protected $noNeedLogin = '*';protected $noNeedRight = '*';protected $layout = '';// 文档首页public function index(){ echo '  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/docs/css/page.css">';//获取md内容 并转义$md="./index.md";$Macontent = file_get_contents(  $md);if (!$Macontent) {return null;}//解析 Markdown$content=Markdown::text($Macontent) ;var_dump($content);die;}


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  1. 刘光瑞php,PHP Markdown 解析器 HyperDown

    软件介绍 HyperDown 是 SegmentFault 开发的一个结构清晰.易于维护.现代的 PHP Markdown 解析器. Markdown已经面世许多年了,国内外许多大大小小的网站都在用它 ...

  2. Java如何解析markdown_使用Java实现的一款Markdown解析器md2x

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  4. Android 平台下的原生 Markdown 解析器

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  5. 小笔记:表 - 各种语言的 CommonMark Markdown解析器 实现

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  7. Go语言——快速使用Markdown解析库

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  9. 对par.markdown解析进行完善

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> par (https://github.com/limodou/par) 是我创建的一个用来进行结构化文本解析的项目,目前支持 ...

  10. ios markdown 解析_Shortcuts 教程:正则表达式修改 Markdown 链接

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