Are you looking for a solution to add free live chat in WordPress?


Adding the live chat functionality to your website lets you interact with your visitors. You can answer their questions and solve their problems in real-time.

将实时聊天功能添加到您的网站,使您可以与访问者进行交互。 您可以实时回答他们的问题并解决他们的问题。

This helps you to convince your potential customers to purchase your product. It also allows you to provide faster support to your existing customers, so they stay loyal to your brand.

这可以帮助您说服潜在客户购买您的产品。 它还使您可以为现有客户提供更快的支持,从而使他们忠于您的品牌。

In this article, we will explain how to add live chat in your WordPress site, the easy way.


为什么要在WordPress网站上使用实时聊天? (Why Use Live Chat on Your WordPress Site?)

In this age of instant gratification, customers want to get instant answers to their questions. This helps them make a quick decision to purchase a product or service.

在这个即时满足的时代,客户希望获得他们问题的即时答案。 这有助于他们快速决定购买产品或服务。

According to eConsultancy, live chat has the highest level of satisfaction among all the customer service channels.

根据eConsultancy的说法 ,实时聊天在所有客户服务渠道中满意度最高。

Live chat has a satisfaction level of 73% where as email satisfaction is 61%, phone is at 44%, and SMS satisfaction rate is at 41%.


Live chat is an incredibly powerful tool to recover abandoned carts and improve overall conversion rate across your website, specially if you run an online store.

实时聊天是一种非常强大的工具,可以恢复废弃的购物车并提高整个网站的整体转化率,尤其是在您经营在线商店的情况下 。

Aside from being a powerful sales tool, you can also use live chat to provide support to your existing customers which can help turn your loyal customers into brand ambassadors.


That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add a free live chat in WordPress.


将实时聊天添加到WordPress (Adding Live Chat to WordPress)

While there are many live chat solutions available for WordPress, we’ll be using LiveChat Inc. for the sake of this tutorial.

尽管有许多可用于WordPress的实时聊天解决方案 ,但出于本教程的目的,我们将使用LiveChat Inc .。

It is the best live chat software in the market. We can confidently recommend it because we use it on one of our own business websites, OptinMonster.

它是市场上最好的实时聊天软件。 我们可以放心地推荐它,因为我们在自己的商业网站OptinMonster中使用了它。

While the WordPress live chat plugin is free, you will need to have a paid subscription to the LiveChat service. This is one of the most cost-effective solutions in the market.

尽管WordPress实时聊天插件是免费的,但您需要付费订阅LiveChat服务。 这是市场上最具成本效益的解决方案之一。

There is no good free live chat plugin for WordPress.


LiveChat Inc’s paid solution starts at $16.99 per month, but they offer a free 30-day trial for testing their product.

LiveChat Inc的付费解决方案起价为每月16.99美元,但他们提供了30天的免费试用版来测试其产品。

We believe that it is the best option for small businesses that are just starting out. It is worth spending money on it because it will help grow your business.

我们认为,这是刚起步的小型企业的最佳选择。 值得花钱,因为它将帮助您发展业务。

You can add it to your website for free and give it a try.


To get started, head over to the LiveChat website to create a new account.


Next, you need to click on the Sign up free button located at the top-right corner of the screen.


This will take you to a new page where you have to provide some basic information like your full name, email address, and password.


Click on the Continue button to move forward.


In the next step, you have to provide the URL of your website and the purpose for creating the LiveChat account. It can be for support, sales, or both.

在下一步中,您必须提供网站的URL以及创建LiveChat帐户的目的。 它可以用于支持,销售或两者兼而有之。

Once done, click on the Continue button to proceed forward.

完成后,单击“ 继续”按钮继续前进。

Now, you have to provide some information about your business. You can select the company size, industry of your business, and type of audience.

现在,您必须提供一些有关您的业务的信息。 您可以选择公司规模,业务所在行业和受众类型。

Once you’ve filled in the required information, you can click on the Create Account button to complete the process.

填写所需信息后,您可以单击“ 创建帐户”按钮以完成该过程。

自定义实时聊天窗口的外观 (Customizing the Appearance of the Live Chat Window)

Your LiveChat window needs to grab user’s attention while blending in with the rest of your website design. LiveChat allows you to make changes to the appearance of the chat window to match your needs.

在与其他网站设计融合时,您的LiveChat窗口需要吸引用户的注意力。 LiveChat允许您更改聊天窗口的外观以符合您的需求。

To do that, you need to click on the Settings link on the left sidebar of your LiveChat account area.


This will take you to the Customization page where you can style the live chat window and see your changes applied in real-time.


On the right side of your screen, you can select a theme for the maximized window and the minimized version. You can also pick a color for the chat window to match it with your website’s colors.

在屏幕的右侧,您可以选择最大化窗口和最小化版本的主题。 您还可以为聊天窗口选择一种颜色,使其与您网站的颜色匹配。

To replace the LiveChat Inc. logo with your website logo, you need to click on the Advanced window tweaks link.

要将LiveChat Inc.徽标替换为您的网站徽标 ,您需要单击Advanced window tweaks链接。

This will take you to a new page where you need to click on “Upload your logo”.


You can also add the links to your social media pages. Once done, click on the “I’m done editing” button.

您也可以将链接添加到社交媒体页面。 完成后,单击“我完成编辑”按钮。

If you want to add custom CSS, then you need to click on the “Customize using own CSS” link.


Once you are finished with the customization, click on the Save Changes button to store the settings.

完成自定义后,单击“ 保存更改”按钮以存储设置。

在WordPress网站上设置实时聊天 (Setting up Live Chat on Your WordPress Website)

LiveChat comes with a free WordPress plugin that allows you to add it to your website within a few minutes.


Go ahead to install and activate the LiveChat plugin. You can check out our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin for help.

继续安装并激活LiveChat插件 。 您可以查看有关如何安装WordPress插件的初学者指南以获取帮助。

Upon activation, head over to LiveChat » Settings from the left sidebar of your admin panel.

激活后,从管理面板的左侧栏中转到LiveChat » 设置

On the Settings page, you’ll have to connect to the LiveChat account by clicking on the “Connect with LiveChat” button.


This will open up a popup window where you need to click on the Sign in link and then log in to your LiveChat account.


Next, WordPress will ask for your permission to access your LiveChat account from the admin area. Click on Allow to complete the process.

接下来,WordPress将要求您允许从管理区域访问LiveChat帐户。 单击允许以完成该过程。

Now you’ll find some new options on the settings page.


You may click on the “Hide chat on mobile” toggle box to display live chat on desktop only.


You can also hide the chat feature for guest visitors to test the software.


Now you can visit your website to see the Live Chat bubble added to the bottom-right corner of your screen.


You’ll receive notifications on your LiveChat account whenever someone uses it to contact you. You can then interact with them, from your account area to answer their queries.

每当有人使用LiveChat帐户与您联系时,您都会收到通知。 然后,您可以从您的帐户区域与他们互动,以回答他们的查询。

如何找到训练有素的实时聊天代理 (How to Find Trained Live Chat Agents)

The above method allows you to add the live chat feature to your site easily.


However, the biggest challenge for most small businesses is to maintain a team of support or sales professionals.


You’ll have to hire and train the team so that you can provide live support to your customers.


The easiest solution is to outsource the service to LTVPlus. It is a managed live chat service for online businesses.

最简单的解决方案是将服务外包给LTVPlus 。 它是针对在线企业的托管实时聊天服务。

LTVPlus is started by the co-founder of MaxCDN, the content delivery solution that we use on WPBeginner website.

LTVPlus通过的联合创始人开始MaxCDN ,内容交付解决方案,我们用WPBeginner网站。

They offer affordable live chat agents who can provide 24/7 support on your website. This will help reduce your expenses and grow your business without worrying about hiring more support and sales staff.

他们提供负担得起的实时聊天代理,他们可以在您的网站上提供24/7全天候支持。 这将有助于减少开支并发展业务,而不必担心雇用更多的支持和销售人员。

You can use the combination of LiveChat and LTVPlus to add live chat functionality to your website and take your business to the next level.

您可以使用的组合ID登录 ,并LTVPlus添加实时聊天功能,您的网站,把你的业务更上一层楼。

We have used the combination of these two services to increase the sales on our sister company, OptinMonster.


We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to easily add free Live Chat in WordPress. You may also want to see our list of the best CRM software for small businesses.

我们希望本教程可以帮助您学习如何轻松地在WordPress中添加免费的在线聊天。 您可能还希望查看我们针对小型企业的最佳CRM软件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。



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