Image Quality Assessment (IQA)是一个快速,精确,可靠的测量视频/图像质量的基于C的库。

它实现了很多流行的算法比如 MS-SSIM, SIMM, MSE 和 PSNR。


/** Copyright (c) 2011, Tom Distler (* All rights reserved.** The BSD License** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:** - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.** - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,*   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation*   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.** - Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors may*   be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without*   specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"* AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE* ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS* INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN* CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)* ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE* POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.*/#ifndef _IQA_H_
#define _IQA_H_#include "iqa_os.h"/*** Allows fine-grain control of the SSIM algorithm.*/
struct iqa_ssim_args {float alpha;    /**< luminance exponent */float beta;     /**< contrast exponent */float gamma;    /**< structure exponent */int L;          /**< dynamic range (2^8 - 1)*/float K1;       /**< stabilization constant 1 */float K2;       /**< stabilization constant 2 */int f;          /**< scale factor. 0=default scaling, 1=no scaling */
};/*** Allows fine-grain control of the MS-SSIM algorithm.*/
struct iqa_ms_ssim_args {int wang;             /**< 1=original algorithm by Wang, et al. 0=MS-SSIM* by Rouse/Hemami (default). */int gaussian;         /**< 1=11x11 Gaussian window (default). 0=8x8 linear window. */int scales;           /**< Number of scaled images to use. Default is 5. */const float *alphas;  /**< Pointer to array of alpha values for each scale. Required if 'scales' isn't 5. */const float *betas;   /**< Pointer to array of beta values for each scale. Required if 'scales' isn't 5. */const float *gammas;  /**< Pointer to array of gamma values for each scale. Required if 'scales' isn't 5. */
};/*** Calculates the Mean Squared Error between 2 equal-sized 8-bit images.* @note The images must have the same width, height, and stride.* @param ref Original reference image* @param cmp Distorted image* @param w Width of the images* @param h Height of the images* @param stride The length (in bytes) of each horizontal line in the image.*               This may be different from the image width.* @return The MSE.*/
float iqa_mse(const unsigned char *ref, const unsigned char *cmp, int w, int h, int stride);/*** Calculates the Peak Signal-to-Noise-Ratio between 2 equal-sized 8-bit* images.* @note The images must have the same width, height, and stride.* @param ref Original reference image* @param cmp Distorted image* @param w Width of the images* @param h Height of the images* @param stride The length (in bytes) of each horizontal line in the image.*               This may be different from the image width.* @return The PSNR.*/
float iqa_psnr(const unsigned char *ref, const unsigned char *cmp, int w, int h, int stride);/*** Calculates the Structural SIMilarity between 2 equal-sized 8-bit images.** See* @note The images must have the same width, height, and stride.* @param ref Original reference image* @param cmp Distorted image* @param w Width of the images* @param h Height of the images* @param stride The length (in bytes) of each horizontal line in the image.*               This may be different from the image width.* @param gaussian 0 = 8x8 square window, 1 = 11x11 circular-symmetric Gaussian* weighting.* @param args Optional SSIM arguments for fine control of the algorithm. 0 for* defaults. Defaults are a=b=g=1.0, L=255, K1=0.01, K2=0.03* @return The mean SSIM over the entire image (MSSIM), or INFINITY if error.*/
float iqa_ssim(const unsigned char *ref, const unsigned char *cmp, int w, int h, int stride, int gaussian, const struct iqa_ssim_args *args);/*** Calculates the Multi-Scale Structural SIMilarity between 2 equal-sized 8-bit* images. The default algorithm is MS-SSIM* proposed by Rouse/Hemami 2008.** See and*** @note 1. The images must have the same width, height, and stride.* @note 2. The minimum image width or height is 2^(scales-1) * filter, where 'filter' is 11* if a Gaussian window is being used, or 9 otherwise.* @param ref Original reference image* @param cmp Distorted image* @param w Width of the images.* @param h Height of the images.* @param stride The length (in bytes) of each horizontal line in the image.*               This may be different from the image width.* @param args Optional MS-SSIM arguments for fine control of the algorithm. 0* for defaults. Defaults are wang=0, scales=5, gaussian=1.* @return The mean MS-SSIM over the entire image, or INFINITY if error.*/
float iqa_ms_ssim(const unsigned char *ref, const unsigned char *cmp, int w, int h, int stride, const struct iqa_ms_ssim_args *args);#endif /*_IQA_H_*/




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