Find longest word in dictionary that is a subsequence of a given string





// pch.cpp: 与预编译标头对应的源文件;编译成功所必需的

#include "pch.h"// 一般情况下,忽略此文件,但如果你使用的是预编译标头,请保留它。
#include<set>using namespace std;
struct length_more {bool operator()(const string& s1, const string& s2) {if (s1.length() == s2.length())return true;return s1.length() > s2.length();}
};/* 错误写法:
string find(string MainWord, set<string, length_more> WordPool) {set<string>::iterator it;string res="";//bool notBreak = true;  //判断循环是否继续的标志for (it = WordPool.begin(); it != WordPool.end(); ++it) {int i = 0;string word = *it;char w;for (int j = 0; j < word.length(); ++j) {for (;i < MainWord.length(); ++i ) {if (word[j] == MainWord[i]) {res += word[j];w = word[j];break;}}if (word[j] != w)break;elsei = 0;}if (WordPool.count(res)) {break;}else {res.clear();}}return res;
string find(string MainWord, set<string, length_more> WordPool) {set<string>::iterator it;string res = "";for (it = WordPool.begin(); it != WordPool.end(); ++it) {int i = 0;string word = *it;bool flag = false;for (int j = 0; j < word.length(); ++j) {flag = false;for (;i < MainWord.length(); ++i) {if (word[j] == MainWord[i]) {res += word[j];flag = true;break;}}if (!flag)break;}if (flag)return res;elseres.clear();}if(res.length()==0) return "";
}int main() {string MainWord = "abppplee";set<string, length_more> WordPool;WordPool.insert("able");WordPool.insert("ale");WordPool.insert("apple");WordPool.insert("bale");WordPool.insert("kangaroo");cout << find(MainWord, WordPool) << endl;//set<string>::iterator it;//for (it = WordPool.begin(); it != WordPool.end(); it++)//    cout << (*it) << endl;return 0;

改进的贪心算法:将MainWord 插入到map中,记录每个元素对应得位置。感觉改进的这个更麻烦了,需要用到multimap来记录一个键值(字符)对应的多个位置,然后再用equal_range() 把这些位置给找到,循环遍历一遍:若找到比前一个字符索引大的,就看下一个字符,否则还要试这个字符的下一个索引位置。

// pch.cpp: 与预编译标头对应的源文件;编译成功所必需的

#include "pch.h"// 一般情况下,忽略此文件,但如果你使用的是预编译标头,请保留它。
#include<set>using namespace std;struct more{bool operator()(const string& s1, const string& s2) {if (s1.length() == s2.length())return true;elsereturn s1.length() > s2.length();}
};string find(string MainWord, set<string, more> WordPool) {multimap<char, int> mp;int i = 0;string res="";for (char a : MainWord) {mp.insert(make_pair(a, i));++i;}for (auto a : WordPool) {int k = -1;pair<multimap<char, int>::iterator, multimap<char, int>::iterator> it;bool flag;for (auto b : a) {flag = false;it = mp.equal_range(b);multimap<char, int>::iterator i = it.first;for ( ;i != it.second; ) {if (i->second > k) {k = i->second;res += i->first;flag = true;break;}else++i;}}if (!flag) res.clear();else return res;}if(res.length()==0) return "";}int main() {string MainWord = "abppplee";set<string, more> WordPool;WordPool.insert("able");WordPool.insert("ale");WordPool.insert("apple");WordPool.insert("bale");WordPool.insert("kangaroo");cout << find(MainWord, WordPool) << endl;//set<string>::iterator it;//for (it = WordPool.begin(); it != WordPool.end(); it++)//    cout << (*it) << endl;return 0;



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