1、Product numbers:

2、Power requirements

●  WS-X6716-10T-3C: 509.3W (12.1A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6716-10T-3CXL: 538.7W (12.8A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6716-10G-3C: 457.8W (10.9A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6716-10G-3CXL: 487.2W (11.6A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6708-10G-3C: 444.36W (10.58A @ 42v)

●  WS-X6708-10G-3CXL: 473.76w (11.28A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3CXL: 362.46W (8.63A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3C: 333.06W (7.93A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3BXL: 402.36W (9.58A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3B: 377.16W (8.98A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3A: 389.76W (9.28A @ 42V)

●  WS-X6704-10GE with CFC: 295.26W (7.03A @ 42V)

3、To install and use the DFC, you need the following:

Catalyst 6500 series switch (Catalyst 6506, 6509, 6509-NEB, or 6513) or Cisco 7600 series router (Cisco 7606, 7609, or 7613)

Supervisor Engine 2 with Multilayer Switch Feature Card 2 (MSFC2) running Cisco IOS software on the Supervisor Engine 2 and MSFC2

Note You cannot have a DFC in a system with a Supervisor Engine 720.

Fabric-enabled module

Switch Fabric Module (SFM) (WS-C6500-SFM) or SFM 2 (WS-X6500-SFM2)

Note The SFM must be installed in slot 5 or slot 6 of the 6-slot or the 9-slot chassis. The SFM cannot be installed in the 3-slot or 13-slot chassis.

Note The SFM 2 must be installed in slot 5 or slot 6 of the 6-slot or the 9-slot chassis or in slot 7 or slot 8 of the 13-slot chassis.

4、DFC3A, DFC3B, DFC3BXL, DFC3C, DFC3CXL Hardware and Software Requirements

To install and use the DFC3A, DFC3B, DFC3C, DFC3BXL, or DFC3CXL, you need the following:

Catalyst 6500 series switch (Catalyst 6503, 6506, 6509, 6509-NEB, or 6513) or Cisco 7600 series router (Cisco 7603, 7606, 7609, or 7613)

Supervisor Engine 720 with MSFC3 running Cisco IOS software on the Supervisor Engine 720 and MSFC3

Note You cannot have a DFC3A, DFC3B, DFC3C, DFC3BXL, or DFC3CXL in a system with a Supervisor Engine 2

Fabric-enabled module

Note   Supervisor Engine 720 supports a DFC3A, DFC3B, DFC3C, DFC3BXL, or DFC3CXL on these WS-X6516-GBIC hardware revisions:

Lower than 5.0

5.4 and higher

Supervisor Engine 720 does not support a DFC3A, DFC3B, DFC3C, DFC3BXL, or DFC3CXL on WS-X6516-GBIC hardware revisions 5.0 through 5.3. With a Supervisor Engine 720 and with a DFC3A, DFC3B, DFC3C, DFC3BXL, or DFC3CXL installed, WS-X6516-GBIC hardware revisions 5.0 through 5.3 do not power up.

Without a DFC3A, DFC3B, DFC3C, DFC3BXL, or DFC3CXL, WS-X6516-GBIC hardware revisions 5.0 through 5.3 operate in bus mode.

5、Installation Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when installing a DFC:

When installing the DFC in a system with a Supervisor Engine 720, observe the following restrictions for DFC3/PFC3 mismatch:

PFC Version
DFC Version



No restrictions.


The DFC3B functions as a DFC3A.


The DFC3BXL functions as a DFC3A.


The DFC3C functions as a DFC3A.


The DFC3CXL functions as a DFC3A.



You must reset the system after installing a DFC3A-equipped module.

The PFC3B functions as a PFC3A.


No restrictions.


The DFC3BXL functions as a DFC3B.


No restrictions.


The DFC3CXL functions as a DFC3C.



You must reset the system after installing a DFC3A-equipped module.

The PFC3BXL functions as a PFC3A.


You must reset the system after installing a DFC3B-equipped module.

The PFC3BXL functions as a PFC3B.


No restrictions.


You must reset the system after installing a DFC3C-equipped module.

The PFC3CXL functions as a PFC3B.


No restrictions.



You must reset the system after installing a DFC3A-equipped module.

The PFC3B functions as a PFC3A.


No restrictions.


The DFC3BXL functions as a DFC3B.


No restrictions.


The DFC3CXL functions as a DFC3C.



You must reset the system after installing a DFC3A-equipped module.

The PFC3BXL functions as a PFC3A.


You must reset the system after installing a DFC3B-equipped module.

The PFC3BXL functions as a PFC3B.


No restrictions.


You must reset the system after installing a DFC3C-equipped module.

The PFC3CXL functions as a PFC3B.


No restrictions.

6、the DFC3C will support all the same features as the DFC3B. The 3C has a faster CPU and twice as much memory then the 3B. However if you have a Cat6500/Cisco7600 with both types of cards installed in it, the system will operate at the lowest common denominator, in this case 3B. Which is perfectly fine. Primarily, since the 3B has less memory, the overall number of routes supported will be set to that which the 3B supports though one or more of the linecards is a 3C which has higher capacity.

Refer to:



Power requirements

●  WS-X6716-10T-3C: 509.3W (12.1A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6716-10T-3CXL: 538.7W (12.8A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6716-10G-3C: 457.8W (10.9A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6716-10G-3CXL: 487.2W (11.6A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6708-10G-3C: 444.36W (10.58A @ 42v)
●  WS-X6708-10G-3CXL: 473.76w (11.28A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3CXL: 362.46W (8.63A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3C: 333.06W (7.93A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3BXL: 402.36W (9.58A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3B: 377.16W (8.98A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6704-10GE with DFC3A: 389.76W (9.28A @ 42V)
●  WS-X6704-10GE with CFC: 295.26W (7.03A @ 42V)


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