
The expression of … can be expanded as: …
A is exponentially smaller than B,so it can be neglected.
Equation (1) is reduced to:
Substitute the values into equation (3), we get …
According to our first assumption on Page 1,
Thus we arrive at the conclusion:
From the model of … ,we find that theoretically, it is almost true that …
由…模型,我们从理论上证明了… 是真实可信的。
That is the theoretical basis for … in many application areas.
To quantitatively analyze the different requirements of the two applications, we introduce two measures:
We give the criterion that …
According to the criterion of…
So its expression can be derived from equation (3) with small change.
Suppose that …refers to …
We can get the distribution of…
along x and y axes
For a further discussion of this model, please see Appendix A. 参见附录A
(detailed in Appendix I)
… is fitted to the normal distribution,with the mean at 0 and variance of σ=1.342.
conform to符合
Fig.4 shows …
Thus, if … is given, …is determined.
For a given r, we can calculate …
对于给定的r, 我们可以算出…
The two distributions are independent.
By calculation we obtain…
So it is expressed as below:
… is ultimately determined by …
… 最终由…决定
We fix A and examine the change of B with respect to C.
the logarithm values of …
That explains why the value of A decreases as B increases.
If r increases, p® increases accordingly.
due to
A is the length of … in unit of …
We can see a “valley” between two curved faces which denoted the points where A=B.
A and B always change in opposite direction.
So when seeking the minimum of…, we should consider how to balance A and B.
So we set the optimal function as:
However, putting equal weight on A and B is not always desirable.
In some situations, we must favor one over the other.
input the initialization
The program solves the optimal function and output a,b,c and d.
In consideration of
We apply this strategy to four typical situations and list the results here.
the probability of occurrence
Theoretically, recognization can always be successful.
the expectation value of …
We let a=b
numerical results 数值解
We write a program (Appendix II) in VC ++ to obtain the result.
As shown in Tab. 4,
The above results show that (+句子) ,which means (或者用that is ), (+句子)
So we arrive at (或者用come to)the conclusion that (+句子)
Moreover, from the aspect of …,
On the contrary ,

sensitivity analsis
alter m by 5%
They are very close.
This is consistent with the phenomenon shown in the Fig.4.
inversely related
in terms of …
We can rewrite the first inequality as follows:
We develop a model to design…
The model is based on conservation of energy.
We further classify … into three components: …
To validate our model
Due to the lack of accurate data for …
Our primary aim is to …
…and … are regarded as one system.
遗传算法(Genetic Algorithms,GA)
并行遗传算法Paralleling Genetic Algorithm,PGA
数据结构Data Structures
自然选择natural selection
基因库gene pool
随机过程random processes
flow chart 流程图
constraint condition 约束条件
maximize customer enjoyment最大化顾客的愉悦
Having ensured this, we should minimize … 在确保这个之后,我们要将…最小化
be far from optimal in practice在实践中远不是最优
implement 贯彻实行
The underlying idea is fairly simple.下面的想法很简单。
the appeal of these systems to amusement parks is two-fold: 这些系统对游乐园的吸引力有两个方面:
address these issues 致力于这些问题
Hence, … has come into question. 因此,…开始成为问题。
Apart from consideration of … , from the …‘s point of view, …
integrate 积分
Markov chain model 马尔科夫链模型
We validated our model using tests for rigor in both robustness and sensitivity.
We find that in robustness test cases that our model makes predictions that correlate well with empirical evidence.
improve efficiency by 36% on average 效率平均提高了36%
contend with 对付 disposal处置n.
higher productivity and greater customer satisfaction 更高的生产率和更高的顾客满意度
specify the boarding and deplaning sequence 详细列单说明登机下机次序
call for 要求
degrade customers’ perception of quality降低顾客对质量的认可度
significant stochastic variability 显著的随机可变性
be proportional to 和什么成比例
corollary 推论
it is necessary to notice that 注意…是十分必要的
stochastic approach 随机方法
numerical solution 数值解
differential equations 微分方程
partial differential equations 偏微分方程
numerically integrate them 将其数值积分
generate random number sets生成随机数序列
formulate 用公式表示/display显示 / show显示 / describe描述 /phrase 用短语表达
plot out data 将数据以图输出
customize them to your particular problem 使其服务于你的特殊的问题
periodically 周期性地, 定时性地
the primary objective 主要目标
as a secondary objective 作为第二目标
be rated by 由什么定价
This can be interpreted as 这个已被理解为…
Note that 注意
the diagonal length of the face 表面的对角线的长度
be approximately equal to 约等于
sth. of dimension abc /sth. in dimensions abc …的尺寸是abc
4 meters high, 4 meters wide, 4 meters long
in the z-direction 在z轴方向
187 Joules 187焦耳
correspond to 相应
price per box 每个箱子的价格
where a is …其中(往往用在公式后用于说明符号的含义)a是…
thus 因此 (常用于公式后的进一步推导)
safely withstand 在安全的情况下经受住
r is given by +公式 r由…公式给出
let r be …令r等于…
as a function of time 作为时间的函数
Therefore we arrive at: … 因此我们得到
d bounded by 234 d限制在234
Given … 给定 …
require at least 需要至少
come to rest 变为静止
Conversely, if we instead have an idea of … 相反如果我们认为
We can easily compute that 我们很容易计算得到
the calculation for … …的计算
dissipate the energy 消耗能量
, i.e. @#%^& 也就是@#%^&
the kinetic energy 动能
the change in energy 能量变化量
regardless of 不考虑
We calculate sth. by solving the folllowing differential equation 我们计算sth.通过下列微分方程
first order equations 一阶微分方程
It would be unwise to ignore aie resistance 忽略空气阻力是不明智的
incorporate … into … 将什么合并入什么
Ideally r should be zero, but small variations may occur. 理想情况…,但会小的偏差发生
uncertain initial condition 不确定的初始条件
We assume the following uncertainties 我们假设如下不确定性
These are shown in Fig. 5. 这些在图5中显示
A illustration of this effect is shown in Fig. 6.
far too complex to medel accurately 太复杂以致不能精确模拟
make the following assumptions to approximate and simplify the problem
two dimensional space二维空间
We restrict our attention to 我们集中精力在
There is no reason for … 什么是没有理由的
Making this simplification does affect the possibility of 做这个简化,确实影响到什么的概率
However, we will later show that these effects are negligible in most cases.
ignore further interaction with … 忽略和谁的进一步交互作用
The velocity magnitude is reduced but the direction is unchanged.
速度的大小减小了 但方向未改变
a uniform level 相同的水平
… is represented by … 什么有什么来代表 代替
We modify … according to … 我们根据什么调整什么
sth. described in the following section (see Eq. 2) …在下部分被描述的(参见方程2)
We use this process to account for the effects of friction. 我们用这个过程来计算解释摩擦的作用
horizontal 水平 vertical 竖直
The vertical compoment of the velocity is set to zero. 速度的竖直分量被置为0
rectangle 长方形、矩形 triangle 三角形
slow his descent 降低他的降落速度
This is a good approximation in the average of a large number of collisions.
We are taking the maximum here to avoid … 这里我们取最大值,以避免…
To show that sth. are negligible, we vary … 为了证明什么是可忽略的,我们改变…
step size 步长
no distinguishable change 没有显著改变
This verifies that sth. is highly insensitive to… 这证实了sth. 对…高度不敏感
conservation of energy 能量守恒
conservation of momentum 动量守恒
the change in his velocity 速度的变化量
We use this equation to calculate …
stability and sensitivity analsis
as a function of time
the discrete way
Hypothesis 假设
The results indicate that type (1) is optimal.
figure out 计算出
be shown in detail in Fig. 2
final recommendation
rumor 瘤 humor幽默 rumor流言谣言
result in 导致 result from 产生
cause a minimal effect on 引起最小限度的影响
10 seconds up to a couple hours
under various conditions
be fairly independent of … 与什么无关
two complementary measures 两个补充方法
We tabulate the relationship between and 我们将 列成表格
be proportional to the square of velocity 和速度的平方成比例
the above considerations lead us to formulate …
This is precisely the effect that we wish to capture.
modified poisson process 改良的泊松过程
test and demonstrate our algorithm 测试和证明我们的算法
The defination of “simple” is up to you.
be implemented in 在某处实施
It also shows that Duke is not alone in this trend. 这也显示了不仅杜克大学符合这种趋势
It is apparently that… 很显然
generality 一般性
Through trial and error we determined a possible coefficient of 0.2.
figure out / calculate /compute 计算 formulate用公式表明
in terms of根据, 按照, 用…的话, 在…方面
For this reason, class size is not directly involved in the model.
be reflected in … 反映在某方面
tend toward 趋向
the most extreme case
as long as 只要
index 指数指标
, thereby reducing the amount of time taken to select a treatment plan 因此
three dimensional image 三维图像
fitting data 拟合数据
the bottom two curves 下部的两条曲线
We agree very well with
1 cubic millimeter 一立方毫米
This algorithm makes use of … to … 利用
be similar to 相似
The end result is that…
with regard to /with respect to 关于
in the range of 7.1 to 7.5

centre of gravity 重心
centre of mass 质心
check digit 校验位
delivery cost, petrol 油料运输费用
minimum cost solution 最底费用解
optimum solution 最优解
non-conforming samples 不合格抽样
potential energy 势能
weighting factors 加权因子
differential equations 微分方程
mathematical induction 数学归纳法
exponential model 幂函数模型
equilibrium point 平衡点
We can verify that p = 5,000 is an equilibrium point numerically by computing ********;
D§ = c*5000 - 500 p ,where p denotes price and c is constant 其中 p是指价格
p1 = 20 ppm. The abbreviation ppm stands for parts per million.宿写的ppm代表 …
the amount **** depends more directly on ***** than on ******
The derivative of the curve y = x + 2 is dy/dx 如何引出导数
…the dominant controllable factor affecting… …是影响。。。主要因素
where ρ is the density of 。。。。。。 密度是


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