

介绍了谷歌大数据处理架构中的几个主要概念:MapReduce,Shuffle,BigTable/GFS,XFE(extensible front end),protocol buffers & stubby(通讯协议,可将protocol buffer转换为程序代码)。


报告比较清晰,主要就讲了三部分内容:Reservoir structures构造,Reservoir facies相,Reservoir properties属性,对于他的属性分析的算法不了解,但他把不同的相facies用不同的颜色和透明度来三维表示,一些三维可视化的效果还是值得我们学习的。









程国建:数字油田国际动态----2013 SPE数字能源大会专题介绍


SPE-163718,Digital Oil Field Experience: An Overview and a Case Study


SPE-163709,Design of an Automated Drilling Prediction System - Strengthening While-Drilling Decision Making 自动钻井预测系统的设计----强化随钻决策

SPE-163683,The Roadmap for Industry Adoption of the PRODML Standard


SPE-163717,大数据大买卖 Examples of Work with Big Data

Work on the application of Big Data and analytics in the oil and gas industry is in the experimental stage. Much of the work centers on data-intensive computing and how I/O data loading can be managed most efficiently. Such as:

• Use of Hadoop to process seismic data. Chevron is using Hadoop as one of the 25 steps in the workflow for the identification of reservoirs. Processed data is fed into high-performance computing models. The project uses the IBM BigInsights technology, which includes the Hadoop component stack.

• Use of Hadoop in the cloud. Royal Dutch Shell is piloting Hadoop in a private Amazon cloud.

• Production data for performance forecasting. One oil and gas company is experimenting with the time series analysis of production data. Aging wells where the forecast does not meet a predetermined production threshold are flagged for immediate remediation.

• Investigation of two MapReduce approaches applied to drilling data. In this experiment, Chukwa, an open source data collection system built on top of Hadoop, was found to be a preferable approach to a Hadoop distributed file system when working with large files.

• Storing and processing seismic data in a Hadoop cluster. Cloudera, a company that provides a data platform built on top of Apache Hadoop, has initiated a project called Seismic Hadoop project.

• Seismic and drilling data in the cloud. PointCross Inc. has introduced two cloud-based offerings for the oil and gas industry — a seismic server and data repository that uses NoSQL and Hadoop technologies to store and manage SEG Y files and a drilling data server and data repository that can accept WITSML, LAS, and WITS formats.

大数据在油气领域的可能应用点Possible uses of Big Data and analytics in the oil and gas industry

• Exploration -- By applying advanced analytics, such as 模式识别pattern recognition, to a more comprehensive set of data collected during seismic acquisition, geologists may be able to identify potentially productive seismic trace signatures that have been overlooked.

• Development -- Big Data and analytics could aid oil and gas companies in acreage assessment and prospect generation. Analytics applied to geospatial data, news feeds, oil and gas reports, or other syndicated feeds could provide competitive intelligence on where to submit bids for leases.

• Drilling -- Beyond monitoring and alerting based on limited data, Big Data and analytics could be applied to real-time "big" drilling data to identify anomalies based on multiple conditions or predict the likelihood of drilling success.

• Production Operations -- Enhancing oil recovery from existing wells is an objective of many oil and gas companies. Analytics applied to a variety of Big Data at once — seismic, drilling, and production data — could help reservoir engineers map changes in the reservoir over time and provide decision support to production engineers for making changes in lifting methods. This type of approach could also be used to guide fracking in shale gas plays.

• Maintenance -- Predictive maintenance is not a new concept for the oil and gas industry, although if you ask a maintenance executive, it does not get the attention and budget it deserves. In upstream, if pressure, volume, and temperature can be collected and analyzed together and compared with the past history of equipment failure on a compressor, for example, then alerts can be automated. The same type of situation is found in midstream pipelines. This would be useful in cases where time to condition detection to failure is short and where assets are considered critical to the operation or failure would have a significant impact on health, safety, and environment.









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