Emulex LightPulse FC9002L光纤卡安装日志



# tar xvf solaris-6.01c-1a.tar
x EmlxApps300a8-Solaris.tar, 6850560 bytes, 13380 tape blocks
x lpfc-6.01c-sparc.tar, 1848832 bytes, 3611 tape blocks
x readme.first.txt, 953 bytes, 2 tape blocks
# ls
EmlxApps300a8-Solaris.tar  readme.first.txt           ssh-UdjGS369
lpfc-6.01c-sparc.tar       solaris-6.01c-1a.tar
# tar xvf lpfc-6.01c-sparc.tar
x lpfc.1, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/pkgmap, 1814 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/pkginfo, 276 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/install, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/install/copyright, 480 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/install/postinstall, 9336 bytes, 19 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/install/postremove, 2848 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/install/preremove, 1620 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/install/request, 2378 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/install/space, 23 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/etc, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/etc/system, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/kernel, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/kernel/drv, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/kernel/drv/lpfc, 592692 bytes, 1158 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/kernel/drv/lpfc.conf, 10863 bytes, 22 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/kernel/drv/sd.conf, 1185 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/kernel/drv/sparcv9, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/kernel/drv/sparcv9/lpfc, 719064 bytes, 1405 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/include, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/include/fcdiag.h, 18051 bytes, 36 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/lib, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/lib/libdfc.a, 43820 bytes, 86 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/lib/libdfc.so, 42000 bytes, 83 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/lib/sparcv9, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/lib/sparcv9/libdfc.a, 47936 bytes, 94 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/lib/sparcv9/libdfc.so, 51248 bytes, 101 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/sbin, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/sbin/lpfc, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/sbin/lpfc/convert_path_lpfc, 2257 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/sbin/lpfc/dfc, 1050 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/sbin/lpfc/dfc32, 118520 bytes, 232 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/sbin/lpfc/dfc64, 120944 bytes, 237 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/sbin/lpfc/resetqdepth, 1027 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/share, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/share/man, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/share/man/man7d, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x lpfc.1/reloc/usr/share/man/man7d/lpfc.7d, 30587 bytes, 60 tape blocks
# ls
EmlxApps300a8-Solaris.tar  lpfc.1                     solaris-6.01c-1a.tar
lpfc-6.01c-sparc.tar       readme.first.txt           ssh-UdjGS369
# pkgadd -d /tmp

The following packages are available:
  1  lpfc.1     Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI/IP Host Bus Adapter driver
                (sun4u) Release 6.01c

Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:

Processing package instance from

Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI/IP Host Bus Adapter driver
(sun4u) Release 6.01c

lpfc FC SCSI/IP driver

Copyright (c) 2004, Emulex Corporation
            3333 Susan Street, Costa Mesa, CA  92626

All rights reserved.  This product and related documentation is
protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting
its use, copying, distribution and decompilation.  No part of this
product or related documentation may be reproduced in any form. by
any means without prior written authorization of Emulex Corporation
and its licensors, if any.

CAUTION:  The lpfc driver will not work with any release of Solaris/SunOS
earlier than 2.6/5.6.  However, even for later releases, lpfc may
have to be compiled specifically for that release of Solaris.  This
version of lpfc has been built under Solaris/SunOS  for sun4u.

Rebuild manual pages database for section 7d [y,n,?] y

Use IP networking over Fibre Channel [y,n,?] y

Network hostname (for first adapter) [?,q] cluster2
Using as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   11 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.

The following files are already installed on the system and are being
used by another package:

Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q] y
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?] y

Installing Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI/IP Host Bus Adapter driver as

## Installing part 1 of 1.
[ verifying class ]
[ verifying class ]
[ verifying class ]
[ verifying class ]
Modifying /etc/system
Modifying /kernel/drv/sd.conf
[ verifying class ]
## Executing postinstall script.
Updating /kernel/drv/lpfc.conf
Updating /etc/system (moddir)

Configuring /etc/hostname.lpfc0 as cluster2
catman -M //usr/share/man -w 7d
This may take a while ...
Driver lpfc added to system.

IMPORTANT:  You must reboot the system to start this driver.
SCSI:       If you are using lpfc to access disks, be sure to
            check the configuration file of your SCSI target driver
            (presumably sd.conf) to ensure that the driver will
            probe for all of the targets/luns in your environment.
NETWORK:    The first adapter IP network interface
            has been set up with the hostname cluster2.
            To configure additional Lightpulse adapters, simply
            create additional files
            each containing the name of this host from the
            standpoint of that adapter's network.
ALL:        Examine the contents of /kernel/drv/lpfc.conf
            for driver-specific variables and behavior.

Installation of was successful.

Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: q

        This machine must now be rebooted in order to ensure
        sane operation.  Execute
               shutdown -y -i6 -g0
        and wait for the "Console Login:" prompt.

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