


12/04/2015 01:06:58 PM - Process(3561.5) User(mqm) Program(amqzmuc0)

Host(IBMMQ01) Installation(Installation1)

VRMF( QMgr(QM_01)

AMQ7486: Transaction 0.1 was preventing log space from being released.


A long running transaction was detected. Message AMQ7469 or AMQ7485 has been

issued indicating if the transaction was rolled back or rolled forward in the

log to allow the log space to be released. The internal transaction identifier

is 0.1 which can be correlated with 'dspmqtrn -a' output. The transaction

started at 23.11.07 2015-11-04   and first wrote to the queue manager recovery

log at 08.00.00 1970-01-01  . The following transaction context may be useful

in identifying the application causing this behaviour: TRANNUM(0.1) . This

message can be correllated with the previous AMQ7469 or AMQ7485 message in the

queue manager error logs.


Identify the application responsible for the long running unit of work and

ensure this application is creating and completing transactions in a timely

manner. If the application is working as expected it may be appropriate to

increase the size of the queue manager recovery log.


12/04/2015 02:11:11 PM - Process(3561.5) User(mqm) Program(amqzmuc0)

Host(IBMMQ01) Installation(Installation1)

VRMF( QMgr(QM_01)

AMQ7485: Transactions rolled forward to release log space.


The log space for the queue manager is becoming full. One or more long-running

prepared transactions have been rolled forward to release log space so that the

queue manager can continue to process requests. Equivalent log records for the

long-running prepared transactions have been created in the active log.


Resolve the long-running transactions. Use the DSPMQTRN command to check for

externally managed in-doubt transactions and the DISPLAY CHS runmqsc command to

check for in-doubt channels.


12/04/2015 02:11:11 PM - Process(3561.5) User(mqm) Program(amqzmuc0)

Host(IBMMQ01) Installation(Installation1)

VRMF( QMgr(QM_01)

AMQ7486: Transaction 0.1 was preventing log space from being released.


A long running transaction was detected. Message AMQ7469 or AMQ7485 has been

issued indicating if the transaction was rolled back or rolled forward in the

log to allow the log space to be released. The internal transaction identifier

is 0.1 which can be correlated with 'dspmqtrn -a' output. The transaction

started at 23.11.07 2015-11-04   and first wrote to the queue manager recovery

log at 08.00.00 1970-01-01  . The following transaction context may be useful

in identifying the application causing this behaviour: TRANNUM(0.1) . This

message can be correllated with the previous AMQ7469 or AMQ7485 message in the

queue manager error logs.


Identify the application responsible for the long running unit of work and

ensure this application is creating and completing transactions in a timely

manner. If the application is working as expected it may be appropriate to

increase the size of the queue manager recovery log.


12/04/2015 02:57:38 PM - Process(3561.5) User(mqm) Program(amqzmuc0)

Host(IBMMQ01) Installation(Installation1)

VRMF( QMgr(QM_01)

AMQ7485: Transactions rolled forward to release log space.


The log space for the queue manager is becoming full. One or more long-running

prepared transactions have been rolled forward to release log space so that the

queue manager can continue to process requests. Equivalent log records for the

long-running prepared transactions have been created in the active log.


Resolve the long-running transactions. Use the DSPMQTRN command to check for

externally managed in-doubt transactions and the DISPLAY CHS runmqsc command to

check for in-doubt channels.


12/04/2015 02:57:38 PM - Process(3561.5) User(mqm) Program(amqzmuc0)

Host(IBMMQ01) Installation(Installation1)

VRMF( QMgr(QM_01)

AMQ7486: Transaction 0.1 was preventing log space from being released.


A long running transaction was detected. Message AMQ7469 or AMQ7485 has been

issued indicating if the transaction was rolled back or rolled forward in the

log to allow the log space to be released. The internal transaction identifier

is 0.1 which can be correlated with 'dspmqtrn -a' output. The transaction

started at 23.11.07 2015-11-04   and first wrote to the queue manager recovery

log at 08.00.00 1970-01-01  . The following transaction context may be useful

in identifying the application causing this behaviour: TRANNUM(0.1) . This

message can be correllated with the previous AMQ7469 or AMQ7485 message in the

queue manager error logs.


Identify the application responsible for the long running unit of work and

ensure this application is creating and completing transactions in a timely

manner. If the application is working as expected it may be appropriate to

increase the size of the queue manager recovery log.



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