

create table "informix".secconstitute


id decimal(20,0) not null ,

code varchar(32),

name varchar(64),

sec_id decimal(20,0),

meas_id decimal(20,0),

constitute_type decimal(10,0),

order_no decimal(10,0),

meas_value decimal(22,6),

ttc_therm decimal(22,6),

region_id decimal(10,0),

replicate_flag decimal(10,0),

download_region decimal(10,0),

operator_str varchar(64),

factor_str varchar(64),

if_reverse decimal(3,0),

condi_type decimal(10,0),

primary key (id) constraint "informix".pk_secconstitute

) extent size 64 next size 64 lock mode row;

revoke all on "informix".secconstitute from "public" as "informix";

create unique index "informix".idx_secid_measid_constitutetype_orderno

on "informix".secconstitute (sec_id,meas_id,constitute_type,

order_no) using btree in dbs3;





drop index if exists index_438_1;

create index index_438_1 on secconstitute(sec_id,meas_id,constitute_type,order_no);

drop procedure if exists p4_ti_secconstitute_proc;

create procedure p4_ti_secconstitute_proc() referencing new as new for secconstitute

define v_str varchar(100);

define v_col varchar(100);

define v_sql lvarchar(500);

define v_count int8;

define v_flag int;

let v_col='';

let v_str='';

let v_count=0;

let v_sql='';

if new.sec_id is not null or new.meas_id is not null or new.constitute_type is not null or new.order_no is not null then

if new.sec_id is not null then

let v_col='sec_id';

let v_str='sec_id='||new.sec_id;


let v_col='sec_id';

let v_str='sec_id is null';

end if;

if new.meas_id is not null then

if v_col != '' then

let v_col=v_col||','||'meas_id';


let v_col='meas_id';

end if;

if v_str != '' then

let v_str=v_str||' and meas_id='||new.meas_id;


let v_str='meas_id='||new.meas_id;

end if;


if v_col != '' then

let v_col=v_col||','||'meas_id';


let v_col='meas_id';

end if;

if v_str != '' then

let v_str=v_str||' and meas_id is null';


let v_str='meas_id is null';

end if;

end if;

if new.constitute_type is not null then

if v_col != '' then

let v_col=v_col||','||'constitute_type';


let v_col='constitute_type';

end if;

if v_str != '' then

let v_str=v_str||' and constitute_type='||new.constitute_type;


let v_str='constitute_type='||new.constitute_type;

end if;


if v_col != '' then

let v_col=v_col||','||'constitute_type';


let v_col='constitute_type';

end if;

if v_str != '' then

let v_str=v_str||' and constitute_type is null';


let v_str='constitute_type is null';

end if;

end if;

if new.order_no is not null then

if v_col != '' then

let v_col=v_col||','||'order_no';


let v_col='order_no';

end if;

if v_str != '' then

let v_str=v_str||' and order_no='||new.order_no;


let v_str='order_no='||new.order_no;

end if;


if v_col != '' then

let v_col=v_col||','||'order_no';


let v_col='order_no';

end if;

if v_str != '' then

let v_str=v_str||' and order_no is null';


let v_str='order_no is null';

end if;

end if;

if v_str != '' then

let v_sql='select count(*) from secconstitute where '||v_str||' group by '||v_col;

prepare p from v_sql;

declare c cursor for p;

open c;

fetch c into v_count;

free p;

close c;

free c;

end if;

if v_count >1 then

raise exception -746,0,'Duplicated Sec_Id,Meas_Id,Constitue_Type,Order_No Value Founded!!';

end if;

end if;

end procedure;


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