
  • 将对象设置成 any类型

    <ul>{data.hits.map((item: any) => (<li key={item.objectID}><a href={item.url}>{item.title}</a></li>))}
  • 通过字符方式获取对象属性

    <ul>{data.hits.map(item => (<li key={item['objectID']}><a href={item['url']}>{item['title']}</a></li>))}
  • 声明断言,强制执行

  • List item

    • {data.hits.map(item => (

TypeScript Property ‘XXX‘ does not exist on type ‘never‘相关推荐

  1. TypeScript Property ‘XXX‘ does not exist on type ‘never‘.

    开发过程中出现这个错误是因为Typescript在执行代码检查时在该对象没有定义相应属性,这个错误不致命,遇到该错误有以下几种解决办法. 1,将对象设置成 any this.targetArray = ...

  2. property xxx does not exist on type Object报错

    在TypeScript中如果按JS的方式去获取对象属性,有时会提示形如Property 'xxx' does not exist on type 'Object'的错误.下文代码中的'xxx'替换成你 ...

  3. 完美解决:Property ‘XXX‘ does not exist on type ‘Window‘

    发生情景: 在app中的h5,app注入了全局的window对象和webview里面的页面交互,打包的时候报了错误. 解决方式: 方法一: (window as any).xxx 方法二: decla ...

  4. Property ‘xxx‘ does not exist on type ‘{ xxx(file: any, fileList: any): void;的报错

    关闭tsconfig.json里的"strict",把 true 改为 false 即可

  5. 响应式编程时出现:error TS2339: Property 'debounceTime' does not exist on type 'Observableany'.

    constructor() {this.searchInput.valueChanges//.debounceTime(500) 无法使用.pipe(debounceTime(1000)).subsc ...

  6. Angular响应式开发中报错Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable'.引用rxjs也没用。

    Angular响应式开发源代码如下: import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs ...

  7. Property ‘next‘ does not exist on type ‘Component<any, {}, any>‘问题的解决方法

    场景:使用antd的Carousel组件时,自定义左右切换按钮,触发组件的next(),prev()方法时报错 错误写法: handleNext(){this.refs.img.next()}< ...

  8. TS2550: Property ‘entries‘ does not exist on type ‘ObjectConstructor‘.

    问题:TS2550: Property 'entries' does not exist on type 'ObjectConstructor'. Do you need to change your ...

  9. Property ‘contentWindow‘ does not exist on type HTMLElement,类型htmlelement上不存在contentwindow属性

    一.问题 Property 'contentWindow' does not exist on type HTMLElement 二.解决方法 /*** Property 'contentWindow ...

  10. Property ngOnInit does not exist on type VisibleFocusDirective

    原因是我把Base focus Directive的OnInit函数删除了: 添加上之后问题消失: 更多Jerry的原创文章,尽在:"汪子熙":


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