
官方 原文https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Zero/Startup-Template-Angular#source-code


The easiest way of starting a new project using ABP with ASP.NET Core with Angular is to create a template on templates page. Remember to check “Include module zero”. After creating and downloading your project, follow below steps to run your application.

开始一个新使用Angular和 ASP.NET Core 的ABP项目最简单的方法就是通过官方的模板页面来生成模板。切记包含zero模块。在官网完成创建和下载你的项目后,跟随后面的步骤来运行你的应用。


ASP.NET Core项目介绍(ASP.NET Core Application)

  • Open your solution on Visual Studio 2017+ and build the solution.
  • Select the ‘Web.Host’ project as startup project.
  • Open Package Manager Console and run Update-Database command to create your database (ensure that Default project is selected as .EntityFrameworkCore in the Package Manager Console window).
  • Run the application. It will show swagger-ui if it is successfull:
  • 用vs2017及其以上版本打开解决方案,然后生成解决方案
  • 选择 ‘Web.Host’ 为启动项目。
  • 打开程序包管理控制台,然后输入Update-Database 指令来创建你的数据库(确保程序包管理控制台中的默认项目选择的是‘EntityFrameworkCore’)。
  • 运行程序,如果成功将会显示 swagger-ui。


In this template, multi-tenancy is enabled by default. You can disable it in Core project’s module class if you don’t need.


If you have problems with running the application, please try close and open your Visual Studio again. It sometimes fail on first package restore.


Angular项目 (Angular Application)

Angular application needs to following tools be installed:
- nodejs 6.9+ with npm 3.10+
- Typescript 2.0+
We used angular-cli to develop the Angular application.

Angular 项目需要按照下面的工具:
- nodejs 6.9版本及其以上,npm3.10版本及其以上
- Typescript 2.0版本及其以上

Restore Packages
Open a command prompt, navigate to angular folder which contains *.sln file and run the following command to restore npm packages:



npm install

Notice that npm install may show some warn messages, which is not related to our solution and generally it’s not a problem. The solution can also configured to work with yarn and we suggest to use it if available on your computer.


Run The Application
In your opened command prompt, run the following command:



npm start

Once the application compiled, you can browse http://localhost:4200 in your browser. Be sure that Web.Host application is running at the same time. When you open the application, you will see the login page:

项目一旦编译完成,你可以在浏览器中输入http://localhost:4200 ,前提要确定与此同时你的.net项目中 Web.Host 工程正在运行。当你打开项目,你可以看见登录页面。



于是我确保了下node版本,npm版本符合要求的情况下,重新安装了typescript,再执行npm install,npm start ,出乎意料的编译成功了。

Angular client app has also HMR (Hot Module Replacement) enabled. You can use the following command (instead of npm start) to enable HMR on development time:
Angular 客户端程序同样支持HMR (Hot Module Replacement),在开发的时候,你可以用下面的指令来启动HMR

npm run hmr


Now you can login the application using default credentials. User name is ‘admin’ and password is ‘123qwe’ as default. If you want to login as a tenant, first switch to that tenant in login page. There is a tenant named “Default” by default. Once you login successfully, you will see a dashboard:





This dashboard is just for demonstration and to be a base for your actual dashboard.


Deployment of Angular Application
We used angular-cli tooling to build Angular solution. You can use ng build command to publish your project. It publishes to dist folder by default. Then you can host this folder on IIS or any web server you like.


我们用 angular-cli 工具来生成Angular解决方案,你可以用ng build 指令来发布你的工程项目,发布内容默认放在dist文件夹下,然后你可以将这个文件夹部署到iis或者其他你喜欢的web服务器下面。

解决方案明细及其他特性( Solution Details & Other Features)

Token Based Authentication
If you want to consume APIs/application services from a mobile application, you can use token based authentication mechanism just like we do it for Angular client. Startup template includes JwtBearer token authentication infrastructure.


如果您想从移动应用程序中使用API /应用程序服务,您可以使用基于令牌的认证机制,就像我们为Angular 客户端那样做。启动模板包括jwtbearer令牌认证基础设施。

Here, Postman (chrome extension) will be used to demonstrate requests and responses.


Just send a POST request to http://localhost:21021/api/TokenAuth/Authenticate with Context-Type=”application/json” header as shown below:


只需要向http://localhost:21021/api/TokenAuth/Authenticate发送一个头包含 Context-Type=”application/json”的post请求,如下所示

We sent values usernameOrEmailAddress and password. As seen above, result property of returning JSON contains the token and expire time (which is 24 hours by default and can be configured). We can save it and use for next requests.


About Multi Tenancy
API will work as host users by default. You can send Abp.TenantId header value to work with a specified tenant. It’s an integer value and 1 for default tenant by default.



After authenticate and get the token, we can use it to call any authorized action. All application services are available to be used remotely. For example, we can use the User service to get a list of users:



Just made a GET request to http://localhost:21021/api/services/app/user/getAll with Content-Type=”application/json” and Authorization=”Bearer your-auth-token “. All functionality available on UI is also available as API.

我们只需要向http://localhost:21021/api/services/app/user/getAll 发送一个get请求,包含Content-Type=”application/json”和Authorization=”Bearer your-auth-token “UI上可用的所有功能API也可以实现。

Migrator Console Application
Startup template includes a tool, Migrator.exe, to easily migrate your databases. You can run this application to create/migrate host and tenant databases.



This application gets host connection string from it’s own appsettings.json file. It will be same in the appsettings.json in the .Web.Host project at the beggining. Be sure that the connection string in config file is the database you want. After getting host connection sring, it first creates the host database or apply migrations if it does already exists. Then it gets connection strings of tenant databases and runs migrations for those databases. It skips a tenant if it has not a dedicated database or it’s database is already migrated for another tenant (for shared databases between multiple tenants).


You can use this tool on development or on product environment to migrate databases on deployment, instead of EntityFramework’s own tooling (which requires some configuration and can work for single database/tenant in one run).


Unit Testing
Startup template includes test infrastructure setup and a few tests under the .Test project. You can check them and write similar tests easily. Actually, they are integration tests rather than unit tests since they tests your code with all ASP.NET Boilerplate infrastructure (including validation, authorization, unit of work…).



Source Code

This project template is developed as open source and free under Github: https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/module-zero-core-template





<link href="https://cdn.bootcss.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

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