实现Media config的切换,使得测试板卡那个链接在50GbE模式下进行流量测试


# coding=UTF-8
import time, json, random, queue, types, sys, socket, math, os
from binascii import hexlify
from TestUtilsL23 import XenaScriptTools#########################################
## Aurthor: Zohn Yang                  ##
## Date : 2019-12-9                    ##
## Email : szy@xenanetworks.com        ##
## Software : Pyhton 3.7.4             ##
#########################################def runtest(xm, ports, rate, size, duration):##Print messagemodule = str(ports[0])[0:1]print("Start the scripting...")##RELEASE THE ports and modules, relinquish other users.xm.Send(module + ' M_RESERVATION RELEASE')xm.Send(module + ' M_RESERVATION relinquish')xm.Send(ports[0] + ' P_RESERVATION RELEASE')xm.Send(ports[0] + ' P_RESERVATION relinquish')xm.Send(ports[1] + ' P_RESERVATION RELEASE')xm.Send(ports[1] + ' P_RESERVATION relinquish')##Reserve the modulexm.Send(module + ' M_RESERVATION RESERVE')##set port speed mode into 4*50Gprint("Set the mode into 50G...")#xm.SendExpectOK(module + ' M_CFPCONFIGEXT 2 100000 100000')#xm.SendExpectOK(module + ' M_CFPCONFIGEXT 8 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000 25000')xm.SendExpectOK(module + ' M_CFPCONFIGEXT 4 50000 50000 50000 50000')time.sleep(5)xm.Send(module + ' M_RESERVATION RELEASE')print("Successful...")##Release the port and then Reserve the portsprint ("Resever the port...")xm.Send(ports[0] + ' P_RESERVATION RESERVE')  xm.Send(ports[1] + ' P_RESERVATION RESERVE')##RESET PORTSxm.Send(ports[0] + ' P_RESET')xm.Send(ports[1] + ' P_RESET')time.sleep(1)MAC1= '000000000002'MAC2= '000000000001'IP1 = ''IP2 = ''IP1 = hexlify(socket.inet_aton(IP1)).decode()IP2 = hexlify(socket.inet_aton(IP2)).decode()hearder1 = '0x' + str(MAC2) + str(MAC1) + '08004500002E000000007FFFF0B6' + str(IP1) + str(IP2) hearder2 = '0x' + str(MAC1) + str(MAC2) + '08004500002E000000007FFFF0B6' + str(IP2) + str(IP1) print("Start to configure the streams...")##Create the streams in port 0##Create the SID index of streamxm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " PS_CREATE [0]")##Create the TPLD index of streamxm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " PS_TPLDID [0] 0")##Configure the packet sizexm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " PS_PACKETLENGTH [0]" + size)##Configure the packet typexm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " PS_HEADERPROTOCOL [0] ETHERNET IP")##Configure the packet headerxm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " PS_PACKETHEADER [0] "+ str(hearder1))##Enable streamsxm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " PS_ENABLE [0] on")##Configure the stream ratexm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " PS_RATEFRACTION [0] " + str(int(rate)*10000))##Create the streams in port 1xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + " PS_CREATE [1]")xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + " PS_TPLDID [1] 1")xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + " PS_PACKETLENGTH [1]" + size)xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + " PS_HEADERPROTOCOL [1] ETHERNET IP")xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + " PS_PACKETHEADER [1] "+ str(hearder2))xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + " PS_ENABLE [1] on")xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + " PS_RATEFRACTION [1] " + str(int(rate)*10000))print("Start the traffic...")#####START TRAFFICxm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + ' P_TRAFFIC ON')xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + ' P_TRAFFIC ON')time.sleep(int(duration))xm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + ' P_TRAFFIC OFF')xm.SendExpectOK(ports[1] + ' P_TRAFFIC OFF')print("Stop the traffic and collect the result...")xm.Send(ports[0] + ' P_RESERVATION RELEASE')xm.Send(ports[1] + ' P_RESERVATION RELEASE')time.sleep(2)####Get traffic result##Get the TX and RX resultTX1 = (filter(xm, ports[0] + ' PT_STREAM [0] ?'))[3]TX2 = (filter(xm, ports[1] + ' PT_STREAM [1] ?'))[3]RX1 = (filter(xm, ports[1] + ' PR_TPLDTRAFFIC [0] ?'))[3]RX2 = (filter(xm, ports[0] + ' PR_TPLDTRAFFIC [1] ?'))[3]##Get the latency latency1 = (filter(xm, ports[1] + ' PR_TPLDLATENCY [0] ?'))[1]latency2 = (filter(xm, ports[0] + ' PR_TPLDLATENCY [1] ?'))[1]##Get the errorerror1 = filter(xm, ports[1] + ' PR_TPLDERRORS[1] ?')error2 = filter(xm, ports[0] + ' PR_TPLDERRORS[0] ?')##Get the FCSFCS1 = (filter(xm, ports[0] + ' PR_EXTRA ?'))[0]FCS2 = (filter(xm, ports[1] + ' PR_EXTRA ?'))[0]##Caculate the lostLost1 = int(TX1) - int(RX1)Lost2 = int(TX2) - int(RX2)##print the resultprint()print ('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------')print ('Stream1 |  TX: ' + str(TX1) + '  |  RX: ' + str(RX1) + '  |  Lost :' + str(Lost1) + ' |  FCS: ' + str(FCS2) + '  |  Misoder Error: ' + error1[2] + '  |  Payload Errors: ' + error1[3])print ('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------')print ('Stream2 |  TX: ' + str(TX2) + '  |  RX: ' + str(RX2) + '  |  Lost :' + str(Lost2) + ' |  FCS: ' + str(FCS1) + ' |  Misoder Error: ' + error2[2] + '  |  Payload Errors: ' + error2[3])print ('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------')print ('Ending.......')def filter(xm, cmd):getvalue = xm.Send(cmd)getvalue = getvalue.split('  ')[-1]getvalue = getvalue.split(' ')return getvaluedef main(argv):with open('config.txt','r+') as f:configs = f.readlines()config_dict = {}for conf in configs:parsed = conf.strip('\n').split(':')if len(parsed) > 1:config_dict[parsed[0]] = parsed[1]ip_address = config_dict.get('ip_address')print(ip_address)ports = config_dict.get('ports').split(' ')print(ports)rate = config_dict.get('rate')size = config_dict.get('size')duration = config_dict.get('duration')xm = XenaScriptTools(ip_address)print('Start to connect to the chassis...')xm.LogonSetOwner("xena", "python_test_1")print('Logon successful...')runtest(xm, ports, rate, size, duration)if __name__ == '__main__':sys.exit(main(sys.argv))


import socket
import sysclass SimpleSocket(object):def __init__(self, hostname, port = 22611, timeout = 20):hostname = hostname.encode()self.hostname = hostnametry:self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)except socket.error as msg:sys.stderr.write("[Socket connection error] Cannot connect to %s, error: %s\n" % (hostname, msg[0]))sys.exit(1)self.sock.settimeout(timeout)try:self.sock.connect((hostname, port))except socket.error as msg:sys.stderr.write("[Socket connection error] Cannot connect to %s, error: %s\n" % (hostname, msg[0]))sys.exit(2)def __del__(self):self.sock.close()def SendCommand(self, cmd):cmd = cmd.encode()self.sock.send(cmd + b'\n')def Ask(self, cmd):cmd = cmd.encode()self.sock.send(cmd + b'\n')return self.sock.recv(2048)def set_keepalives(self):self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 2)


import os, sys, time, threading, inspect, typesfrom SocketDrivers import SimpleSocketLOGFILE = "XENALOG"RESET           = " p_reset"
RESERVATION     = " p_reservation ?"
RESERVE         = " p_reservation reserve"
RELINQUISH      = " p_reservation relinquish"
RELEASE         = " p_reservation release"
TRAFFIC_ON      = " p_traffic on"
TRAFFIC_OFF     = " p_traffic off"
TCLEAR          = " pt_clear"
RCLEAR          = " pr_clear"
DELETE          = " ps_delete"
LIMIT           = " P_TXTIMELIMIT"COMMENT_START   = ';'def errexit(msg):#print (str(msg) + ", exiting...]")sys.exit()## Keepalive thread to ensure tcp connection is kept open
# do not edit this
class KeepAliveThread(threading.Thread):message = ''def __init__(self, connection, interval = 10):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.connection = connectionself.interval = intervalself.finished = threading.Event()self.setDaemon(True)print ('[KeepAliveThread] Thread initiated, interval %d seconds' % (self.interval))def stop (self):self.finished.set()self.join()def run (self):while not self.finished.isSet():self.finished.wait(self.interval)self.connection.Ask(self.message)## Low level driver for TCPIP based queried
# do not edit this
class XenaSocketDriver(SimpleSocket):def __init__(self, hostname, port = 22611):SimpleSocket.__init__(self, hostname = hostname, port = port)SimpleSocket.set_keepalives(self)self.access_semaphor = threading.Semaphore(1)def SendCommand(self, cmd):self.access_semaphor.acquire()SimpleSocket.SendCommand(self, cmd)self.access_semaphor.release()def Ask(self, cmd):self.access_semaphor.acquire()reply = SimpleSocket.Ask(self, cmd).strip(b'\n')self.access_semaphor.release()return reply## Xena supplied class example for Scripting via Python
# feel free to add functions below
class XenaScriptTools:def __init__(self, ip):self.ip    = ipself.debug = 0self.halt  = 1 self.log   = 0self.cmds  = []self.logf  = os.environ.get(LOGFILE)if self.logf != None:self.log = 1self.driver= XenaSocketDriver(ip)def __del__(self):if self.log:lf = open(log.txt, 'w')for cmd in self.cmds:lf.write(cmd + "\n")lf.close()return## Enable debug - prints commands and errorsdef debugOn(self):self.debug = 1return ## Disable debug (default) - no printed outputdef debugOff(self):self.debug = 0return def debugMsg(self, msg):if self.debug == 1:print ("message")print (msg)def logCmd(self, cmd):if self.log == 1:self.cmds.append(cmd)## Enable halt on error - calls sys.exit(1) upon errordef haltOn(self):self.halt = 1return ## Disable halt on error (default)def haltOff(self):self.halt = 0return ## Print diagnostics msg and haltdef errexit(self, msg):if self.halt == 1:#print#print (msg + ", exiting...]")printsys.exit(1)###############################################
## Send and Expect primitives
################################################# Send command and return responsedef Send(self, cmd):res = self.driver.Ask(cmd)self.debugMsg("Send()         : " + cmd)res = res.decode()self.debugMsg("Send() received: " + res)self.logCmd(cmd)return res## Send command and expect response (typically <OK>)def SendExpect(self, cmd, resp):self.debugMsg("SendExpect("+resp+"): " + cmd)self.logCmd(cmd)res = self.driver.Ask(cmd).decode()if res.rstrip('\n') == resp:return True;else:self.debugMsg("SendExpect() failed")self.debugMsg("   Expected: " + resp)if type(res) != type(str()):res = res.decode()self.debugMsg("   Received: " + res)self.errexit("Test result :Failed;[Send:" + str(cmd) + "; Received: " + str(res))return Falsedef SendExpectSync(self, cmd, resp):self.debugMsg("SendExpect("+resp+"): " + cmd)self.logCmd(cmd)res = self.driver.Ask(cmd).decode()sync = res.rstrip('\n').split('  ')[-1]if sync == resp:return True;else:self.debugMsg("SendExpect() failed")self.debugMsg("   Expected: " + resp)self.debugMsg("   Received: " + res)self.errexit("Test result :Failed;[Port " + str(res))return False## Send commands and expect <OK>def SendExpectOK(self, cmd):return self.SendExpect(cmd, "<OK>")def SendExpectSyncOK(self, cmd):return self.SendExpectSync(cmd, "IN_SYNC")## Send command and match response with specified stringdef SendAndMatch(self, cmd, str):self.debugMsg("SendAndMatch() : " + cmd)self.logCmd(cmd)res = self.driver.Ask(cmd)if res.find(str) != -1:return Trueelse:self.debugMsg("SendAndMatch() failed")self.debugMsg("   Expected: " + str)self.debugMsg("   Got     : " + res)print ("Test result :Failed;[测试异常,请重新测试]"),self.errexit("Halting in line %d" % (inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno))return False###############################################
## Xena Scripting API specific commands
############################################################################## Chassis and Logon Commands ################################ Logondef Logon(self, pwd):self.SendExpectOK("c_logon \"" + pwd  + "\"")## Logon and set ownerdef LogonSetOwner(self, pwd, owner):self.Logon(pwd)self.SendExpectOK("c_owner \"" + owner + "\"")## Logon to chassis, set user name and password, then reserve portsdef LogonAndReserve(self, ports, pwd, owner):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]self.LogonSetOwner(pwd, owner)self.PortReserve(ports)# Reserve chassis, release or relinquish first if necessarydef ChassisReserve(self):self.ChassisRelease()self.SendExpectOK("C_RESERVATION reserve")# Reserve chassis, release or relinquish first if necessarydef ChassisRelease(self):res = self.Send("C_RESERVATION ?").split()[1]if res.find("RESERVED_BY_YOU") != -1:self.debugMsg("Chassis is reserved by me - release")self.SendExpectOK("C_RESERVATION release")elif res.find("RESERVED_BY_OTHER") != -1:self.debugMsg("Chassis is reserved by other - relinquish")self.SendExpectOK("C_RESERVATION relinquish")elif res.find("RELEASED") != -1:self.debugMsg("Chassis is released - do nothing")else:self.errexit("Halting in line %d" % (inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno))############################### Misc Commands##############################def Comment(self, text):self.Send("; ######################################")text = text.decode()self.Send("; " + text)self.Send("; ######################################")############################### Port Commands################################ Reserve a port - if port is reserved, release or relinquish, then reservedef PortReserve(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.Send(port + RESERVATION)if res.find("RESERVED_BY_OTHER") != -1:self.debugMsg("Port " + port + " is reserved by other - relinquish")self.SendExpectOK(port + RELINQUISH)self.SendExpectOK(port + RESERVE)elif res.find("RESERVED_BY_YOU") != -1:self.debugMsg("Port " + port + " is reserved by me - do nothing")else:self.SendExpectOK(port + RESERVE)def PortRelease(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.Send(port + RESERVATION)if res.find("RESERVED_BY_YOU") != -1:self.SendExpectOK(port + RELEASE)def PortRelinquish(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.Send(port + RESERVATION)if res.find("RESERVED_BY_OTHER") != -1:self.Send(port + RELINQUISH)def PortSyncCheck(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.SendExpectSyncOK(port + " P_RECEIVESYNC ?")## Start traffic on ports def PortTrafficStart(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.SendExpectOK(port + TRAFFIC_ON)##Start learning mac addressdef Statisticsclear(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.SendExpectOK(port + TCLEAR)res = self.SendExpectOK(port + RCLEAR)## Stop traffic on ports def PortTrafficStop(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.SendExpectOK(port + TRAFFIC_OFF)## Reset ports def Portreset(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.SendExpectOK(port + RESET)def get_module_port_prefix(self, moduleIndex, portIndex):return "%d/%d" % (moduleIndex, portIndex)def load_script(self, filename, moduleIndex, portIndex, israwlines=False):module_port_prefix = self.get_module_port_prefix(moduleIndex, portIndex)self.PortReserve(module_port_prefix)if not israwlines:self.driver.SendCommand(module_port_prefix)line_number = 0;send_count = 0;for line in open(filename, 'r'):command = line.strip('\n')line_number += 1if command.startswith(COMMENT_START):continuesuccess = self.SendExpectOK(command.strip('\n'))if not success:print ('[XenaManager] Error in script at line: %d, [%s]' % (line_number, command))print ('[XenaManager] Load interrupted!')returnsend_count += 1if send_count % 100 == 0:print ("\r[XenaManager] (Sent %d commands ...)" % send_count),print ("\r[XenaManager] Script '%s' (%d commands) loaded succesfully." % (filename, send_count))##Streams configurationdef StreamsDelete(self, ports):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:i = 0for i in range(24):res = self.Send(port + DELETE + '[' + str(i) + ']')i += 1def Porttimelimit(self, ports, packettime):if type(ports) == type(str()):ports = [ports]for port in ports:res = self.Send(port + " P_TXTIMELIMIT " + packettime + "000000")


ports:7/0 7/2
size:FIXED 64 1518


Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.17763.914]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。D:\Xena_Python\50G Media type>python main.py config.txt
['7/0', '7/2']
Start to connect to the chassis...
Logon successful...
Start the scripting...
Set the mode into 50G...
Resever the port...
Start to configure the streams...
Start the traffic...
Stop the traffic and collect the result...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stream1 |  TX: 1531076544  |  RX: 1531076544  |  Lost :0 |  FCS: 0  |  Misoder Error: 0  |  Payload Errors: 0
Stream2 |  TX: 1528691904  |  RX: 1528691904  |  Lost :0 |  FCS: 0 |  Misoder Error: 0  |  Payload Errors: 0

实现Media config的切换,使得Loki-100G-5S-2P测试板卡可以链接在50GbE模式下进行流量测试相关推荐

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