● 创建一个对象并将其初始化;
● 显示储户姓名、账号和存款;
● 存入参数指定的存款;
● 取出参数指定的款项。

#ifndef BANK_H_
#define BANK_H_#include <string>
using namespace std;class BankAccount
{public:BankAccount();//默认构造函数BankAccount(const char* str, string id, int ban);//自定义的重载构造函数~BankAccount();//析构函数void showinfo() const;void deposit(const int num1);void withdraw(const int num2);
private:string name;string id;double banlance;
#endif // !BANK_H_
#include <iostream>
#include "bank.h"BankAccount::BankAccount()
{name = "Unknown user";id = "00000000000";banlance = 0;
BankAccount::BankAccount(const char* str,string acc,int ban)
{name = str;banlance = ban;id = acc;
{}void BankAccount::showinfo() const
{cout << "The infomation below is about the account:\n";cout << "User: " << name << endl;cout << "ID: " << id << endl;cout << "Banlance: " << banlance << endl;
}void BankAccount::deposit(const int num1)
{if (num1 > 0){banlance += num1;cout << "Deposit " << num1 << " yuan.\n";}elsecout << "Negative numbers are not allowed.\n";
}void BankAccount::withdraw(const int num2)
{if (num2 > banlance)cout << "Cannot be greater than balance.\n";else if (num2<banlance && num2 > 0){banlance -= num2;cout << "Withdraw " << num2<< " yuan.\n";}elsecout << "Negative numbers are not allowed.\n";
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/5
* 描述:演示程序
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "bank.h"int main()
{BankAccount pep1;BankAccount pep2=BankAccount("px","12345677888" ,200);pep1.showinfo();pep2.showinfo();pep2.deposit(500);pep2.withdraw(200);pep2.showinfo();return 0;


#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Person
{public:Person() { lname = "";fname [0]= '\0'; };Person(const string& ln, const char* fn = "Heyyou");~Person();void Show() const;void Formashow() const;
private:static const int LIMIT = 25;string lname;char fname[LIMIT];


int main()
{Person one;Person two("Smythecraft");Person three("Dimwiddy", "Sam");one.Show();cout << endl;one.Formashow();
#ifndef PERSON_H_
#define PERSON_H_#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Person
{public:Person() { lname = "";fname [0]= '\0'; };Person(const string& ln, const char* fn = "Heyyou");~Person();void Show() const;void Formashow() const;
private:static const int LIMIT = 25;string lname;char fname[LIMIT];
#endif // !PERSON_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "person.h"Person::Person(const string& ln, const char* fn)
{lname = ln;int count = 0;strcpy_s(fname, fn);
{}void Person::Show() const
{cout << "Name(firstname lastname format): " << fname << " "<<lname << endl;
}void Person::Formashow() const
{cout << "Name(lastname,firstname format): " << lname << "," << fname << endl;
//main.cpp/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/5
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "person.h"int main()
{Person one;Person two("Smythecraft");Person three("Dimwiddy", "Sam");one.Show();cout << endl;one.Formashow();two.Show();cout << endl;two.Formashow();three.Show();cout << endl;three.Formashow();return 0;

3.完成第9章的编程练习1,但要用正确的golf类声明替换那里的代码。用带合适参数的构造函数替换setgolf(golf &, const char , int),以提供初始值。保留setgolf( )的交互版本,但要用构造函数来实现它(例如,setgolf( )的代码应该获得数据,将数据传递给构造函数来创建一个临时对象,并将其赋给调用对象,即this)。

const int Len = 40;
struct golf
{char fullname[Len];int handicap;
void setgolf(golf& g, const char* name, int hc);//无交互版本
int setgolf(golf& g);//有交互版本
void handicap(golf& g, int hc);//设置handicap新值
void showgolf(const golf& g);//显示golf结构的内容


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include "golf.h"void setgolf(golf& g, const char* name, int hc)
{strcpy_s(g.fullname, name);g.handicap = hc;
int setgolf(golf& g)
{using namespace std;cout << "Enter full name.\n";cin.getline(g.fullname,Len);cout << "Enter handicap.\n";cin >> g.handicap;cin.get();//清除输入流中的结束符号,防止给下次循环造成 干扰if ((g.fullname != '\0') && (g.handicap != 0))return 1;elsereturn 0;
void handicap(golf& g, int hc)
{g.handicap = hc;
void showgolf(const golf& g)
{using namespace std;cout << "Full name: " << g.fullname<<endl;cout << "Handicap: " << g.handicap<<endl;


/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/3/27
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "golf.h"
int main()
{using namespace std;const int num = 3;golf inter[num];golf noninter[num];setgolf(noninter[0], "A BC", 12);setgolf(noninter[1], "B BA", 13);setgolf(noninter[2], "C CA", 13);for (int i = 0;i < num;i++)showgolf(noninter[i]);for (int i = 0;i < num;i++){setgolf(inter[i]);showgolf(inter[i]);}return 0;


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class Golf
{public:Golf();                                  //默认构造函数,有交互版本Golf(const char* str,const int hc);        //重载的构造函数,无交互版本,直接按照给定值设定对象~Golf() {};void sethandicap(int hc);               //设置handicap新值void showgolf() const;                    //显示golf结构的内容
private:static const int LEN = 40;char fullname[LEN];int handicap;
#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;Golf::Golf()
{//方式一:按题目要求使用 *this//char tempname[LEN];//int temphandicap = 0;//cout << "Enter full name:\n";//cin.getline(tempname, LEN);//cout << "Enter handicap.\n";//cin >> temphandicap;//cin.get();                              //去除上一步中留在输入流中的换行符//*this = Golf(tempname, temphandicap);      //调用默认重载函数,返回自己//方式二:cout << "Enter full name:\n";cin.getline(fullname, LEN);cout << "Enter handicap.\n";cin >> handicap;cin.get();                                 //去除上一步中留在输入流中的换行符
}Golf::Golf(const char* str, const int hc)
{strcpy_s(fullname, str);handicap = hc;
}void Golf::sethandicap(int hc)
{handicap = hc;
}void Golf::showgolf() const
{cout << "Full name: " << fullname << endl;cout << "Handicap: " << handicap << endl;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/5
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"int main()
{using namespace std;Golf inter("px",2);Golf noninter;inter.showgolf();inter.sethandicap(5);inter.showgolf();noninter.showgolf();noninter.sethandicap(8);noninter.showgolf();return 0;

4.完成第9章的编程练习4,但将Sales结构及相关的函数转换为一个类及其方法。用构造函数替换setSales(sales &,double [ ],int)函数。用构造函数实现setSales(Sales &)方法的交互版本。将类保留在名称空间SALES中。

#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_#include <string>
#include <iostream>class Sales
{public:Sales();                         //有交互版本Sales(const double ar[], int n); //无交互版本~Sales() {};void showSales() const;
private:enum { QUARTER = 4 };double sales[QUARTER];double average;double max;double min;
#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;Sales::Sales()
{double total = 0.0;cout << "Enter 4 sales\n";for (int i = 0;i < QUARTER;i++)cin >> sales[i];max = sales[0];min = sales[0];for (int i = 0;i < QUARTER;i++){total += sales[i];if (max < sales[i])max = sales[i];if (min > sales[i])min = sales[i];}average = total / QUARTER;
}Sales::Sales(const double ar[], int n)
{int num = n > QUARTER ? QUARTER : n;double total = 0.0;max = ar[0];min = ar[0];for (int i = 0;i < num;i++){sales[i] = ar[i];total += ar[i];if (max < ar[i])max = ar[i];if (min > ar[i])min = ar[i];}average = total / num;
}void Sales::showSales() const
{cout << "Show sale's information:\n";cout << "Average:\n";cout << average << endl;cout << "Max:\n";cout << max << endl;cout << "Min:\n";cout << min << endl;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/10
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"int main()
{using namespace std;const double num[4] = { 12.3,12.4,34.2,15 };Sales sale1;          Sales sale2=Sales(num,4);          sale1.showSales();sale2.showSales();return 0;


struct customer
{char fullname[35];double payment;

编写一个程序,它从栈中添加和删除customer结构(栈用Stack类声明表示)。每次customer结构被删除时,其payment的值都被加入到总数中,并报告总数。注意:应该可以直接使用Stack类而不作修改;只需修改typedef声明,使Item的类型为customer,而不是unsigned long即可。

#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct customer
{char fullname[35];double payment;
typedef customer Item;class Stack
{public:Stack();~Stack() {};bool isempty() const;bool isfull() const;bool push(const Item& item);    //入栈bool pop(Item& item);       //出栈
private:enum{ MAX = 10 };      //栈深度Item items[MAX];       //数组盛放栈元素int top;               //记录栈的长度double total;           //设立一个记录总数的值
};#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"Stack::Stack()
{total = 0.0;top = 0; //创建新的栈是,栈长度清0
}bool Stack::isempty() const
{return top==0;
}bool Stack::isfull() const
{return top==MAX;
}bool Stack::push(const Item& item)
{using namespace std;cout << item.fullname << " push.\n";if (top < MAX){items[top++] = item;return true;}elsereturn false;
}bool Stack::pop(Item& item)
{using namespace std;if (top > 0){item = items[--top];total += item.payment;                      cout << "Total: " << total << endl;         //计数total值return true;}elsereturn false;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/10
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
int main()
{double tot=0;using namespace std;customer cus1 = { "A",20 };customer cus2 = { "B",40 };Stack cusstack;                  //创建新的栈,记录customer的变化cusstack.push(cus1);            //cus1入栈cusstack.push(cus2);            //cus2入栈cusstack.pop(cus2);             //cus2出栈,栈的原则是先入后出,这里将cus1和cus2的顺序颠倒也仍旧按照先入后出的原则执行。cusstack.pop(cus1);                //cus1出栈return 0;


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class Move
{public:Move(double a = 0, double b = 0);~Move() {};void showmove() const;Move add(const Move& m) const;void reset(double a = 0, double b = 0);
private:double x;double y;


#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class Move
{public:Move(double a = 0, double b = 0);~Move() {};void showmove() const;Move add(const Move& m) const;void reset(double a = 0, double b = 0);
private:double x;double y;
#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"Move::Move(double a, double b)
{x = a;y = b;
}void Move::showmove() const
{using namespace std;cout << "x: " << x << endl;cout << "y: " << y << endl;
}Move Move::add(const Move& m) const
{Move temp;temp.x = m.x + this->x;temp.y = m.y + this->y;return temp;
}void Move::reset(double a, double b)
{x = a;y = b;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/10
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"int main()
{using namespace std;Move p1;Move p2(10, 20);Move p3(20, 20);p1.showmove();p2.showmove();p3.showmove();p3=p3.add(p2);      //将返回的结构重新赋值给p3p3.showmove();p3.reset();p3.showmove();return 0;

7.Betelgeusean plorg有这些特征。
● plorg的名称不超过19个字符;
● plorg有满意指数(CI),这是一个整数。
● 新的plorg将有名称,其CI值为50;
● plorg的CI可以修改;
● plorg可以报告其名称和CI;
● plorg的默认名称为“Plorga”。

#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class Plorg
{public:Plorg(const char* ar="Plorga",int ci=50);~Plorg() {};void setCI(int n);void showPlorg() const;
private:char fullname[20];int CI;
#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"Plorg::Plorg(const char* ar, int ci)
{strcpy_s(fullname, ar);CI = ci;
}void Plorg::setCI(int n)
{CI = n;
}void Plorg::showPlorg() const
{using namespace std;cout << "Name :" << fullname << endl;cout << "CI: " << CI << endl;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/10
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"
int main()
{Plorg p1;Plorg p2("A", 40);p1.showPlorg();p2.showPlorg();p2.setCI(20);p2.showPlorg();return 0;

● 可存储0或多个某种类型的列表;
● 可创建空列表;
● 可在列表中添加数据项;
● 可确定列表是否为空;
● 可确定列表是否为满;
● 可访问列表中的每一个数据项,并对它执行某种操作。

void visit(void (*pf)(Item&));

其中,pf指向一个将Item引用作为参数的函数(不是成员函数),Item是列表中数据项的类型。visit( )函数将该函数用于列表中的每个数据项。

#ifndef CLASS_H_
#define CLASS_H_#include <string>
#include <iostream>
typedef double Item;        //创建 double 类型的列表
class List
{public:List();~List() {};bool add(Item& n);bool isempty();bool isfull();void visit(void (*pf)(Item& temp));
private:enum { MAX = 10 };int length;Item items[MAX];      //用数组来完成列表
void total(Item& temp);     //定义操作函数#endif // !CLASS_H_
#include "class.h"List::List()
{length = 0;
}bool List::add(Item& n)
{if (length < MAX){items[length++] = n;return true;}else return false;
}bool List::isempty()
{return length == 0;
}bool List::isfull()
{return length==MAX;
}void List::visit(void(*pf)(Item& temp))
{for (int i = 0;i < length;i++){pf(items[i]);}
}void total(Item& temp)
{using namespace std;static  double total = 0.0;total += temp;cout << "Total: " << total << endl;
/* *************************************************
* 文件名:
* 创建人:px
* 创建时间:2020/4/10
* 描述:
************************************************* */
#include <iostream>
#include "class.h"int main()
{double a = 12, b = 34;List dlist;dlist.add(a);dlist.add(b);dlist.visit(total);return 0;

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