提起牙齿畸形 你会想到 Speaking of teeth deformity, you will think of

龅牙 Gagtooth 认为牙齿虽然没有明星般整齐,但不觉得会有什么不妥。 You may think the teeth are just no orderly like stars’ and there is nothing wrong. 可实际上,牙齿不齐包括: Actually, poorly aligned teeth include:

天哪 牙齿不整齐种类竟然这么多 那我怎么知道我的牙齿是否整齐 三招自测方法,轻松判断牙齿整齐程度 oh my god there are so many kinds of poor teeth alignment how should I know if my teeth are lined orderly three self-test methods to judge it 简单自测第一步:露齿笑,看中线 Simple self test step one: smile with teeth exposed and check the centerline. 牙齿中线是测试牙齿整齐程度的参考指标,如果上门牙的中缝与人中、唇珠扽在一条线上,则为中线对齐。 Teeth centerline is an index of the degree of straight teeth. If the upper front teeth gap, philtrum and lip bead middle are in the same line that is called the centerline alignment.

面部中线与牙齿中线一致 Face centerline should be consistent with teeth centerline (用食指将面部中线与牙齿中线相对比,中线一致说明牙齿整齐) (Use index finger to compare the face centerline and teethcenter line and same line means good teeth alignment.) 中线不齐原因 Poor alignment reason 两侧用力不平衡或闭隙不一致都有可能导致中线的偏移。 Imbalance of force posed to two sides or different closed gaps are likely to lead to the midline shift. 改善方法 Improving method 可通过正畸治疗调整 It can be adjusted by orthodontic treatment 简单自测第二步:咬紧牙,看咬合 Simple self test step two: clinch teeth and watch the occlusion 咬合关系又叫颌关系,正常牙齿应该是尖对沟咬合,非正常的咬合属于尖对尖咬合。 正常咬合:上排牙齿的窝,对下排牙齿的尖,上排牙齿在前,盖住下排牙齿大概三分之一。 Occlusion relation is also called jaw relationship. Normal teeth should be occluded with tip against groove while abnormal occlusion belongs to tip to tip occlusion. Normal occlusion: the fossa of upper teeth alignment should be against to the tip of lower teeth. The upper teeth are in the front and cover lower teeth by about one third.

(侧面看牙齿咬合情况,牙尖对应牙沟说明牙齿整齐) (Watched from side, alignment with teeth tip against groove means orderly alignment.) 咬合不当原因 Improper occlusion reason不良习惯(习惯性吮指、舔舌、偏侧咀嚼习惯等)。 Bad habits (finger sucking, tongue licking, unilateral chewing and so on)。

牙缺失。 Loss of tooth。影响 Influences 咀嚼效率低下,营养摄取量减少。 Low chewing efficiency and reduced nutrition intake。

牙周损伤、牙齿过早的松动脱落等疾患。 Diseases like periodontal damage and early tooth loose and falling off。

口腔功能,如上下前牙无法咬合造成发音异常,后牙锁颌影响咀嚼功能,严重的下颌前突造成吞咽异常,下颌严重后缩则影响呼吸功能。 Affect oral cavity function. If upper and lower front teeth can't bite, it will cause abnormal pronunciation. The back teeth locking jaw deformity affects chewing function. Serious jaw thrust forward causes unusual swallowing and then serious jaw retraction affects the respiratory function。

口腔健康:不能自洁,菌斑结石堆积,引起龋病及牙龈牙周的炎症。 Oral health: teeth can’t clean themselves and dental plaque and tartars will be accumulated, causing teeth decay and periodontal inflammation。简单自测第三部:照镜子,看脸面 Simple self test step three: look in to mirror and watch face 面部正对镜子,将镜子中的面部三等分为上、中、下三部分,如果下庭部位过长或过短、可能和牙齿发育情况有一定关系。通常牙齿发育良好,整齐健康的话,下庭部位将更美观,与上庭、中庭大小相似。 Facing to the mirror, divide the face in the mirror into the upper, middle and bottom parts. If bottom part is too long or short, it may have a certain relationship with tooth development situation. Usually, good tooth development and the clean and orderly teeth health will beautify the bottom part that should be similar to upper and middle parts in size.

下庭不佳原因 Poor bottom reasons 牙齿在发育的健康程度与颌面发育程度息息相关,若牙齿发育不良,则颌面未充分发育,很可能造成下庭过小;如果出现地包天等现象还可能造成月牙脸等问题…… Teeth development health is closely related to maxillofacial development. If teeth are in dysplasia, then maxillofacial has not fully developed, likely to cause too small bottom part; if the phenomenon of counter occlusion occurs, it also may cause problems such as crescent face...

影响 Influences 容貌外观,各类错颌畸形,都不同程度地影响容貌外观,这也是很多患者要求矫治的直接原因。如开唇露齿、双颌前突、长面或短面畸形、过长等,都是牙齿不齐的情况。除了会影响口腔健康,还会不同程度影响容貌脸型。而这些,通通都可以通过牙齿正畸治疗得到纠正。 All kinds of malocclusion deformity affect appearance to different extents and this is the direct reason of why many patients require correction. Problems like exposed teeth when opening mouth, bimaxillary protrusion, deformity and over size of vertical or horizontal side etc. are all irregular situations. In addition to affecting oral health, they also affect the appearance of face to different extents and these usually can be corrected by orthodontic treatment.

爱美的你是不是也盼望有一天也能拥有整齐美白的牙齿,随时绽放自信笑容? Seeking beauty, do you also hope you can have tidy white teeth and bloom confident smile some day in future? 不用担心矫正牙齿时因为戴牙套影响美观、腐蚀牙面, HG·一天口腔隐形矫正让你脱离矫正牙齿的“金箍”, 隐形矫正可以自由摘带,对美观不会产生任何影响。

Don't worry about appearance affected or teeth surface corrosion caused by wearing braces. HG·One Day Dental Treatment invisible teeth correction let you get out of the ugly hoop of traditional teeth correction. The invisible retainer can be worn and picked off freely, not affecting appearance at all.

什么叫隐形矫正 What is invisible teeth correction 隐形矫正又叫“隐形无托槽矫正”,它的出现时牙齿正畸技术的一次革命性发展。通过隐形矫正可以摆脱传统矫正技术长期使用的金属丝牙箍。 lnvisible teeth correction,also called"invisible correction without braces",is a rebolutionary. development of dental orthodontic technology.Through invisible teeth correction.we can get rid of the metal braces used for a long time in traditional orthodontic technology.

矫正器是透明的,不易被人察觉,所以被许多患者称为“隐形牙套”。随着时间的推移,这一系列透明牙套逐渐把牙齿矫正到合适的认为,赋予你自然灿烂的笑容。 Orthotics are transparent,not easy to be perceived,so many people called it"invisible braces".Over time,this series of transparent braces gradually move teeth to appropriate loc ations,giving you natural smile.


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