snapchat 登录不上

Snapchat, with it’s disappearing photos, is an easy app for people to abuse. A one-second Snap can be pretty traumatic and impossible to prove happened; unless you’re quick enough to screenshot it, it’s gone as soon as you look at it. If someone is harassing you on Snapchat, here’s how to block them.

带有消失的照片的 Snapchat是易于滥用的简单应用程序。 一秒钟的快照可能会非常痛苦,无法证明是发生了; 除非您足够快地对其进行截图,否则您一看就消失了。 如果有人在Snapchat上骚扰您,请按照以下步骤阻止他们。

Snapchat区块有什么作用? (What Does a Snapchat Block Do?)

Blocking someone on Snapchat:


  • Removes them from your Friends list.从您的朋友列表中删除他们。
  • Removes you from their Friends list.从您的朋友列表中删除您。
  • Blocks them from sending you Snaps and Chats.阻止他们向您发送快照和聊天。
  • Blocks them from seeing your Story.阻止他们查看您的故事。
  • Prevents them re-adding you as a Friend.阻止他们将您重新添加为朋友。

If that sounds like what you want, read on.


如何在Snapchat上阻止某人 (How to Block Someone on Snapchat)

There are a few ways to block someone on Snapchat.


If the person you want to block has recently sent you a Snap, long press on their name in the Chat screen.


Next, tap the Gear icon and then tap Block. Tap Block again.

接下来,点击齿轮图标,然后点击阻止。 再次点击阻止。

They’re now blocked and removed from your friends list.


If the person you want to block hasn’t sent you a Snap recently, go to the Snap screen and swipe down.


Tap My Friends and then long press on the friend you want to block.


Once again, tap the Gear icon followed by Block twice.


Finally, to block someone who’s added you as a Friend but you haven’t added back, go to the Snap screen and swipe down.


This time, tap Added Me and then long press on the name of the person you want to block.


Tap the Gear icon and Block twice to remove them.


如何在Snapchat上解除封锁 (How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat)

To unblock someone on Snapchat, swipe down on the Snap screen and tap the Gear icon.


Scroll down to Account Actions and tap Blocked.


Tap the X next to the person to unblock them.


Once you’ve unblocked them, you’ll need to add them as a friend again.



snapchat 登录不上

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