I need to execute this script from my Python script.

Is it possible? The script generate some outputs with some files being written. How do I access these files? I have tried with subprocess call function but without success.

fx@fx-ubuntu:~/Documents/projects/foo$ bin/bar -c somefile.xml -d text.txt -r aString -f anotherString >output

The application "bar" also references to some libraries, it also create the file "bar.xml" besides the output. How do I get access to these files? Just by using open()?

Thank you,


The error from Python runtime is only this line.

$ python foo.py

bin/bar: bin/bar: cannot execute binary file


For executing the external program, do this:

import subprocess

args = ("bin/bar", "-c", "somefile.xml", "-d", "text.txt", "-r", "aString", "-f", "anotherString")

#Or just:

#args = "bin/bar -c somefile.xml -d text.txt -r aString -f anotherString".split()

popen = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)


output = popen.stdout.read()

print output

And yes, assuming your bin/bar program wrote some other assorted files to disk, you can open them as normal with open("path/to/output/file.txt"). Note that you don't need to rely on a subshell to redirect the output to a file on disk named "output" if you don't want to. I'm showing here how to directly read the output into your python program without going to disk in between.


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