音频加速 foobar

Foobar2000 is a great audio player that is fully customizable, is light on system resources, and contains a lot of tools and features. Today we show you how to use it to rip an audio CD to FLAC format.

Foobar2000是一款出色的音频播放器,可以完全自定义,它占用系统资源少,并且包含许多工具和功能。 今天我们向您展示如何使用它将音频CD翻录为FLAC格式。

Note: For this tutorial we’re going to assume this is the first time you’re ripping a disc with Foobar2000. We’re running it on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

注意:对于本教程,我们将假定这是您第一次使用Foobar2000翻录光盘。 我们正在Windows 7 Ultimate 64位上运行它。

Install Foobar2000 and FLAC


First download and install Foobar2000 (link below). The main thing you’ll want to make sure to enable during the install process is Audio CD Support

首先下载并安装Foobar2000 (下面的链接)。 您需要确保在安装过程中启用的主要功能是Audio CD Support

And the freedb Tagger which are located under Optional Features, then continue through the rest of the install wizard.

以及位于可选功能下的freedb Tagger ,然后继续进行其余的安装向导。

Next you need to install the latest version of the FLAC codec (link below) following the defaults.


Rip Audio CD


To rip a CD, place it in your CDROM drive, launch Foobar2000 and click File \ Open Audio CD.

要翻录CD,请将其放入CDROM驱动器,启动Foobar2000,然后单击“文件” \“打开音频CD”。

Select the appropriate CD drive and click the Rip button.


Next you’ll want to lookup the disc information with freedb…or you can manually enter in the track data if it’s a custom disc.


Select the proper tag information in the freedb tagger window, then click Update files.


The data will be entered in, make sure the radio button next to Go to the Converter Setup dialog is selected, and click the Rip button.

将输入数据,确保已选中“ 转到转换器设置”对话框旁边的单选按钮,然后单击“翻录”按钮。

In the Converter Setup screen, here you can select the output format, where in our case we’re selecting FLAC.


In this window you can choose several other options like the output path, merging the tracks into one or individual files…etc. When you have those settings completed click OK.

在此窗口中,您可以选择其他几个选项,例如输出路径,将轨道合并到一个或单个文件中……等等。 完成这些设置后,单击“确定”。

Next you’ll need to find flac.exe which is located wherever you installed it. On our 64-bit Windows 7 system the default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\FLAC

接下来,您将需要找到flac.exe ,该文件位于您安装的任何位置。 在我们的64位Windows 7系统上,默认路径为C:\ Program Files(x86)\ FLAC

Now wait while your CD is ripped and converted to FLAC.


You’ll get a Converter Status Report…after you’ve checked it over you can close out of it.


If you set the option to show the output files after conversion you can take a look, make sure all tracks were converted, and play them right away if you want. You can play the tracks in Foobar2000 or any player that supports FLAC. If you want to use WMC or WMP see our article on how to play FLAC files in Windows 7 Media Center or Player.

如果您设置了在转换后显示输出文件的选项,则可以查看一下,确保所有轨道都已转换,并根据需要立即播放。 您可以在Foobar2000或任何支持FLAC的播放器中播放曲目。 如果要使用WMC或WMP,请参阅有关如何在Windows 7 Media Center或Player中播放FLAC文件的文章。

That’s all there is to it! If you’re a fan of Foobar2000 and enjoy your music converted to FLAC format, Foobar2000 does the job quite well. There are a lot of customizations and tools you can use in Foobar2000 that we’ll be taking a look at in future articles. For more information check out our look at this fully customizable music player.

这里的所有都是它的! 如果您是Foobar2000的粉丝,并且喜欢将音乐转换为FLAC格式,则Foobar2000可以很好地完成工作。 您可以在Foobar2000中使用许多自定义项和工具,我们将在以后的文章中对其进行介绍。 有关更多信息,请查看我们对此完全可定制的音乐播放器的外观 。

Foobar2000 run on XP, Vista, and Windows 7

Foobar2000在XP,Vista和Windows 7上运行



Download Foobar2000


Download FLAC


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15577/how-to-rip-an-audio-cd-to-flac-with-foobar2000/

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