

You can configure a Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) database manually and use the CEI functionality for IBM® Business Process Manager.

About this task

The procedure in this topic describes how to configure a CEI database for use with IBM Business Process Manager.


  1. To create the data store for the CEI event service, run the appropriate command:

    • configEventServiceDB2DB
    • configEventServiceDB2ZOSDB
    • configEventServiceOracleDB
    • configEventServiceSQLServerDB

    Do not create an event service data store for production environments because the performance of persisting events may be impacted.

  2. After generating the database scripts, save your changes using $AdminConfig save. In addition to generating the database scripts, the commands create JDBC resources for the CEI event service to use.
  3. Copy the scripts that you generated to the database server. The directory location for the scripts depends on the scope where the CEI is deployed.
    In a cluster scope, the directory location would be as follows:


    In a server scope, the directory location would be as follows:


    where profile_root is one of the following locations:

    • For AIX: /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/profile_name
    • For Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/profile_name
    • For Solaris: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/profile_name
    • For Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile_name

    For details about default directory conventions, see Default installation directories for the product and profiles

  4. Log into the database server as a user with read and write access on the database. Open a command prompt and initialize the command line interface for the database software. To create the event database, run the script for your database type (for example cr_event_db2 server db2_user).

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