检测x86上Linux的非正常浮动操作(Detecting denormal float operations on Linux for x86)

我正在将一个windows程序移植到linux的过程中,并且陷入了一段特定于msvc的代码中,这些代码似乎检查了浮点运算,从而导致了非正常或不精确的结果。 我非常不确定如何以可靠的方式实现它。 我应该补充一点,在涉及特定于linux的编程和像这些非常低级的操作时,我相当缺乏经验。


if ( _statusfp() & ( _SW_INEXACT | _SW_DENORMAL) )


... portable stuff ...



虽然fenv.h似乎能够清除状态标志并检查不准确的标志,但它似乎没有提供任何帮助来检查反常标志。 此外,我已经向我建议,gcc可能会处理浮点运算的方式不同,以至于无法实现这段代码的简单直接端口。 我会很感激这方面的任何帮助。


编辑:当根据http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/fenv/FE_exceptions生成非正规结果时,fenv.h中称为FE_UNDERFLOW的标志似乎会被引发,但看到其他几个消息来源指出:只有当结果太小,即使是低于正常水平时也会升高。 将运行测试,看看它是否也能满足我的需求,如果有的话也回答自己。

I'm in the process of porting a windows program to linux, and have gotten stumped on piece of msvc-specific code that seems to check for floating point operations that has given a denormal or inexact result. I'm very much unsure on how to implement it in a robust manner. I should add that I'm fairly inexperienced when it comes to both linux-specific programming and very low-level operations like these.

Specifically, the part that gives me trouble is the following:

if ( _statusfp() & ( _SW_INEXACT | _SW_DENORMAL) )


... portable stuff ...



While fenv.h seems to give the ability to both clear the status flag and check for the inexact flag, it does not seem to provide any assistance in checking the denormal flag. Furthermore, I have had it suggested to me that gcc might handle floating point operations differently enough that a simple straight port of this piece of code may not be possible. I'd be grateful for any assistance in this.

If it is relevant, this is used in a very heavy number crunching part of the program where performance matter.

Edit: The flag in fenv.h called FE_UNDERFLOW seems to be raised when a denormal result is generated according to http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/fenv/FE_exceptions , but have seen several other sources state that it is raised only when the result is too small even for a subnormal. Will run tests to see if it does what I need it too and and answer myself if so.


更新时间:2020-01-24 16:02


As said in the question, it seems that fenv.h has a flag FE_UNDERFLOW that on some architectures at least indicate a subnormal/denormal result. My own testing indicates that this seems to be the case on my test x86 architecture, so I will go ahead and use this for now unless a better solution is provided.



大约两个半月前(2016年9月)的以下补丁从thread_info结构中删除了“任务”成员: 提交15f4eae70d365bba26854c90b6002aaabb18c8aa 作者:Andy Lutomirski 日期:9月13日星期二14:29:25 2016-0700 x86:将thread_info移入task_struct 参见: http : //git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=15


除非你想引导你的整个工具链,你可以从uclibc工具链 (i386版本,我想象)开始 - 软浮动(AFAIK)不直接支持debian和派生类的“本地”编译,但它可以通过uclibc工具链的“嵌入式”方法使用。 Unless you want to bootstrap your entire toolchain by hand, you could start with uclibc toolchain (the i386 version, I imagine) -- soft float is (


是的,这就是你得到的( Linux系统调用号码 , 64位Linux系统调用号码 ): 11: sys_exevce ,或exec的系统调用 45: sys_brk ,malloc下的东西 33: sys_access 192: lgetxattr 等等。 Yes, it's what you got (Linux System Call Numbers, 64-bit Linux System Call Numbers): 11 : sys_exevce, or exec's system ca


我只能建议在隔离的位置(而不是/usr/目录)重建ImageMagick和委托。 curl -O http://www.imagemagick.org/download/ImageMagick.tar.gz

tar zvxf ImageMagick.tar.gz && cd ImageMagick-6.9.2-4


./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --prefix=/opt/


项目正在使用: http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/libatomic-ops 如果你想要简单的操作,如CAS,你不能只是使用arch的特定的实现从内核,并用自动工具/ cmake的用户空间的arch检查? 就许可而言,尽管内核是GPL,但我认为这些操作的内联程序集是由Intel / AMD提供的,而不是内核具有许可证。 它们恰好在内核源代码中容易访问。 Projects are using this: http://packages.debian.org/


-mregparm=3对此负责。 -mregparm=3 is responsible for this.

你的测量真的不多; 也许只是编译器优化的程度。 为了使测量有效,您必须对结果做一些事情,或者编译器可以优化所有测试或测试的主要部分。 我要做的是1)初始化向量,2)获取开始时间(可能使用clock ,因为这只需要考虑CPU时间),3)执行第二个循环100(或更多......足以持续几秒钟,至少几次,4)得到结束时间,最后,5)输出向量中元素的总和。 关于您可能会发现的差异:独立于浮点处理器,64位机器具有更多通用寄存器供编译器使用。 这可能会产生巨大的影响。 除非你看一下生成的汇编程序,否则你无法


C ++ 11是您的选择吗? 如果是这样,也许你可以在结果上调用std::isnormal ,参见例如http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math/isnormal 。 As said in the question, it seems that fenv.h has a flag FE_UNDERFLOW that on some architectures at least indicate a subnormal/denormal result.


您至少需要删除空格 make CROSS_COMPILE=i686-linux ARCH=i386

但我不确定这是否足够。 阅读GNU make文档 。 You need at least to remove the spaces make CROSS_COMPILE=i686-linux ARCH=i386

but I am not sure that is enough. Read GNU make documentation.

read系统调用返回eax寄存器中读取的字节数。 如果此数字<0,则存在某种读取错误。 The read system call returns the number of bytes read in the eax register. If this number is < 0, there was a read error of some sort.

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