
  • 十、人称代词
    • 10.1 人称代词的分类
    • 10.2 主格人称代词的用法
    • 10.3 宾格人称代词的用法
    • 10.4 物主代词的形式和用法
    • 10.5 反身代词的形式与用法
  • 十一、英文基本主谓一致
    • 11.1 基本规则
    • 11.2 “数量词+名词”结构的主谓一致
  • 十二、副词
    • 12.1 副词的种类
    • 12.2 副词在句中的位置(概述)
    • 12.3 时间副词
    • 12.4 地点副词
    • 12.5 频度副词
    • 12.6 程度副词
    • 12.7 方式副词
    • 12.8 句子副词
    • 12.9 副词的其他位置
  • 十三、介词
    • 13.1 介词的特点
    • 13.2 介词的种类
    • 13.3 表示时间、日期的介词
    • 13.4 表示地点、方向的介词
    • 13.5 表示方式、手段的介词

参考:《英语语法新思维 基础版 第一册》,作者:张满胜,出版社:浙江教育出版社。


10.1 人称代词的分类

单数 单数 单数 复数 复数 复数
第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
主格人称代词 I you he、she、it we you they
宾格人称代词 me you him、her、it us you them
形容词性物主代词 my your his、her、its our your their
名词性物主代词 mine yours his、hers、its ours yours theirs
反身代词 myself yourself himself、herself、itself ourselves yourself themselves

10.2 主格人称代词的用法

  1. 在句中用作主语:

    She is my daughter.

  2. 作并列主语时,主格人称代词的排列顺序:

    • 单数:you最前、he等次之、I最后;如:you,he and I.
    • 复数:we最前、you次之、they等最后;如:we,you and they.
  3. 表示泛指的主格代词:

    • one: one作不定人称代词,意思是“任何人”,包括说话者本人在内。不能用来专指某一个人或某一特定的群体.

      One should always try to help people.


      • 美国英语:一般用he, him, himself或his;
      • 英国英语:常用one, oneself或one’s。

      One can’t succeed unless he/one tries hard.

    • we,you,they:

      We/You/One should never lose heart in face of difficulties.


      they常意为“人们”,例如:they say=people say或it is said。

      They say it is going to be a cold winter. 据说今年冬季会很冷。

  4. she (her)可用于拟人化,表示country, motherland, moon, earth,ship等等:

    The ship lost most of her rigging in the storm.


10.3 宾格人称代词的用法

  1. 主要在句中作宾语:

    • 用在动词后面作直接宾语或间接宾语:

      I like her.(直宾)

      He bought me dinner that day.(间宾)

    • 用作介词宾语:

      I am very fond of him.

  2. 用作表语:

    Who is it? It’s me.


    It was he who helped me when I was in trouble. (he在从句中作主

  3. 主格代词和宾格代词可以作同位语:

    We teachers should be patient with students. (我们即是老师)

    Our teachers are all nice to us students. (我们即是学生)

  4. 宾格代词在句中作宾语的位置:

    • 表示间宾时,通常直接放在直宾之前:

      He bought me a pen as a birthday gift.


      He bought a pen for me as a birthday gift.

    • 如果直宾是人称代词,那么直宾应该紧跟在动词之后,而间宾应该放在句末,且要在前面加介词to或for:

      错误:My boyfriend sent me them.(them是人称代词,应该放在动词后面)

      正确:My boyfriend sent them to me.

      注意!这一规则不适用于不定代词one, some, any, none, something等。

      I’ll show you something. 我给你看一样东西。

    • 宾格代词的位置:


      Hand them in. 把它们交上来。 Throw it away. 把它扔掉。 Pick it up. 把它捡起来。


      Hand your papers in. /Hand in your papers. 把你们的考卷交上

      Throw the trash away. /Throw away the trash. 把垃圾扔掉。

10.4 物主代词的形式和用法

  1. 物主代词其实就是人称代词的所有格形式,表示所有关系,分为:

    • 形容词性物主代词:my your his her its our your their
    • 名词性物主代词:mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
  2. 形容词性物主代词的用法:

    • 必须和名词连用,对名词起限定作用,不能单独使用:

      Your book is over there.

    • 若表示强调,可在形容词性物主代词后边加上own:

      I wish I had my own house.(own作形容词)

  3. 名词性物主代词的用法:

    • 只能单独使用,不与名词连用,目的是为了避免前面出现过的名词再次被重复提到:

      This is not my book. Mine (=My book) is in my bag.

    • of+名词性物主代词:

      a friend of mine=one of my friends a teacher of hers=one of her teachers

10.5 反身代词的形式与用法

  1. 反身代词有:

    myself yourself himself herself itself

    ourselves(复数) yourselves(复数) themselves(复数)

  2. 反身代词用作宾语:


    I cut myself when cooking. 做饭的时候我把自己切到了。

  3. 反身代词可强调主语和宾语,此时self要重读:

    • 强调主语时,反身代词常位于主语之后。

      He himself went to visit the old lady. 是他亲自去看望那个老太太的。


      He went to visit the old lady himself.

    • 强调宾语时,反身代词只能紧跟在宾语后边。

      He saw Tom himself. 他看到汤姆本人了。

      He himself saw Tom. 他亲眼看见了汤姆。

  4. 介词+反身代词:

    • by oneself:单独地,独自一人地:

      I went there by myself. 我自己一人去了那儿。

    • of oneself:自动地,自然而然地:

      The door opened of itself. 门自动开了。


11.1 基本规则


  1. 在一般现在时中,若主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词要加-s或-es(具体变化同名词的单数变复数):

    • 单数第三人称作主语的词:



      人名:John、Bill Gates……

      普通单数名词:my brother、English……

    • 动词的变化:

      动词原型 谓语形式
      be is
      have has
      其他动词,如:work、like、do、go 具体变化同名词的单数变复数,如:works、likes、does、goes
  2. 若主语是单数第一、第二人称或复数,则谓语动词用原形:

    • 单数第一、第二人称或复数作主语的词:




    • 动词的变化:

      动词原型 谓语形式
      be I am、You/We/They are
      have They have
      其他动词 直接用原型
  3. 在助动词或情态动词后面,直接接动词原形:

    She can sing in English.

  4. There be句型是倒装结构,因此谓语动词的单复数要与be动词后面

    There is a book on the desk. There are two books on the desk.

11.2 “数量词+名词”结构的主谓一致




12.1 副词的种类

  1. 时间副词:

    afterwards eventually recently lately soon then now
    at once since then till before early immediately

  2. 地点副词:

    down from in on over out of round away up here
    there somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

  3. 频度副词:

    always continually frequently occasionally often once
    repeatedly sometimes usually ever never rarely seldom

  4. 程度副词:

    absolutely almost barely completely enough entirely extremely
    fairly far hardly just much nearly only quite rather really scarcely so too very

  5. 方式副词:


    bravely calmly fast happily hard well intentionally

  6. 句子副词:


    actually apparently certainly clearly evidently obviously probably undoubtedly definitely primarily
    chiefly basically mainly principally fundamentally normally hopefully

    Basically I am an optimistic person.

    I don’t normally come to work on weekends.

12.2 副词在句中的位置(概述)


  1. I have never been there before.(放在句中的时间副词)
  2. He went away quickly.(放在句末的方式副词)
  3. Yesterday I met her in the park.(放在句首的时间副词)


12.3 时间副词


  1. 种类:

    • 表示确切时间的副词:

      yesterday today now tomorrow

    • 表示不确切时间的副词:

      already recently lately before soon then afterwards

    • 表示时间的副词短语:

      this morning last night in the morning/afternoon/evening

      a week ago three months ago at once in a while in recent days

  2. 在句中的位置:

    • 表示确切时间的副词和表示时间的短语,一般位于句首和句末(更常见):

      Tomorrow I’m leaving for Beijing on a business trip.

      也可以说:I’m leaving for Beijing on a business trip tomorrow.

    • 表示不确切的时间副词可用于句首、句中或句末:

      I’ve recently been busy.

      Recently I have been busy.

      I have been busy recently.

    • before, early, immediately, late通常位于句末:

      I have never heard such a story before.


12.4 地点副词


  1. 种类:

    • 表示方向的地点副词:

      away down in off on over out round up

    • 表示位置的地点副词:

      here there somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

    • 表示地点的介词短语: in the park at home in the street

  2. 在句中的位置:

    • 方向地点副词一般用于“位置地点副词/介词短语”之前:

      He often walks around in the garden after supper.

    • 两个表示位置的介词短语连用时,较大的地点位于句末:

      He works in a foreign-funded company in Beijing.

    • 方向地点副词away,down,in,off,on,over,out,round,up,here,there可以用于倒装结构而放在句首。这时有两种倒装结构:

      • 副词+动态动词+名词主语:

        Here comes the teacher.

        There goes your bus. 你要坐的那趟车刚开走。

      • 副词+代词主语+动态动词:

        Away they went. 他们离开了。

        Here he comes. 他来了。

    • 与上面的倒装结构类似,down,from,in,on,over,out of,round,up等用作介词时,引导的表示地点的介词短语用在句首,句子采用全部倒装结构(介词短语+动词+主语):

      From the trees hang a lot of monkeys. 树上有很多猴子。

      Down the street stand a lot of shops. 这条街道商店林立。


12.5 频度副词


  1. 种类:

    • 表示确切频率的副词或短语:

      daily weekly monthly yearly/annually twice a week/month/year

    • 表示不确切频率的副词:


      always often usually sometimes occasionally frequently continually repeatedly once ever


      never rarely seldom

  2. 在句中的位置:

    • 表示不确切频率的副词通常用在句中,但确切位置与动词形式有关:

      • 用在实义动词之前,be(am,is,are,was,were)动词和助动

        I often do some shopping on weekends.

        She is often late for school.

      • 若句中的谓语动词由多个部分组成(如:will be done,should
        have done等),这时副词一般要放在第一个助动词之后。

        This project will never be finished.

      • 在加强语气的句子中,一般是放在第一个助动词或be动词之前。

        You really will get a reward one day. 总有一天你会遭到报应的。

      • 在只有助动词而省去了实义动词的句子中,副词一定要放在这个

        You should have known better than to trust him. 你早就应该知道他这个人靠不住。
        I never will. (省去了trust him)我今后再也不会相信他了。

      • 副词也要用在省略了表语的be动词之前。

        I hear that his American girlfriend used to be his English teacher. 我听说他的美国女友曾是他的英语老师。

        No, she never was. 不,她从来不曾是。

    • 有些表示不确切频率的副词也可以用于句首或句末:

      Often/Sometimes/Usually I work late into the night. 我常常/有时/通常工作到深夜。

    • 表示确切频率的副词一般只能用于句末:

      Milk is delivered daily. 牛奶每天都送来。

    • always可在句末,但不能放在句首,除非用在祈使句中。

      You always make the same mistakes.

      You make the same mistakes always.


      Always remember not to argue with your boss.

    • 在否定句中,一般always要放在not之后;而often,sometimes,usually要放在not之前。

    • 否定频度副词never,rarely,seldom:

      • 不能再与否定词not连用。

      • 一般只用在句中。若放在句首,则句子要用部分倒装。

        I have never heard such a story. 我从来没听说过这样的故事。

        Never have I heard such a story.


12.6 程度副词


  1. 种类:

    absolutely almost completely enough entirely extremely
    fairly far just much nearly only rather really so too very quite

    表示否定:barely scarcely hardly

  2. 在句中的位置:

    • 一般直接放在所修饰的对象之前。

      You are absolutely wrong. 你绝对错了。

    • enough是个例外,它要放在所修饰的形容词或副词之后。

      He is not old enough to go to school. 他还没到上学的年龄。

    • barely, scarcely, hardly不能与否定词连用。

  3. 可修饰名词的程度副词:

    quite only even particularly especially almost rather


    quite a nice day 天气不错

    rather a long way/a rather long way 相当长的一段路

12.7 方式副词


  1. 方式副词的种类:


    如:bravely calmly fast happily hard well intentionally

  2. 在句中的位置:

    • 通常在动词后边。

      He went away quickly.

    • 当动词带有宾语时,放在宾语在前,副词后置。

      I can’t speak English well.

    • 若动词后面的成分很长,为避免副词与它所修饰的动词距离太远,将副词放在动词前面。

      He firmly believes that he will succeed. 他坚信自己一定能取得成功。

    • 在“动词+介词+宾语”结构里,方式副词可用于宾语后或介词前。

      The class is listening carefully to the teacher.

    • 方式副词要放在被动分词之前。

      I was badly paid in that company after I had just graduated.


12.8 句子副词


  1. 表明说话的角度:

    Geologically, a thousand years is a short time.(geologically就是句子副词,来修饰后边整个句子。)


    Nutritionally, fats and oils are an important source of energy.



    economically(从经济学角度来讲) objectively(客观地说)

    philosophically(从哲学角度来讲) Scientifically(从科学角度来讲)


  2. 表达说话人的态度:

    actually apparently certainly clearly evidently
    obviously presumably probably undoubtedly definitely
    primarily chiefly basically mainly principally
    fundamentally normally hopefully

    Frankly, I think he is dishonest. 老实说,我觉得他这人不够诚实。


    I am basically an optimistic person. 我基本上是个乐观的人。

  3. 位置不一样可能会导致意思变化:

    Happily,he didn’t die. (happily修饰整个句子)


    He didn’t die happily. (happily修饰动词die,用作一个方式副词)


12.9 副词的其他位置

  1. 多个副词出现在句末时,一般采用如下顺序:方式副词+地点副词+时间副词。

  2. 确定性副词和不确定性副词,如:probably,possibly,perhaps,certainly,definitely,surely等,通常不用于句末,而是用于句首和句中。

    He has probably not been there before.

    I definitely know how to deal with this matter.



13.1 介词的特点

  1. 介词的宾语(用在介词后):


  2. 与介词搭配的词(用在介词前):

    与介词连用,置于介词前面的词主要有动词(如depend on)、名词(如pay attention to)和形容词(如be kind to)。

  3. 介词是英语词类中的一种虚词,不能独立在句中充当句子成分。但介词与其宾语一起构成介词短语以后,就可以在句中充当多种句子成分。可以作主语、补足语、定语和状语等。

  4. 介词的作用:


13.2 介词的种类

  1. 简单介词(simple preposition):

    at by for from in near of off on

  2. 复合介词(compound preposition):

    inside into onto outside throughout upon within without

    from above   from behind   from beneath from under  until after  except for

  3. 短语介词(phrasal preposition):

    at the cost of at the mercy of at odds with by means of

    by reason of by virtue of by way of in place of

    in favor of in spite of with an eye to


    in/with reference to in/with respect to in/with regard to

13.3 表示时间、日期的介词

  1. at(主要表示时间点):

    • 表示某一特定时刻:

      如:at nine a.m. 在上午九点钟 at nine after ten在十点零九分

    • 表示不确定的某一时刻:

      如:at night at dawn at midnight at that time at the moment

      at the beginning/end of at Christmas在圣诞节期间

      at Easter在复活节期间

      注意:on Christmas Day 在圣诞节当天

    • 用来表示年龄段:

      如:at the age of eight/at eight

  2. in(主要表示时间段):

    • 一般指在相对较长的一段时间内:

      in the morning/afternoon/evening

      in spring/summer/autumn/winter

      in the past/in the past ten years 在过去/在过去十年中

    • 表示“在……时间之内/之后”,通常用于将来时态中:

      He said he would come back in a month. 他说他一个月后回来。

    • in+动名词:in doing sth.,意思相当于:during the course of doing sth.,即“在做……的过程当中”:

      In working, we can learn a lot.

  3. on(主要表示具体的某一天):

    • 表示具体的日期和星期:

      on Monday on my birthday

    • 表示特定某一天的上午、下午、凌晨或半夜等:

      on the night/morning/afternoon of December 31, 1999

      on the eve of Christmas/New Year

    • 表示“在第几天”:

      On the tenth day I was in Beijing.

    • on+动名词或名词:on doing sth.,意思相当于when somebody does sth.或as soon as somebody does sth.,即“在做……的时候”或“一……就……”:

      On arriving, I came directly to visit you.

    • in the beginning/end与at the beginning/end:

      • at the beginning表示“在……的开头”:

        at the beginning of the concert

      • in the beginning意思相当于at first或in the early stages,“在最初,起初”,暗含着以后会有所变化:

        In the beginning, I wrote to my family regularly; later I just gave up.  一开始,我定期给家里写信,后来就不写了。

      • at the end表示“在……末尾,在……最后”:

        at the end of the concert 演奏会的尾声

      • in the end则与in the beginning相对应,表示“最终……”,相当于eventually或at last:

        He got more and more angry. In the end he just walked out of the room.  他越来越生气,最后径直走出房间。

    • last/next/this/every前不用at/on/in:

      I’ll see you next Friday. (不说:on next Friday)

  4. during和for表示一段时间后面接表示“时间段”的名词:

    • during表示“在……期间内”,强调在某一期间发生了什么事。

      I had lived in the countryside for 8 years before I moved to Beijing.


    • during可接表示事件延续一段时间的名词,如stay,visit,travel等;for一般不能这样用。

      during my visit to China 在我访问中国期间 during the Middle Ages 在中世纪

    • for一般只接具体的时间量:

      for six years for two months for ever for two hours

  5. from、since、for:

    • from通常要和介词to或till/until连用:

      Most people work from eight to eight. 多数人过着朝八晚八的生活。

    • since+时间点,表示“从那一时刻起”,事件开始发生,它通常要与现在完成时或过去完成时连用:

      He has been here since last Sunday. 自从上星期日起,他就一直在这儿。

    • for+时间段,表示动作延续到说话的那一时刻。通常也要与现在完成时或过去完成时连用:

      I have lived here for a year.

  6. before、after、till/untill:


    We finished the work before 10 o’clock.


    • 延续性句子谓语(用肯定)+till/until+时间点(若是从句,则从句中的谓语动词是短暂性动词)

      He will stay here until next Sunday. (stay延续性动词,用肯定)

    • 短暂性句子谓语(用否定)+till/until+时间点(若是从句,则从

      He didn’t finish the work until 10 o’clock. (finish短暂性动词,用否

  7. by:

    • by的意思是no later than,表示“不迟于某个时间”、“到了某个时

      by the end of next year 到明年年底为止

    • by引导的时间状语常与将来完成时态或过去完成时态连用:

      By the end of next year I’ll have learned 2,000 words. (将来完成
      By the end of last year I had learned 2,000 words. (过去完成时)

13.4 表示地点、方向的介词

  1. 此类介词有:

    at in on over above under below beneath before in front of
    after behind about around round out out of outside outside of

  2. at、in:

    • 在表示地点或场所时,一般in表示较大的地方;at表示较小的地方。

      at home at the office at school at the bridge

      in a country in a town in a village in the street

    • 其他in的常用形式:

      in a line/in a row/in a queue
      in a photo/in a picture
      in a mirror
      in the sky/in the world
      in a book/in a newspaper/in a magazine/in a letter
      in the front/back row (但也可以说:at the front/back)
      in the front/back of the car
      (at the front/back of the building/cinema/classroom)

    • 用in或at来谈论建筑物时,通常用at表示某事发生的场合;用in往往表示建筑物本身情形。

      I met him at the cinema last night. 我昨晚在电影院见到他了。

      I enjoyed the film but it was very cold in the cinema.


      at the restaurant 可以是在餐馆里面,也可以是在餐馆附近。
      in the restaurant 强调在餐馆里面。

  3. on、over、above:


    • on表示两事物表面接触。

      There is somebody at the door. Shall I go and see who it is?

      There is a notice on the door. It says “Do Not Disturb”.

    • on的其他情形:

      on the left/on the right
      on the first/second floor(在一/二楼) on a map
      on the page/on Page Seven(但说:at the top/bottom of the page)
      on the menu on the list on a farm on the way to school
      on the corner of the street(但也可以说:in the corner of the room)

    • over表示两事物不仅有接触,还有有覆盖的含义:

      Spread the cloth over the table.


      There is a lamp over the desk. 桌子正上方有个电灯。

    • above仅表示上下方位关系,且事物表面不接触,也不是“正上方”:

      He is over me.=He is my immediate superior.
      He is above me. 他是我的上司。(一般不是直接上司)

  4. below,under,beneath:

    • under表示“在……下方”,两物体可以接触,也可以不接触。

      The dog is groveling under the table.

    • below则一般表示在两个表面之间间隔一定的距离。

      They live below us.

    • beneath可用来替换under,但在表示抽象含义时,最好用beneath。

      She married beneath her. 她嫁给了一个比她社会地位低的人。

13.5 表示方式、手段的介词

  1. by,后面接动名词或不带冠词的单数名词:

    • 表示行为方式:

      send something by post do something by hand
      pay by check/by credit card (但“现金支付”要说:pay in cash)

      by mistake/by accident/by chance (但“故意地”要说:on purpose)

    • 接交通工具:

      by car by train by plane/air by boat/sea/ship by bus by bicycle
      by metro/subway/underground (但要说:on foot

      • 不说by a car*,by my car*,by the car,但说:in a car,in my car,in the car。

      • car, taxi前用介词in。

        They didn’t come in their car. They came in a taxi.

      • 自行车和公共交通设施前使用on。

        on the train/by train, on his bicycle/by bicycle

    • 表示通过某种手段以达到预期的结果。(与with相区别)

      We succeeded by cooperating with them.


  2. with,主要是表示用具体的工具做某事。with接单数可数名词时,需要带

    I killed a fly with a flyflap. 我用苍蝇拍打死了一只苍蝇。

  3. in,表示以某种方式做某事:

    Write in pencil. Speak in a low voice. Express this in your own words.

  4. through,其用法与by相近,只是through一般多跟名词连用,by则多与动名词搭配:

    They talked to each other through an interpreter.
    y accident/by chance (但“故意地”要说:on purpose)

    • 接交通工具:
      by car by train by plane/air by boat/sea/ship by bus by bicycle

      by metro/subway/underground (但要说:on foot

      • 不说by a car*,by my car*,by the car,但说:in a car,in my car,in the car。

      • car, taxi前用介词in。

        They didn’t come in their car. They came in a taxi.

      • 自行车和公共交通设施前使用on。

        on the train/by train, on his bicycle/by bicycle

    • 表示通过某种手段以达到预期的结果。(与with相区别)

      We succeeded by cooperating with them.


  5. with,主要是表示用具体的工具做某事。with接单数可数名词时,需要带

    I killed a fly with a flyflap. 我用苍蝇拍打死了一只苍蝇。

  6. in,表示以某种方式做某事:

    Write in pencil. Speak in a low voice. Express this in your own words.

  7. through,其用法与by相近,只是through一般多跟名词连用,by则多与动名词搭配:

    They talked to each other through an interpreter.

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