
Ten questions about the moon mystery still unsolved mysteries, the moon is a great exploration of human science in order to explore the moon from ancient to modern times, the mysteries of human made great efforts. Ten unsolved mysteries of the moon you have seen? Ten unsolved today Xiaobian to give you the mystery of the moon.


对于月亮的起源,科学家提出3种理论,它们全都有缺陷,但是阿波罗计划却有助于证明,其中看来可能性最小的理论是最佳理论。有些科学家认为,月亮是和地球一起,于46亿年以前,从一团宇宙尘埃中生成的。另一种理论认为月亮是地球的孩子,也许是从太平洋地区抠出去的。然而阿波罗登月探险的结果表明,地球和月亮的结构成份差别很大,有一些科学家提出了另一种假说,即俘获说。他们认为,月亮是偶然闯入地球引力场,而被锁定在目前的轨道上。可是,要从理论上解释这一过程的机制,难度相当大。因此,上述3种理论 全都难以站得住脚。正如罗宾·布列特博士所称:要解释月亮不存在,要比解释 月亮存在更容易些。

1 the mystery of the origin of the moon

For the origin of the moon, the scientists put forward 3 kinds of theories, they all have defects, but the Appollo plan is helpful to prove, in which the theory of the smallest possible theory is the best theory. Some scientists believe that the moon was formed from a cluster of cosmic dust 4 billion 600 million years ago, together with the earth. Another theory that the moon is the earth's children, perhaps from the Pacific region to pull out of the. However, the results of Appollo's lunar exploration show that the structure of the earth and the moon is very different, and some scientists have put forward another hypothesis, namely, the capture theory. They believe that the moon is a chance to break into the earth's gravitational field, and is locked in the current orbit. However, it is quite difficult to explain the mechanism of the process in theory. Therefore, all of the above 3 theories are difficult to stand. As Dr. Robin Brett said: to explain the moon does not exist, it is easier to explain the existence of the moon than the moon.




2 moon age mystery

Amazingly, from the moon back to the rock specimen, the analysis found that 99% of the age of the earth than the oldest 90% of the oldest rock. The age of the first rock Armstrong picked up after the silent sea landing was 3 billion 600 million years old. Some other rocks are 4 billion 300 million years old, 4 billion 600 million years old and 4 billion 500 million years old. It is almost as old as the earth and the solar system itself, and the oldest rocks on earth are 3 billion 700 million years old. 1973, the world moon seminar has been measured on a piece of age of 5 billion 300 million years old moon rock. What is even more puzzling is that these ancient rocks are taken from scientists as the youngest area on the moon. According to the evidence, some scientists have suggested that the moon had formed in the interstellar space long before the earth was formed.



3 the age of the moon in the moon is greater than the age of the rocks.

The ancient rocks of the moon have baffled scientists, but, compared to the surrounding rock, the rock is still young. According to the analysis, the age of the soil is at least 1 billion years older than the rock. At first glance, it is not possible, because scientists believe that these soils are formed after the formation of the rock. However, after the determination of the chemical composition of rocks and soil, the scientists found that the soil has nothing to do with the rock, it seems to be from elsewhere.




4. When the great object hit the moon, the moon gave a hollow ball.

In the course of Appollo's expedition, the third quarter of the abandoned rocket will crash into the surface of the moon. According to NASA's records, every time such a sound, it sounds like a big bell. When the moon landing on a particularly dark plain, they found it difficult to drill holes in the surface of the moon. After the analysis of the soil samples, which contains a large number of rare earth metal titanium (it is used for supersonic jets and spacecraft); some other hard metals, such as zirconium, iridium, beryllium content is also very rich. Scientists think very much puzzled because these metals only in high temperature, high of about 4500 degrees Fahrenheit, and only the surrounding rock.




5 the mystery of stainless iron

Moon rock samples which also contain iron particles, scientists believe they are not to. Soviet and American scientists also found a strange phenomenon: the more iron particles in the earth on the 7 years do not rust. In the scientific world, not the rusty iron is unheard of.



月亮中厚度为8英里的表层具有放射性,这也是一个惊人的现象。当阿波罗15的宇航员们使用温度计时,他们发现读数高得出奇,这表明,亚平宁平原附 近的热流的确温度很高。一位科学家惊呼:上帝啊,这片土地马上就要熔化了!月亮的核心一定更热。然而,令人不解的是,月心温度并不高。这些热量是从月亮表面大量放射性物质发出的,可是这些放射性物质(铀、铊和钚)是从哪里来的?假如它们来自月心,那么它们怎么会来到月亮表面?

6 the mystery of the moon's radioactivity

The thickness of the moon, which is 8 miles from the surface, is a radioactive, and this is an amazing phenomenon. When Appollo 15 astronauts use temperature time, they found that reading is surprisingly high, which indicates that the heat flux, the Apennine plain near the temperature is very high indeed. A scientist exclaimed: Jesus Christ, this piece of land is going to melt! The moon's core must be more heat. However, it is not surprising that the heart temperature is not high. The heat is emitted from a large amount of radioactive material on the surface of the moon, but where does the radioactive material (uranium, thallium and plutonium) come from? If they come from the moon, how come they come to the surface of the moon?




7 a large amount of water vapor on the dry moon

The first few lunar explorations show that the moon is a dry object. One scientist has asserted that it is 1 million times drier than the Gobi desert. The first few of the Appollo plan did not find any traces of water on the surface of the moon. But 15 of Appollo's scientists have detected an air mass of 100 square miles on the surface of the moon. Scientists have a red face, arguing that this was caused by the leakage of two small water tanks on the moon. However, such a small water tank can produce such a large water vapor, of course, this is not an astronaut's urine, it is directly injected into the sky of the moon. It looks like the water vapor comes from the moon.




8 the surface of the moon is in the shape of the glass.

Appollo's astronauts found that the moon's surface was covered with a layer of glassy material, indicating that the surface of the moon appears to have been burned by a fiery ball of fire. As one scientist pointed out: the moon is covered with glass. That expert analysis, this layer of glass like material and not giant meteorite impact, some scientists believe that this is a miniature sun Nova explosion state consequences.




9 the mystery of the magnetic field of the moon

Early detection and research show that the moon has almost no magnetic field, but the analysis of the moon rock shows that it has a strong magnetic field. This phenomenon to the scientist Dr Paul Just said: be not a little bewildered, here is a very strange rock magnetic...... Totally out of our expectation. If the moon had a magnetic field, then it should have an iron core, but reliable evidence that the moon may not have such a core; and the moon was not possible from other celestial bodies (such as the earth) to obtain magnetic field, because if that is the case, it must be near earth, then it will be the earth's gravity to shreds.




10 the mystery of the mystery of the interior of the moon

In 1968, around the moon in the first flight of the probe showed that the surface of the moon there is a material aggregation structure. When the spaceship flew over these structures, because of their immense gravity, the flight will be slightly lower than the provisions of the track, and when the spaceship left over these structures, it will be slightly accelerated, it clearly shows that this material focusing structure, as well as their great quality. Scientists believe that these structures like a bulls eye, composed of heavy elements, hidden below the surface of the moon in the sea. As one scientist said: 'it seems that no one knows how to deal with them.'.




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