
PostgreSQL , 分区 , 继承 , constraint_exclusion



《分区表锁粒度差异 - pg_pathman VS native partition table》

《PostgreSQL 查询涉及分区表过多导致的性能问题 - 性能诊断与优化(大量BIND, spin lock, SLEEP进程)》





Faster partition pruning    Add a new module backend/partitioning/partprune.c, implementing a more
sophisticated algorithm for partition pruning.  The new module uses each
partition's "boundinfo" for pruning instead of constraint exclusion,
based on an idea proposed by Robert Haas of a "pruning program": a list
of steps generated from the query quals which are run iteratively to
obtain a list of partitions that must be scanned in order to satisfy
those quals.    At present, this targets planner-time partition pruning, but there exist
further patches to apply partition pruning at execution time as well.    This commit also moves some definitions from include/catalog/partition.h
to a new file include/partitioning/partbounds.h, in an attempt to
rationalize partitioning related code.    Authors: Amit Langote, David Rowley, Dilip Kumar
Reviewers: Robert Haas, Kyotaro Horiguchi, Ashutosh Bapat, Jesper Pedersen.
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/098b9c71-1915-1a2a-8d52-1a7a50ce79e8@lab.ntt.co.jp

这个patch还有一些连带的patch,未来社区版本的分区表应该不会再有bind, lock所有分区的问题了。



《分区表锁粒度差异 - pg_pathman VS native partition table》

《PostgreSQL 查询涉及分区表过多导致的性能问题 - 性能诊断与优化(大量BIND, spin lock, SLEEP进程)》

《PostgreSQL 商用版本EPAS(阿里云ppas) - 分区表性能优化 (堪比pg_pathman)》

《PostgreSQL 10 内置分区 vs pg_pathman perf profiling》

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