Received empty response from Zabbix Agent at [agent]. Assuming that agent dropped connection because of access permissions

查看 /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log

4143:20211123:235750.944 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf4143:20211123:235750.945 agent #0 started [main process]4146:20211123:235750.953 agent #3 started [listener #2]4147:20211123:235750.962 agent #4 started [listener #3]4144:20211123:235750.964 agent #1 started [collector]4148:20211123:235750.966 agent #5 started [active checks #1]4145:20211123:235750.969 agent #2 started [listener #1]4148:20211123:235753.969 active check configuration update from [] started to fail (cannot connect to [[]:10051]: [4] Interrupted system call)4145:20211123:235831.302 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211123:235931.366 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000031.422 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000130.483 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000230.543 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000330.605 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000430.659 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000530.719 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000630.779 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""4145:20211124:000730.834 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""





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