Unable to boot device due to insufficient system resources,模拟器起的太多,导致资源不够。解决方案关闭其它模拟器,只使用一个模拟器。






1、首先查看当前权限:launchctl limit

2、修改多文件的限制,也就是修改maxfiles项,使用命令:sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 1024 unlimited //1024是maxfiles项数,根据实际情况来设置

Insufficient resources error when trying to launch a simulator尝试启动模拟器时出现资源不足错误

Launching a simulator can result in an error alert that there are insufficient system resources. This usually occurs when launching a simulator exceeds either the maximum number of active processes or the maximum number of open files. The best solution is to free up resources by closing simulated devices and other Mac applications.启动模拟器会导致系统资源不足的错误警报。当启动模拟器超过活动进程的最大数量或打开文件的最大数量时,通常会发生这种情况。最好的解决方案是通过关闭模拟设备和其他Mac应用程序释放资源
If it is not possible to free up enough resources, you can raise the system limits until the Mac is restarted.如果无法释放足够的资源,可以提高系统限制,直到Mac重新启动。

Note: It is possible to exceed the maximum number of process or the maximum number of open files by launching other programs or opening other files some time after you have launched a simulator. If this occurs, Simulator does not give you a warning. The effects depend on what program is trying to launch the process or open the file.在启动模拟器后的某个时间,通过启动其他程序或打开其他文件,可能会超过最大进程数或最大打开文件数。如果发生这种情况,模拟器不会向您发出警告。效果取决于哪个程序试图启动进程或打开文件。

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