
Firefox Quantum‘s new tab page has a lot of stuff on it, from recommended articles to highlights from your history. But if you don’t like that design, you aren’t stuck with it. You can restore Firefox’s old new tab page, or set any address you like as your new tab.

Firefox Quantum的新标签页上有很多内容,从推荐的文章到您历史的重点。 但是,如果您不喜欢这种设计,就不会受其困扰。 您可以还原Firefox的旧新标签页,也可以将任意所需的地址设置为新标签页。

如何整理新标签页 (How to Declutter the New Tab Page)

You can remove various elements from the new tab page to simplify it. To do that, just open your new tab page and click the cog icon at the top right corner of the page.

您可以从新标签页中删除各种元素以简化操作。 为此,只需打开新的标签页,然后单击页面右上角的齿轮图标。

Uncheck whatever you don’t want to see and click “Done”. The list here includes the Search bar, Top Sites you visit most often, articles recommended by Pocket, Highlights from your bookmarks and history, and Snippets with information from Mozilla that occasionally appear at the bottom of your new tab page.

取消选中所有您不想看到的内容,然后单击“完成”。 此处的列表包括搜索栏,您最常访问的热门站点, Pocket推荐的文章,书签和历史记录中的重点内容以及带有Mozilla信息的摘录,这些摘录偶尔会出现在新标签页的底部。

To customize your Top Sites, if you’ve left them enabled, mouse over the Top Sites section and click “Edit” at the top right corner. You can click “Add” and add your favorite websites to this section for quicker access.

要自定义您的热门网站,如果您启用了它们,请将鼠标悬停在“热门网站”部分上,然后点击右上角的“编辑”。 您可以单击“添加”,然后将自己喜欢的网站添加到此部分,以加快访问速度。

如何返回旧的新标签页(或使用空白页) (How to Get the Old New Tab Page Back (or Use a Blank Page))

If you just don’t like the new design in Firefox Quantum, you can get the old new tab page from previous versions of Firefox back.

如果您只是不喜欢Firefox Quantum中的新设计,则可以从以前的Firefox版本中获得旧的新标签页。

To do this, you’ll need to use the about:config interface. Type about:config into Firefox’s address bar and press Enter to open it.

为此,您需要使用about:config接口。 在Firefox的地址栏中输入about:config ,然后按Enter将其打开。

You’ll see a warning saying that “This might void your warranty!” The about:config interface is an advanced tool that allows you to change many different settings. You could mess up your browser configuration and cause problems if you change the wrong settings. Just follow our instructions without changing any other settings and you’ll be fine.

您会看到一条警告,说“这可能会使您的保修无效!” about:config界面是一个高级工具,可用于更改许多不同的设置。 如果更改错误的设置,可能会弄乱浏览器配置并导致问题。 只需按照我们的说明进行操作,无需更改任何其他设置,就可以了。

Click “I accept the risk!” to continue.

点击“我接受风险!” 接着说。

Type “newtabpage” into the search box at the top of the about:config page to find the relevant settings.

在about:config页面顶部的搜索框中输入“ newtabpage”以查找相关设置。

Double-click the browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.enabled option in the list here to set it to “False”.

双击此处列表中的browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.enabled选项,将其设置为“ False”。

You’ll see the old Firefox new tab page with its larger thumbnail icons again. You can click the cog icon at the top right corner of the page and select “Show blank page” if you want to use a blank page instead.

您会再次看到带有新的旧Firefox的新标签页的缩略图图标。 如果要使用空白页,则可以单击页面右上角的齿轮图标,然后选择“显示空白页”。

To undo this change, return to about:config and double-click the browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.enabled option once again to set it to “True”.

要撤消此更改,请返回到about:config并再次双击browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.enabled选项以将其设置为“ True”。

如何设置自定义新标签页 (How to Set a Custom New Tab Page)

Firefox no longer has an integrated option to set any web page as your new tab page, as this was abused by adware. However, Firefox does allow add-ons to make this change. You can install an add-on and use it to select any new tab page you like.

Firefox不再具有将任何网页设置为新标签页的集成选项,因为该网页已被广告软件滥用。 但是,Firefox允许附件进行此更改。 您可以安装加载项并使用它来选择所需的任何新标签页。

If you want to set a custom address as your new tab page, we recommend the New Tab Override extension. Install it and click the “New Tab — Settings” button that appears on your toolbar to find its options.

如果要将自定义地址设置为新标签页,我们建议使用“ 新标签覆盖”扩展程序。 安装它,然后单击工具栏上显示的“新建选项卡-设置”按钮以找到其选项。

By default, the extension allows you to set a custom URL in the URL box. Just plug in the address of a web page you want to use as your new tab page. For example, if you wanted to use How-To Geek as your home page, you’d enter here.

默认情况下,扩展名允许您在URL框中设置自定义URL。 只需插入要用作新标签页的网页地址即可。 例如,如果您想使用How-To Geek作为主页,则在此处输入

This only works with addresses starting with either http:// or https:// .


You can also select from other options. Just click the “Option” box and choose an option from the list. For example, you could make Firefox always open the new tab page with an empty page, your current home page, or a local file.

您也可以从其他选项中选择。 只需单击“选项”框,然后从列表中选择一个选项。 例如,您可以使Firefox始终打开带有空白页,当前主页或本地文件的新标签页。

The “local file” option allows you to select an HTML file that Firefox will use on its new tab page, so you could make your own web page and set it as a custom new tab page, if you liked.





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